Radioamateurs du Nord-Vaudois

blog of the year

BLOG of the year(ブログ・オブ・ザ・イヤー)は、2006年からサイバーエージェントが主催している、その年で最も注目されたブログを決めるコンテストである。 なお、対象はアメーバブログに限られる The year in numbers. As of 22 December, our blog has been read 174,348 times this year, averaging out at about 15,000 blog views per month. This month, we introduce diffusion champion, Michelle Lucatorto, … The Spring Festival is coming soon (春节快到了 chūn jié kuài dào le). Kid-friendly St. Patrick's Day Charcuterie Board This year is booking along, friends and St. Patrick's Day is right around the corner. We have shared some fun St. Patrick's Day ideas to do with the kids in other years--try making End of the Rainbow St. Patrick's Day pancakes or crafting a DIY leprechaun trap for some lucky magic! The official Intuit blog, exploring everything from our culture of innovation, social responsibility initiatives, company news, deep dives into emerging tech, … With over 80,000 nurses throughout the VA health system, we are the largest employer of nurses in the nation. Founded by Remez Sasson – 15th on the list of top motivational blogs is Success Consciousness, where he writes about skills, inner powers, improvement and positivity. The word of the Lord through Kenneth Copeland is that 2021 will be “the Year of the Local Church. We’re entering the Year of the Ox (牛年 niú nián), which I’m pretty excited about as it’s my year! As shown below, the majority of our readers come from the UK, but the blog has been read by people from 191 different countries and territories, including Yemen, South Sudan, Guatemala, Andorra and Vanuatu. This year, we’re going BIGGER again! You can follow along with the Free Sewcialites Quilt Along on our blog and YouTube Channel. Last year’s event, which was in partnership with TikTok, saw more than 15,000 influencers nominated and the night itself had a social reach of more than 15,000,000. Success Consciousness. This year, the Chinese New Year falls on February 12th. Okay, so before I began the Year of the Blog I wanted to start a blog called The Cosmological Principles which was a blog about cosmology and problems in Astronomy, but written by a self-righteous jerk. A blue and white quilt is surely on the Horizon for this Sewcialites pattern! I can’t believe it’s been 12 years since I celebrated my first Spring Festival in China. Brother Copeland says, “That’s where the glory is going to fall in 2021—in the local churches that are preaching, teaching and healing, and going strong with … Blog #363: Making Sense of the Millennium Falcon’s Kessel Run. VHA Innovation Ecosystem and the Office of Nursing Services are proud to celebrate the Year of the Nurse by highlighting a unique, nurse-led innovation or promising practice each month for the remainder of 2020. Founded by Jeff Moore – The Everyday Power Blog is all about being able to become the best version of yourself, and Jeff is giving you both the tools and inspiration you need to get started.. 15. One year later: The path to carbon negative – a progress report on our climate ‘moonshot’ Jan 25, 2021 | Judson Althoff - Executive Vice President, Worldwide Commercial Business How customers accelerated industry innovation during a year of disruptive change: A look back on 2020 Check out each of these patterns to make with the Horizon Color of the Year precuts (Roll Up, Charm Packs, and 10″ Squares) and yardage.

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