göta kanal cruises
HAUSBOOT-FERIEN. Juno er verdens eldste skip med kahytter, som fremdeles er i drift. Borensberg at 13.30 Dep. The classic canal journey, since 1984, with hundreds of thousands of satisfied passengers. Experience the best of Göta Canal during three days onboard M/S Wilhelm Tham. In both cases, you’ll navigate the Göta Kanal, one of the jewels of Swedish heritage, dug in the first half of the 19th century. Göta kanals perler. We’ll give you all the tips for captaining your rental houseboat at our Sjötorp or Söderköping base. Three magnificent ships (M/S Diana, M/S Juno and M/S Wilhelm Tham) dating back to the 1800s, offer stunning views over the Swedish countryside. The fairway is open from May to September but you can visit Göta Canal all year round. Während der Schwedenreise legt das Schiff jeden Abend an einer Anlagestelle an, wodurch Sie den gesamten Wasserweg am Tag genießen können. Vacation in Sweden 2019 . Lämna vardagens stress bakom dig och kliv ombord på en kryssning som kommer att ta dig mellan två av Sveriges största städer, det på en av världens märkligaste vattenvägar, Göta Kanal. Stockholm -> Göteborg Göteborg -> Stockholm (4 dager) Vår klassiske reise på Göta kanal med M/S Juno har eksistert siden rederiet ble grunnlagt i 1869. On board, guests enjoy fantastic views, food on board and guided tours along the route. Dep. Stay by the waterfront at hotels, youth hostels, motorhome spaces or campsites. 10 % off your cruise when you book online by 31st March 2021. Experience the whole route in daylight! Gota Canal Cruise, Sweden Cruise, Europe River Cruise. Fax: +46-11105583, E-mail: bokningen@royalcruiseline.se The canal remains popular with recreational boaters, but if you'd rather be a cruiser than a captain, you're in luck: the Göta Canal Steamship Company offers two- to six-day cruises aboard three vintage ships: the Juno (launched in 1874), Wilhelm Tham (1912), and Diana (1931). EuroRiverCruises.com. Lock your own pleasure boat through the magnificent landscape, join one of the passenger boats or book one of all bicycle packages along the canal. Travel serenely past medieval churches, picturesque towns and lush forests through the heartland of Sweden, passing through 66 locks, one river, eight lakes and two seas. Daily cruises during May 9 - September 19, 2021. Specially gift certificate, low-price departures and last-minute trips. Groups of at least 20 people: 10% discount. Ihr Namensgeber war ein Industrieller (1876-1911). Bookings/product purchases are made directly with the product owner whose name is stated on the booking. Two-day cruises This is a cruise through the lovely Östgöta section of the Göta Canal, journeying from Motala on the shore of the Lake Vänern to the idyllic town of Söderköping or in reverse. Bitte wählen Sie die gewünschten … nicko cruises Reisebüro-Partner nehmen automatisch mit jeder Buchung an dem Partner-Bonusprogramm teil und sammeln pro Euro Umsatz einen Punkt. Die Residenz-Stadt des schwedischen Königspaares wurde auf 14 Inseln erbaut und durch 53 Brücken miteinander verbunden. Vi har elvecruise på Donau, Rhinen, Douro og mange andre elver i både Europa og resten av verden.v Contact the shipping company for prices and dates. 4.4K likes. Der Göta Kanal ist eine der bekanntesten und meist besuchten Touristenattraktionen Schwedens und wurde zum Schwedischen Bauwerk des Jahrtausends ernannt. The canal is a total of 190 km long, 87 km of which were dug by hand. Booking Request. View Tour. Opplev et eksklusivt cruise på klassiske skip gjennom Sveriges vakre landskap. The Göta Canal Steamship Company was founded on February 27, 1869, under the name Ångfartygsaktiebolaget Motala Ström. Ruhe, Natur und Wohlbefinden während das Schiff durch den Göta Kanal und die Seen gleitet. Each ship has a meticulously maintained lounge and dining room, offering delicious traditional Swedish meals and a different view each evening. Bekijk meer ideeën over cruise, stockholm, scheepslift. This website requires that javascript is enabled. Göta kanal. Dine in restaurants or have a traditional Swedish fika at one of the cafes. Informationen zur Reederei GÖTA-KANAL-REDERI-AB. Evening cruises with prawns and music entertainment on Lake Roxen. The Göta Canal ranks among the biggest construction projects ever completed in Sweden. Use the Gota Canal Steamship Co Ltd cruise schedule calendar below to find a Gota Canal Steamship Co Ltd cruise sailing by destination, departure port, or on a specific Gota Canal Steamship Co Ltd cruise ship. Your houseboat will thus be a place of fun and discovery. Göta Kanal Kataloge; Hapag-Lloyd Cruises Kataloge; Ponant Kataloge; Regent Seven Seas Cruises Kataloge; Scenic Kataloge; Seabourn Kataloge; Sea Cloud Cruises Kataloge; SeaDream Kataloge; Silversea Cruises Kataloge; The World Kataloge; Online-Kataloge; Kontakt. BEST SELLER From $1,655 USD May 23 - August 27, 2019 4 Days / 3 Nights. Til cruiset. Here are our three favorite cruises on Göta Canal. Katalogauswahl. 1AVista Reisen. On the journey you will pass through 66 water locks, one … Buchen Sie bei uns die besten Göta-Kanal Flusskreuzfahrten, alle Göta-Kanal Schiffe wie die MS Diana, die MS Wilhelm Tham und die MS Juno und Routen zum besten Tagespreis. Round trip: SEK 645 One way: SEK 545. 23.20 - 08.45 The Baltic. Besøk til slott og kulturminnesmerker. In den Jahren 1810-1832 transportierten 58.000 Soldaten etwa 300.000 Kubikmeter Steine und Erde, um den drei Meter tiefen und rund 14 Meter breiten Kanal auszuheben. Each ship has a meticulously maintained lounge and dining room, offering delicious traditional Swedish meals and a different view each evening. This is a cruise through the lovely Östgöta section of the Göta Canal, journeying from Motala on the shore of the Lake Vänern to the idyllic town of Söderköping or in reverse. Groups of at least 20 people: 10% discount. SILVERSEA CRUISES. The Göta Canal is one of the most interesting waterways connecting Sweden's two largest cities Stockhom and Gothenburg Here you will find all the information you need about Gota canal cruises, life on board, and sightseeing excursions during the journey. The new operation exceeded expectations, and two more boats were built, called Venus and Juno. On our cruises you can to enjoy excellent food and wine, beautiful scenery and meet new aquaintances from all over the world! Rederi AB Göta Kanal is taking the spread of the Covid-19 virus very seriously and together with you we are doing everything in our power to stop the virus from spreading. If the Travel Conditions are contradictory, the General Travel Terms shall apply, unless the Special Travel Terms are more beneficial to the traveller. Travel organizer - contact the shipping company for more information. Classic 4-day cruise aboard from Gothenburg to Stockholm. for information! Der Göta-Kanal ist die 1832 eröffnete Wasserstraße, die die beiden Großstädte Göteborg und Stockholm und damit auch die West- und Ostküste des Landes miteinander verbindet. All trips must be booked in advance! Erleben Sie den ganzen Göta Kanal in sechs Tagen auf der M/S Diana, dem jüngsten Schiff der Reederei. Sweden’s Göta Canal Cruise, Gothenburg-Stockholm: May 18, 26 June 4, 12, 21, 30 July 8, 16, 25 August 2, 11, 19. Discover the iconic Göta Kanal with its Berg locks from Sjötorp to Söderköping on Sweden’s east coast and experience some of the country’s 100,000 lakes. Den strekker seg langs en elv, flere kanaler og over to store innsjøer mellom Sveriges to største byer, Gøteborg og Stockholm. September: Please call our Booking Dep. Experience the whole route in daylight! Die 1916 erbaute Schleuse bei Lilla Edet, welche in ursprünglicher Form bereits 1607, als erste schwedische Schleuse, eingeweiht wurde. A cruise through the beautiful Östgöta section of the canal and overnight stay at the locks of Berg. Germany. Vi opplever hele strekningen i dagslys! Mobile: +46-705399148 Göta-Kanal Flusskreuzfahrten. Sweden's - Gota Kanal - Goteborg to Stockholm. Welcome to Göta Canal, one of Sweden's largest constructions and visitor destinations. S weden's Göta Canal has connected the cities of Stockholm and Gothenburg since 1832. Kontakt; Reiseanfrage; Newsletter; Katalogbestellung Göta Kanal . The canal is 190 km (120 mi) long, of which 87 km (54 mi) were dug or blasted, with a width varying between 7–14 m (23–46 ft) and a maximum depth of about 3 m (9.8 ft). Göta Canal Cruise Sweden. Die Fahrten durch Südschweden auf dem Göta-Kanal gehören zu den schönsten Schiffsreisen der Welt. Frequently Asked Questions about Göta Canal. Der Göta Kanal ist vom Mai bis September geöffnet. All offer scenic summer cruises of Sweden's Gota Canal, a 19th-century waterway connecting Stockholm and Gothenburg. 1 talking about this. Website: www.rscl.se, Schedule for the season 2021 The 8th of May to 19th of September, Göta Canal Cruise, Berg - Borensberg - Berg, Children 0-6 year: freeChildren 6-12 year: half price. Kontakt; Reiseanfrage; Newsletter; Online-Kataloge . Welcome to Göta Canal, one of Sweden's largest constructions and visitor destinations. So können verschiedene Stufen erreicht werden von GO, über PRO, TOP und STAR. Die M/S Wilhelm Tham ist das zweitälteste Schiff der Reederei Göta Kanal und kam 1914 in den Besitz der Reederei. The six-day Grand Sweden Cruise on the Göta Canal is our absolute premium cruise and a particular favorite of our international guests looking for an unforgettable way of experiencing the Swedish nature and culture. 601 04 Norrköping Bli med på vårt lengste cruise på Göta kanal med M/S Diana. We have carefully maintained and preserved the charm of our classic canal boats. 1.1 The organiser undertakes responsibility towards the traveller for claims they are entitled to make, pursuant to the agreement. Harbour basin Berg 19.00 Arr. Hier inden Sie auch alle Göta-Kanal Specials und Göta-Kanal Lastminute Reisen. Guided excursions and full board is always included. A cruise on the Göta Canal is a journey through Swedish history and culture. Brunneby Musteri is a small family business with northern Europe's most extensive range of fine quality natural produ... |Translated by Google translation| Flussreisen mit Göta-Kanal, bedeutet Luxuskreuzfahrten in Schweden für kleines Geld. Rederiet har tre skip. Die Rederi AB Göta Kanal bietet vier Kreuzfahrten mit jeweils einem der historischen Schiffe an, darunter die „Grand Sweden Cruise“ über sechs Tage und die „Classic Canal Tour“ über vier Tage, die jährlich zwischen Mai und September stattfinden und Göteborg an der Westküste Schwedens mit der Hauptstadt Stockholm an der Ostküste verbinden. On 26th Sept. 1832, the Göta Canal was inaugurated at Mem amid great pomp and circumstance in the presence of King Karl XIV Johan and his family. Göta Kanal Kataloge; Hapag-Lloyd Cruises Kataloge; Ponant Kataloge; Regent Seven Seas Cruises Kataloge; Scenic Kataloge; Seabourn Kataloge; Sea Cloud Cruises Kataloge; SeaDream Kataloge; Silversea Cruises Kataloge; The World Kataloge; Online-Kataloge; Kontakt. Wilhelm Thams första resa på Göta kanal 2014. Three magnificent ships (M/S Diana, M/S Juno and M/S Wilhelm Tham) dating back to the 1800s, offer stunning views over the Swedish countryside. Travel Sweden's Blue Ribbon, pass two aqueducts, 66 remarkable locks, enjoy guided tours. 1 THE AGREEMENT. The Göta Canal Steamship Company was founded on February 27, 1869, under the name Ångfartygsaktiebolaget Motala Ström. Borensberg at 14.00 Arr. A-ROSA Stay by the waterfront at hotels, youth hostels, motorhome spaces or campsites. We also... Ratings and reviews powered by TripAdvisor. Diana, Wilhelm Tham og Juno, som alle er omsorgsfullt restaurert for å bevare den tidstypiske atmosfæren. In a tranquil pace we pass beautiful landscapes, idyllic small towns and stop for guided tours. Stockholm -> GothenburgGothenburg -> Stockholm(4 days)This route with M/S Juno has been maintained since the company was founded in 1869. Safe booking - free re-booking to another available date during 2021 up to 20 days prior to departure when booking the same type of cruise and cabin category. From where are you travelling: Find trip. Den klassiske kanalreisen. 4.4K likes. Special Travel Conditions for Rederi AB Göta Kanal are written in italics. 1. Göta-Kanal Flusskreuzfahrten – Städte und Sehenswertes Viele Routen einer Göta-Kanal Flusskreuzfahrt beginnen oder enden in der Hauptstadt Schwedens, „ Stockholm “. Zahlen und Fakten zur Schifffahrt auf dem Göta Kanal. 15.10.2020 - Spürbare Corona-Auswirkungen auch in der zweiten Hälfte 2020 Phoenix verkauft Albatros an die „Pick Albatros Gruppe“ Kanalen är 190 kilometer lång och har 58 slussar. Your pleasure is key for all our cruises on the Göta Canal. Good to know. Mat og vin i øverste klasse. Travelling onboard one of the historical ships is a unique experience and feels like journeying into another world. Home: About Euro River Cruises ... the last narrow lock before Slätbaken, an inlet of the Baltic, we leave the Göta Canal. Göta kanal är ett av Sveriges största byggnadsprojekt genom tiderna. Classic 4-day cruise aboard from Gothenburg to Stockholm. The Göta Canal is a Swedish canal constructed in the early 19th century. Bo kanalnära på hotell, pensionat, vandrarhem eller camping, och ät gott på restauranger och caféer. Der Kanal hat eine Länge von 190,5 km, wovon die 87,3 km lange tatsächliche Kanalstrecke zwischen den fünf verbundenen Seen von 58.000 schwedischen Soldaten gegraben wurde. Wählen Sie selbst, ob Sie die Kanalreise von Göteborg nach Stockholm oder umgekehrt machen möchten. Along the route there is so much to see, one can really say that with us, the journey is more important than the destination. All the information you need before you start your cruise, including maps, quays and embarkation instructions to suggested clothing and excursions. Göta Kanal Cruise - Sweden. Der Göta Kanal ist eine der originellsten Wasserstraßen der Welt und eine viel besuchte Attraktion in Schweden. Facts. Three magnificent ships (M/S Diana, M/S Juno and M/S Wilhelm Tham) dating back to the 1800s, offer stunning views over the Swedish countryside. Göta Kanal, Göteborg (Gothenburg). Elvecruise – opplev flere reisemål på én og samme tur. Göta Kanal Charter är det ledande företaget inom båtuthyrning på Göta kanal. BEST SELLER From $1,655 USD May 23 - August 27, 2019 4 Days / 3 Nights. 1-800-722-4126 . Cruise on the Göta Canal (Göta Kanal) in Sweden on one of the most remarkable waterways in the world. Swedish history and tradition are alive on board the M/S Juno, M/S Wilhelm Tham, and M/S Diana cruising on the Göta Canal between Stockholm and Göteborg (Gothenburg). Göta kanal. Canal cruises with M/S Juno, M/S Diana and M/S Wilhelm Tham on the Göta Canal, one of the most remarkable waterways ever built. Von Göteborg nach Stockholm. Box 274 The Göta Canal is one of the most fascinating canals in the world and one of the communication links between Stockholm and Gothenburg. The new operation exceeded expectations, and two more boats were built, called Venus and Juno. Cruise on the Gota Canal - an experience for all the senses! This is the right alternative cruise for anyone wishing to try a canal cruise in a somewhat smaller format. Für viele ist es gerade in Corona-Zeiten ein Traum: einmal mit dem Schiff quer durch Schweden. Lämna vardagens stress bakom dig och kliv ombord på en kryssning som kommer att ta dig mellan två av Sveriges största städer, det på en av världens märkligaste vattenvägar, Göta Kanal. Die nostalgischen Fahrten durch Südschweden auf dem Göta-Kanal gehören zu den schönsten Schiffsreisen der Welt. Stroll the large sandy beach at Lake Vattern in Motala, treasure hunt at Kalsborg’s fortress, visit the castle at Vadstena or enjoy one of the swimming spots at Töreboda. Flusskreuzfahrt auf dem Göta Kanal in Schweden - Mit dem historischen Flussdampfer sind wir unterwegs auf dem Göta Kanal in Schweden. The Göta Canal (Swedish: Göta kanal) is a Swedish canal constructed in the early 19th century. Number of passengers: 150Fully licensed restaurant.Charter trafficMay - September 2021Charter your own ship for a party, conference or wedding.Contact the shipping company for more information. Gota Canal: Wonderful prawn cruise on Göta Kanal on the boat "Wasa Lejon" - See 136 traveler reviews, 154 candid photos, and great deals for Sweden, at Tripadvisor. Guided cruise on the M/S Wasa Lejon from Berg with its world-famous locks to Borensberg. Göta Kanal Cruise - Sweden. Public transportation. What restaurants are near Göta Canal? Over the course of four days, you’ll enjoy a journey on the famous Göta Canal aboard the M/S Juno; built in 1874, the M/S Juno today is the world’s oldest registered cruise ship with overnight accommodation. M/S Diana or M/S Wilhelm Tham takes you from Gothenburg to Stockholm or the other way around, Sweden’s two largest cities and unmissable tourist destinations in their own right. Dette. Berg - Borensberg - BergDep. 19-jun-2017 - Zesdaagse cruise door het Gotacanal van Gotenborg naar Stockholm. … Ein Wasserweg von etwas mehr als 600 Kilometern, er verbindet die beiden größten Städte des Landes. Reederei: AB Götakanal Veranstalter: Aviation & Tourism Baujahr: 1874 (Denkmalschutz seit 2004) Länge/Breite/Tiefgang: 31,45m/6,68m/2,72m Passagiere/Kabinen: 58/29 Stromspannung: 220V Zahlungsmittel: Schwedische Kronen & Kreditkarten (Visa/Master/American Express/EuroCard) Bordsprachen: Deutsch, Englisch, Schwedisch Ihre Kabine Die Kabinen sind stilvoll mit Messingdetails … Opplev et eksklusivt cruise på klassiske skip gjennom Sveriges vakre landskap. Göta Kanal Kreuzfahrten vom unabhängigen Spezialisten Reisebüro Service Miles & More Meilen sammeln 5* Trusted Shop Alle Reedereien auf Kreuzfahrten.de im Überblick. Tag: Göta-Kanal-Kreuzfahrt - von Göteborg bis Sjötorp. Vid Norrqvarn . Mariestad -> NorsholmNorsholm -> Mariestad(3 days)Our new cruise along the most beautiful parts of the Göta Canal with M/S Wilhelm Tham. Lock your own pleasure boat through the magnificent landscape, join one of the passenger boats or book one of all bicycle packages along the canal. Each ship has a meticulously maintained lounge and dining room, offering delicious traditional Swedish meals and a different view each evening. All the information you need before you start your cruise, including maps, quays and embarkation instructions to suggested clothing and excursions. You travel in style and comfort, like people used to, on old steamships, whiling away the hours ticking off locks, bridges, aqueducts, castles, palaces towns and villages as the ship glides sedately on the still waters. Göta Canal cruise The Grand Sweden Cruise, six- days on M/S Diana between Gothenburg and Stockholm or vs.vs. Information from Rederi AB Göta Kanal regarding the Corona virus. Frequently Asked Questions about Göta Canal. Harbour basin Berg 23.00. By using this site you agree to the use of cookies for analytics and personalised content. The Classic Göta Canal Cruise, 4 Days Gothenburg - Stockholm Göta Canal Cruise Sweden. The first boat was used, and they refurbished it to be able to hold 48 guests, calling it Motalaström. {{::review.published_date | date:format:longDate}}. Take me there » Before your trip. The first boat was used, and they refurbished it to be able to hold 48 guests, calling it Motalaström. Day Cruises on Göta Canal with M/S Kung Sverker from Motala Motala With M/S Kung Sverker, you will experience a guided tour along the most beautiful part of the canal. Phone: +46-11127801 Switch off your phone and enjoy the beauty of the Swedish nature, the company of your fellow passengers, and delicious food. This classic route with M/S Juno has been maintained since the company was founded in 1869. Stockholm -> GothenburgGothenburg -> Stockholm(6 days)Our premium cruise on the Göta Canal with M/S Diana or M/S Wilhelm Tham. Your cruise on the Göta Canal takes you across lakes, through locks, over aqueducts, and to such famous sights as the Abbey in Vadstena, the Canal Museum in Trollhättan, and Läckö Castle. The Göta Canal Steamship Company offers 4 cruises aboard their fine vessels, ranging from 2 days to a 6-day cruise that takes you the entire length of the waterway. A cruise through the beautiful Östgöta section of the canal and overnight stay by the locks of Berg, Book a cruise, email or share this site with your friends, 10 % off your cruise when you book online by 31. nother available date during 2021 up to 20 days prior to departure when booking the same type of cruise and cabin category. Eberhardt TRAVEL Eberhardt TRAVEL NEU: Corona-Stornokostenbefreiung ab sofort bei Neubuchung ab 15.10.2020 bis 31.03.2021! Göta Kanal, Göteborg (Gothenburg). During the trip, which takes 5 hours we pass 12 locks and the steepest lock combination throughout the whole canal system. Gøta Kanal er en av verdens mest fascinerende vannveier. Booking: +46-11127801 Die Maße des Schiffes waren so berechnet, dass es genau in die Schleusen des Kanals passte. Discover the beautiful landscapes of Sweden on a tranquil cruise on Göta Canal onboard our historical ships. Treat yourself with a canal cruise on a historic canal boat – enjoy delicious food, beverages and get plenty of time to socialize. Der Göta-Kanal ist, obwohl 1832 erbaut, bis heute Schwedens größtes Bauwerk und gehört zu den großartigsten Reisezielen, die Sie bei einer Kreuzfahrt entdecken können. Göta kanal. Göta Kanal Cruise - Sweden. The Classic Göta Canal Cruise, 4 Days Gothenburg – Stockholm. This is the right alternative cruise for anyone wishing to try a canal cruise in a somewhat smaller format. In the exhibition of lock gates, which is outdoors, we show the important gates that keep the canal in place. Dine in restaurants or have a traditional Swedish fika at one of the cafes. Read more. Contact: Joakim Wahlin och Lasse Wahlin 09:00h Abfahrt von Göteborg, Packhuskajen 10 13.15h -13:30h Lila Edet Wir passieren die erste Schleuse auf unserer Fahrt. The journey is an intimate experience with no more than 50 guests onboard. Elvecruise blir stadig mer populært for alle som ønsker en ferie med kultur, natur og avslapning. Motala -> SöderköpingSöderköping -> Motala(2 days)A cruise through the beautiful Östgöta section of the canal and overnight stay by the locks of Berg. Sie lief 1912 vom Stapel der Motala Werft. Sort by: Price Date Popularity . Slussa med egen fritidsbåt, följ med någon av passagerarbåtarna eller boka ett av alla cykelpaket längs kanalen. Til cruiset . Your journey takes you through one of the most beautiful parts of the Göta Canal with nine locks and two aqueducts, surrounded by a gorgeous pastoral landscape with houses and manors from the 16th and 17th centuries. Om Göta kanal » Rederiets Historia; sv no; en; de; da; Boka; Stora Sverigeresan. Rederi AB Göta Kanal offers cruises that are 2-6 days long. The Göta Kanal is presented as one of Sweden’s greatest wonders and will make a great holiday destination for your next waterway cruise. ohne Führerschein. A waterway cruise on the Göta Kanal, discovering the country of 100,000 lakes. Our historical ships are unique in the world and are specially designed to fit the narrow locks in the Göta Canal. Parking space with 25 seats at Berg's locks, outside Linköping. Der Göta-Kanal (auf Schwedisch Göta kanal) ist ein Wasserweg durch den schwedischen Landesteil Götaland. Die sechstägige Reise ist ein besonderes Erlebnis auf einem der nostalgischen Kanalschiffe M/S Diana, M/S Juno oder M/S Wilhelm Tham. 87 kilometer av kanalen är handgrävd. Your cruise on the Göta Canal takes you across lakes, through locks, over aqueducts, and to such famous sights as the Abbey in Vadstena, the Canal Museum in Trollhättan, and Läckö Castle. The cruise through the heart of Sweden takes 4-6 days where you will make several stops along the way. You’ll travel through the country on this "blue ribbon of Sweden" gaining access to countless ideas for increasingly enjoyable stopping points. This is our classic cruise between Gothenburg and Stockholm that we have proudly been operating since the very day our company was founded back in 1869. Visit Läckö Castle, Vadstena Castle and Birka. Der Göta-Kanal ist über die Jahre gesehen das größte Bauvorhaben Schwedens. Travel organizer - contact the shipping company for more information. About Göta Canal cruises. Verlauf. Bergs slussar, Berg locks, are situated 10 km north of Linköping. Therefore, the interior style reflects the period when the ships were built. Göta kanal. Der Göta Kanal erstreckt sich von Mem an der Ostsee bis Sjötorp am Vänersee und ist 190 km lang mit 58 Schleusen. Berg 17.30, Price: adult, one way 545 SEK Returnticket 645 SEK Children 6 - 12 years old, halv adult price Children less than 6 years got free cruise when travel with their parents. Canal cruises with M/S Juno, M/S Diana and M/S Wilhelm Tham on the Göta Canal, one of the most remarkable waterways ever built. Göta kanal är ett av Sveriges största byggnadsverk och besöksmål. © 2021 Rederi AB Göta Kanal | Pusterviksgatan 13, SE-413 01 GÖTEBORG | Rederi AB Göta Kanal is a part of, Book online - 10 % off your cruise when you book online by 31st March 2021, "Like moving back in time in an amazing way". Our premium cruise on the Göta Canal with M/S Diana. What restaurants are near Göta Canal? The canal is 190 km long, of which 87 km were dug or blasted, with a width varying between 7–14 m and a maximum depth of about 3 m. The Göta Canal is a part of a waterway 390 km long, linking a number of lakes and rivers to provide a route from Gothenburg on the west coast to Söderköping on the Baltic Sea via the Trollhätte kanal and Göta älv river, through the large lakes Vänern and Vättern. Children 0-6 year: free Children 6-12 year: half price. Berg at 10.00 Arr. Göta Canal Cruise, Berg - Borensberg - Berg. Göta Canal Cruises.
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