pyrrhus ii of epirus,
Agnes Harris's 54-Great Grandfather. Pyrrhus III was assassinated, and he was then succeeded by his cousin Laodamia, or Deidamia (daughter of Pyrrhus II) who was the last of the Phyrrhus line. Achetez neuf ou d'occasion They contradict each other about which nations could be classified as western Greeks, Epirotes, or Illyrians.It does not really help us that the tribes did not leave behind written texts. His daughter Deidamia II was the last ruler of the Aeacid Dynasty. Just better. Le roi Pyrrhus II et son frère disparaissent simultanément vers 234 av. Pyrrhus was finally killed during a street battle in Argos. J.-C.), licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence, Néréis, née vers 250 elle épouse vers 233 Gélon II fils de. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Pyrrhus of Epirus (also known as Pyrrhus I, Pyrrhus, or Phyrrhus), was born in 319/318 B.C.E. So when Demetrius invaded Aetolia, Pyrrhus did the same, but the two armies failed to make contact. (Redirected from Pyrrhus II) Pyrrhus II (Greek: Πύρρος) was the son of Olympias II and Alexander II of Epirus. Demetrius ravaged parts of Epirus, while Pyrrhus attacked the Macedonian vice-commander in Aetolia, Pantauchus. He had two sisters: Deidamia and Troias. His father, Aeacides, was the King of Epirus from 331 to 313 BC while his mother, Phthia, was the daughter of Menon of Pharsalus and second cousin to Alexander the Great. This Ancient Greek biographical article is a stub. He was the son of Aeacides, king of Epirus (ruled 331-316, 313) part of the ruling Epirot tribe of the Molossians, and Phthia, a noblewoman from Thessaly, daughter of Menon. First, the Epirote king and the Macedonian officer fought a duel, and after Pyrrhus had been victorious, his army defeated its enemy. `Osawatomie' Brown's 68-Great Grandfather. Pyrrhus II (Greek: Πύρρος) was the son of Olympias II and Alexander II of Epirus. Pyrrhus II was the son of Olympias II and brother of Ptolemy. Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 13 April 2020, at 05:39. That's it. He had two daughters: Deidamia II was the last ruler of the Aeacid Dynasty and Nereis who married Gelon of … J.-C.) roi d'Épire de la dynastie des Éacides de 252/247 av. He succeeded his father as king in 272 BC, and continued the war which his father had begun with Antigonus II Gonatas, whom he succeeded in driving from the kingdom of Macedon. À la mort de son père vers 252/247, Pyrrhos II devient roi associé d'Épire avec son frère cadet Ptolémée sous la régence de leur mère Olympias. With his death, the male line of the royal family of Epirus became extinct. Pyrrhus (/ˈpɪrəs/; Πύρρος, Pyrrhos; 319/318–272 BC) was a Greek general and statesman of the Hellenistic period. He was then king of Epirus and Macedon. Pyrrhus of Epirus was rated by Hannibal as the second greatest general yet seen (placing himself third). King of Epirus, and the son of Pyrrhus and Lanassa, the daughter of the Sicilian tyrant Agathocles. Possible neveu d'Alexandre le Grand et lui-même ambitieux conquérant, Pyrrhus est l'un des plus redoutables adversaires des premiers temps de la Rome antique. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. How to transfigure the Wikipedia . You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. Pyrrhus returned to Greece to defeat Antigonus II Gonatas in battle, after which he seized the Macedonian throne. Pyrrhus II (Greek: Πύρρος) was the son of Olympias II and Alexander II of Epirus. HM George I's 62-Great Grandfather. He had two daughters: Deidamia II who was the last ruler of the Aeacid Dynasty and Nereis who married Gelon of Syracuse. He was a brother of Ptolemy and Phthia of Macedon. in Epirus. Pyrrhus I (II; King) of EPIRUS & MACEDONIA. As a young man, he took part in the struggles between Alexander's successors - the Macedon Antigonids and the Ptolemies of Egypt - switching sides as it suited his interests. Pyrrhus of Epirus. The Greek city of Tarentum, in southern Italy, fell out with Rome due to a violation of an old treaty that specified Rome was not to send warships into the Tarentine Gulf. He was king of the Greek tribe of Molossians, of the royal Aeacid house (from c. 297 BC), and later he became king of Epirus (r. 306–302, 297–272 BC) and …, Date de naissance incertaine (IIIe siècle av. C'est à cette époque que l'Épire doit faire face aux première menaces de la Ligue étolienne sur l'Acarnanie occidentale. He was a brother of Ptolemy and Phthia of Macedon. He … Indeed, Hannibal referred to Pyrrhus as his teacher, although the two never met, since he learnt so much of the art of war from his writings. He was a brother of Ptolemy and Phthia of Macedon. Afin de consolider les bonnes relations avec le royaume de macédoine Phthia la sœur des deux rois épouse avant 246 ou en 239 Démétrios II de Macédoine qui à cette occasion chasse son épouse Stratonice II qui se réfugie chez son frère Antiochos II In 282 BC, the Romans installed garrisons in the Greek cities of Thurii (on the western end of the Tarentine Gulf), Locri, and Rhegium, and sent warships to Thurii. This article related to ancient Greek royalty is a stub. Pyrrhus was born in around 319 BCE in Epirus. HRE Ferdinand I's 58-Great Grandfather. Pyrrhus II d'Épire (né vers 271 mort vers 234 av. Le règne personnel de Pyrrhos II et de son frère s'étend de 241 à 234 av. He ruled as king of Epirus from 255 BC to 238 ВС. Pyrrhus III, king of Epirus, was a son of Ptolemy and a grandson of Alexander II. J.-C.), Date de décès incertaine (IIIe siècle av. Welcome to the start of my brand new campaign for Imperator: Rome playing as the great Pyrrhus of Epirus! C'est à cette époque que l'Épire doit faire face aux première menaces de la Ligue étolienne sur l'Acarnanie occidentale. D'une épouse inconnue Pyrrhos II laisse deux filles : Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. À la mort de son père vers 252/247, Pyrrhos II devient roi associé d'Épire avec son frère cadet Ptolémée sous la régence de leur mère Olympias. He ruled as king of Epirus from 242 BC to 237 ВС. J.-C.. Deux ans après le meurtre de sa seconde fille et ultime héritière Dèidameia qui était sans enfant, la monarchie des Éacides disparait et l'Épire se dote d'un système fédéral analogue à celui de l'Étolie voisine[2]. For example, we are told, \"Pyrrhus’ features were more likely to inspire fear in the beholder than to impress him with a sense of majesty\" (Pyrrhus, 386).Pyrrhus’ position as heir to the Molossian throne of Epirus was … Pyrrhus I was born in 319 or 318, BCE, in the Greek city-state of Epirus, of which his father, Aeacides, was king. He had two sisters; Deidamia and Troias. modifier - modifier le code - modifier Wikidata. He ruled as king of Epirus from 242 BC to 237 BC. J.-C. à 234 av. Pyrrhus was also the second-cousin of Alexander the Great of Macedon (ruled 336-323). To install click the Add extension button. Pyrrhus entered Italy with an army consisting of 20,000 infantry, 3,000 cavalry, 2,000 archers, 500 slingers, and 20 war elephants in a bid to subdue the Romans. Poss. The elephants had been loaned to him by Ptolemy II, who had also promised 9,000 soldiers and a further 50 elephants to defend Epirus while Pyrrhus and his army were away. J.-C., Néréis, la fille aînée du roi, épouse Gélon (II) de Syracuse, fils et héritier de Hiéron II de Syracuse. poss. Pyrrhus or Pyrrhos (Greek: Πύρρος, Pyrros; 319/318 BC–272 BC) was a Greek general and statesman of the Hellenistic era. We hav Il marche sur Rome, s'avançant jusqu'à Préneste, à trente kilomètres à peine de la cité, et manque de peu de l'… Pyrrhus din Epir (scris și Pyrrhos sau Pirus) a fost un rege al moloșilor, populație tracică din regiunea Epir (306 - 302 și 297 - 272 î.Hr.) He ascended to the throne in 235 BC. Pyrrhus was raised by Beroea, Glaukias's wife and a Molossian of the Aeacidaedynasty. Pyrrhus was born into the royal house of Epirus, northwest Greece, but his mother was forced to flee into exile to protect his life when he was a mere infant. Once the conquest of Italy had been completed, Rome began to expand overseas to create its great empire. Vers 233 av. Pyrrhus was born into the royal house of Epirus, northwest Greece, and was a second-cousin of Alexander the Great. Although this was designed as a measure against the Italian peoples of Lucania, the Tarentines grew nervous and attacked the Romans in Thurii, driving the Roman garrison from the cit… Il remporte sur les légions romaines la bataille d'Héraclée (-280). Après avoir considérablement accru le territoire de lÉpire, il devient roi de Macédoine et de Thessalie. He had three sons, Ptolemy (Antigone), Alexander II (Lanassa) and Helena (Virkenna), and a daughter named Olympia. Pyrrhus, (born 319 bce —died 272, Argos, Argolis), king of Hellenistic Epirus whose costly military successes against Macedonia and Rome gave rise to the phrase “Pyrrhic victory.” His Memoirs and books on the art of war were quoted and praised by many ancient authors, including Cicero.. și al Macedoniei (288 - 284, 273 - 272 î.Hr. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. "(of) King Pyrrhus"). Through his father, Pyrrhus was related to the family line of Alexander the Great: They were second cousins. Yet he prospered in troubled times and rose from a refugee to a king. Retrouvez Pyrrhus of Epirus et des millions de livres en stock sur La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 14 août 2020 à 13:09. Afin de consolider les bonnes relations avec le royaume de macédoine Phthia la sœur des deux rois épouse avant 246 ou en 239 Démétrios II de Macédoine qui à cette occasion chasse son épouse Stratonice II qui se réfugie chez son frère Antiochos II [1]. J.-C.. Pyrrhos II est le fils ainé Alexandre II d'Épire et de sa sœur-épouse Olympias (II). Pyrrhus was only two years old when his father was dethroned, in 317 BC, his family taking refuge with Glaukias, king of the Taulantians, one of the largest Illyrian tribes. of the MOLOSSIANS; (employed elephants in battle) Born: 319 BC Died: 272 BC. Epirus Pyrrhus of Epirus. Pyrrhus at the Siege of Sparta Pyrrhus of Epirus was a Greek military adventurer who fought for wealth and power in the unstable Mediterranean world of post- Alexander era. It was, of course, Rome's war against that infamous Hellenistic condottiere king Pyrrhus of Epirus in 280 to 275 that finally brought Rome fully into the purview of Hellenistic international relations. From a classical Greek point of view, the northwest of Greece was inhabited by a bunch of barbarian tribes, in which the fifth-century sources are nor really interested. Plutarch (c. 45 - c. 125 CE), the Greek historian, wrote one of his Lives biographies on Pyrrhus and much of the information we have on the great general comes from this entertaining if at times unreliable source. Pyrrhus Tarentine Cavalryman Pyrrhic Soldiers. Noté /5. While he was a mercurial and often restless leader, and not always a wise king, he was considered one of the greatest military commanders of his time. Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? Glaukias restored Pyrrhus to the throne in 306 BC until the latter wa… He was king of the Greek tribe of Molossians, of the royal Aeacid house (from circa 297 BC), and later he became king of Epirus (r. 306–302, 297–272 … Coin of Pyrrhus, Kingdom of Epirus (inscription in Greek: ΒΑΣΙΛΕΩΣ ΠΥΡΡΟΥ - BasileÅ s Pyrrhou, i.e. Pyrrhus was the son of Aeacides and Phthia, a Thessalian woman, and a second cousin of Alexander the Great (via Alexander's mother, Olympias). Pyrrhus entered Italy with an army consisting of 3,000 cavalry, 2,000 archers, 500 slingers, 20,000 infantry and 20 war elephants in a bid to subdue the Romans. J.-C.. Ces derniers doivent faire face à l'accord entre la Ligue achéenne et la Ligue étolienne qui permet à cette dernière de reprendre ses attaques contre l'Acarnanie épirote. In an attempt by Aiakides, Pyrrhus' father, to help Olympias in her fight against Cassander, King of Macedonia, a serious revolution was provoked which overthrew the King of the Molossians and led Epirus into Macedonian subjugation. Quite the same Wikipedia. The elephants had been loaned to him by Ptolemy II, who had also promised 9,000 soldiers and a further 50 elephants to defend Epirus while Pyrrhus and his army were away.
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