xylocain spray anwendung
should be given and repeated, if necessary, after 2–3 minutes. Xylocaine 10mg Anaesthetic Spray contains an active ingredient called Lidocaine which is a local anaesthetic used to numb chosen areas - to relieve pain or discomfort. Zu beachten ist dabei jedoch immer, dass jeder Mensch unterschiedlich auf … During medical examination of the nose, throat, stomach or lungs requiring the insertion of viewing instruments, Minor procedures involving the nose and throat. Das verschreibungspflichtige Spray Lidocain/Prilocain Plethora ® (Plethora Solutions) wird fünf Minuten vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr auf die Eichel (Glans penis) gesprüht. Do not take Xylocaine Jelly (lidocaine gel) by mouth. When Xylocaine Spray is used in the mouth and throat it causes a loss of feeling. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. If you think you have used more Xylocaine Spray than you should, talk to your doctor or dentist immediately. Xylocaine Spray 10mg. Mida Xylocaine Pump Spray 10% sisaldab • Toimeaine on lidokaiin. Xylocaine Spray is a clear or almost clear slightly coloured (pale pink or pale yellow) solution in a clear glass bottle with a spray pump closure. Fortacin 150 mg/ml + 50 mg/ml Spray zur Anwendung auf der Haut Recordati Pharma GmbH. Punktierung der Kieferhöhle (im Oberkieferbereich) Eingriffe im Mund- und Zahnbereich, z.B. Unparalysed patients are more likely to swallow a large proportion of the dose, which then undergoes considerable first-pass hepatic metabolism following absorption from the gut. Biotransformation includes oxidative N-dealkylation, ring hydroxylation, cleavage of the amide linkage and conjugation. Indlægssedler for Xylocaine. Date of first authorisation/renewal of the authorisation. Unconsciousness and grand mal convulsions may follow, which may last from a few seconds to several minutes. Kickstart your journey into the STEM world through a hands-on approach with world-class STEM learning and training resources with online courses, tutorials, and countless DIY projects. Anwendung Das XYLOCAIN PUMPSPRAY DENTAL wird unter anderem in folgenden Fällen zur prophylaktischen und therapeutischen Oberflächenbetäubung in der Mundhöhle angewendet: zur Vermeidung von Schmerzen und Einstichangst bei Injektionen; bei kleineren operativen Eingriffen ; bei der Entfernung von Wurzelresten und … It may harm them, even if their signs of illness are the same as yours. Xylocaine Spray should be used with caution in patients with wounds or traumatised mucosa in the region of the proposed application. Any unused medicinal product or waste material should be disposed of in accordance with local requirements. Spray zur Anwendung in der Mundhöhle (Zul.-Nr. Üks annus sisaldab 10 milligrammi lidokaiini. richtig, solange du das Xylocain lediglich als Creme oder Spray an deinem besten Stück anwendest, kannst du das ohne weiteres sogar mehrmals täglich machen. Titulaire de l’Autorisation de Mise sur le Marché : NV AstraZeneca SA, B-1180 Bruxelles . Cardiovascular effects are only seen in cases with high systemic concentrations. Xylocaine 10mg Anaesthetic Spray is a topical, local anaesthetic, metered pump spray to help numb a part of your body to relieve pain or discomfort. Marketing Authorisation Holder and Manufacturer, The Marketing Authorisation for Xylocaine Spray is held by. Non-sterile solution for topical application supplied in a pump spray, with nozzles for single use in an individual patient. The pharmacological/toxicological actions of these metabolites are similar to, but less potent than, those of lidocaine. Treatment of acute toxicity should be instituted at the latest when twitches occur. Nach fünf Minuten sollte überschüssiges Spray abgewischt werden, um eine mögliche Resorption der Wirkstoffe durch die Schleimhaut der Partnerin oder des Partners zu minimieren. The Summary of Product Characteristics (SPC) is a specific document, the wording of which has been agreed with the regulatory authority as part of the medicine approval process. Each bottle contains 50 ml solution equivalent to about 500 sprays. In: N Engl J Med. Der Wirkstoff befindet sich in einer Sprühflasche. Lidocaine is also well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract, although little of the intact drug appears in the circulation because of biotransformation in the liver. alternativ: auf die Seite legen (Clusterseite nach oben) nasalen Anwendung gelangen sollte, um eine Wirkung zu erzielen. If you get any side effects, talk your doctor, nurse, dentist or pharmacist. following application to areas below the vocal chords) or from hypersensitivity, idiosyncrasy or reduced tolerance on the part of the patient. Xylocain® Pumpspray dental. Provides surface anaesthesia for the oropharyngeal and tracheal areas to reduce reflex activity, attenuate haemodynamic response and to facilitate insertion of the catheter or the passage of instruments during endotracheal intubation, laryngoscopy, bronchoscopy, oesophagoscopy and gastroscopy. Xylocaine Spray) at recommended doses. 1–5 applications to the mucous membranes. Xylocaine spray is administered using the supplied nozzle. You may need to read it again. Xylocain® er et lokalbedøvende håndkøbslægemiddel som anvendes til lokalbedøvelse af hud ved fx solskolding, insektstik eller forbrændinger samt ved bedøvelse af slimhinder i forbindelse med indføring af instrumenter i endetarmen eller urinrøret. vid ingrepp i munområdet och tänder Kutanspray, opløsning. Thiopentone sodium 1–3 mg/kg i.v. Do not pass it on to others. Ask your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines you no longer use. Bei der Anwendung von Xylocain Pumpspray dental im Mund oder im Rachen kann das Schlucken erschwert sein. This will dissolve when the spray solution is warmed up gently to room temperature. Svenska Liik.-Tidn., 58, 2359. Les autres composants (excipients) sont. Up to 20 applications (200 mg lidocaine base) for procedures in pharynx, larynx, and trachea. Kuidas Xylocaine Pump Spray 10% välja näeb ja pakendi sisu … Der Effekt kann bereits nach einer Anwendung von 5-7 Tagen eintreten. Local anaesthetics of the amide-type are thought to act within the sodium channels of the nerve membrane. Mit dem Absenden des Formulars erkläre ich mich mit der Verarbeitung einverstanden. Revisionsdato 21.07.2020. Such applications may therefore result in rapidly rising or excessive plasma concentrations, with an increased risk of toxic symptoms, such as convulsions. Dosierung/Anwendung. The Patient Information Leaflet (PIL) is the leaflet included in the pack with a medicine. Lidocaine is a well-established active ingredient. Übersicht Beschreibung Inhaltsstoffe Wirkstoff: Lidocain zur lokalen Betäubung Lösung zum Einsprühen in den Mund apothekenpflichtiges Arzneimittel Hersteller: Aspen Germany GmbH, Deutschland (Originalprodukt) PZN: 03839499 Zu Risiken und Nebenwirkungen lesen Sie die Packungsbeilage und fragen Sie Ihren Arzt oder Apothe Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Anwendung dieses Arzneimittels beginnen. The number of sprays depend on the extent of the area to be anaesthetised. What you need to know before you use Xylocaine Spray Start typing to retrieve search suggestions. 10 mg/Spr ü hsto ß. Spray zur Anwendung in der Mundh ö hle. Depending on the dose, local anaesthetics may have a very mild effect on mental function and may temporarily impair locomotion and co-ordination. if you have heart problems such as a slow heart beat. if you are allergic to any other local anaesthetics of the same class (such as prilocaine or bupivacaine). Nebenwirkungen, insbesondere kardiologische Probleme sind bei dieser lokalen und eng begrenzten Anwendung nicht zu befürchten. på produktresume.dk Before minor dental procedures where local anaesthesia is desired. In severe cases, apnoea may occur. Xylocaine Spray will usually be given to you by a doctor or dentist. Anaesth., 37, 394. The half-life may be prolonged two-fold or more in patients with liver dysfunction. bestimmte endoskopische Untersuchungen über … The first symptoms are circumoral paraesthesia, numbness of the tongue, light-headedness, hyperacusis and tinnitus. Xylocain ® Pumpspray dental. … The elimination half-life of lidocaine following an intravenous bolus injection is typically 1.5 to 2.0 hours. The excitatory reactions may be very brief or may not occur at all, in which case the first manifestations of toxicity may be drowsiness, merging into unconsciousness and respiratory arrest. Xylocain Pumpspray darf nicht in die Augen gesprüht werden. Nach der Anwendung von Tramazolin- Lösung oder Spray tritt eine lokale Vasokonstriktion (Gefäßverengung) gewöhnlich innerhalb ... Chlorhexidin. will abort the convulsions rapidly. At concentrations of 1 to 4 microgram of free base per ml, 60 to 80 percent of lidocaine is protein-bound. Cardiovascular reactions are depressant and may be characterised by hypotension, myocardial depression, bradycardia and possibly cardiac arrest. If you are not sure, talk to your doctor, nurse, dentist or pharmacist before you are given Xylocaine Spray. Take care when eating or drinking following application of Xylocaine spray to the mouth or throat. Efek samping ini dapat bervariasi pada setiap individu tergantung pada pada kondisi penyakit, usia, berat badan, jenis kelamin, etnis, maupun kondisi kesehatan seseorang. Spray zur Anwendung in der Mundhöhle. Braid, D. P., and Scott, D. B. Die Anwendung von Xylocain Pumpspray / -Pumpspray dental kann zu Nebenwirkungen & Wechselwirkungen mit anderen Medikamenten oder Wirkstoffen führen. Um den bestmöglichen Behandlungserfolg zu erzielen, muss Xylocain Pumpspray dental jedoch vorschriftsgemäß angewendet werden. Xylocain Pumpspray sollte nicht auf Trachealtuben mit PVC-Cuffs angewendet werden (siehe Abschnitt „Vorsichtsmaßnahmen für die Anwendung und Warnhinweise“). 50 ml glass spray bottles (approx. Do not try to alter the shape as this could affect its performance. Duration Spray for Men, K-Y Male Genital Desensitizer Numbing Spray to Last Longer, 0.16 Fl Oz, 36 Sprays, Made with Lidocaine to Help Men Last Longer in Bed 4.0 out of 5 stars 7,011 $16.25 Read all of this leaflet carefully before this medicine is given to you because it contains important information for you. Lidocaine spray is used as a topical analgesic prior to minor surgical procedures performed on genital mucosa. Local anaest h ~ s i awith Xylocaine spray as a substitute for final narcosis at delivery and as an anaesthetic method during suturing of ruptures and episiotomies. Objective adverse manifestations become increasingly apparent with increasing venous plasma levels above 6.0 microgram free base per ml. • Xylocain® Pumpspray enthält eine 10%ige Lidocainlösung und 28,9 % … Patient Info. Lidocaine is metabolised rapidly by the liver, and metabolites and unchanged drug are excreted by the kidneys. The original leaflet can be viewed using the link above. This information is intended for use by health professionals. Ved lokalbedøvelse på hud og slimhinder indtræder virkningen efter 1-3 minutter og varer 10-15 min. 1 g indeholder 20 mg lidocainhydrochlorid. Efek samping Xylocaine Spray yang mungkin terjadi adalah: Reaksi alergi. Swelling of your face, lips, tongue or throat. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our policy on the use of cookies. Der aktive Bestandteil ist in einer Mischung aus Wasser, Ethanol und Macrogol 400 gelöst. 1 dosis (pust) indeholder 10 mg lidocain. Heweneural 1%, Injektionslösung Hevert-Arzneimittel GmbH & Co KG Prolonged convulsions may jeopardise the patient's ventilation and oxygenation. Ltd. for supplying the Xylocaine spray used in this investigation. It is written for patients and gives information about taking or using a medicine. (1965). A metabolite of lidocaine, 2,6-dimethylaniline, showed weak evidence of activity in some genotoxicity tests. Bromage, P. R., and Robson, J. G. (1961). Stopped breathing or a stopped heart beat. Bei dem Wirkstoff Lidocain handelt es sich hierbei um ein Lokalanästhetikum, das die Reizweiterleitung am Nerven unterdrückt. Up to 20 applications (200 mg lidocaine base). Den korte model på 120 mm kan autoklaveres (120 grader C i 20 minutter) eller rengøres ved kogning. The use of Xylocaine pump spray provides surface anaesthesia during an endotracheal procedure but does not prevent post-intubation soreness. The spray nozzle is bent so that it works properly. Die Wirkung hält dann ungefähr zwei Stunden an. The active ingredient is lidocaine. Use Xylocaine Jelly (lidocaine gel) as ordered by your doctor. This belongs to a group of medicines called local anaesthetics. Du kan læse mere om bivirkninger, interaktioner med andre lægemidler m.m. Low blood pressure. It is unnecessary to dry the site prior to application. The management of serious adverse reactions may require the use of resuscitative equipment, oxygen and other resuscitative drugs (see section 4.9). Xylocain Pump Spray Dental.Das Spray enthält das Wirkstoff Lidocain (Lokalanästhetikum). Additional short spray nozzles are available separately. Livraison à bas prix ou gratuite, rapide et efficace. Do not store above 25°C. • Patients with impaired cardiac conduction or bradycardia. Grossesse. Das verschreibungspflichtige Spray Lidocain/Prilocain Plethora ® (Plethora Solutions) wird fünf Minuten vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr auf die Eichel (Glans penis) gesprüht. To bookmark a medicine you must sign up and log in. Xylocain Spray mit dem Wirkstoff Lidocain wird als örtliches Betäubungs- und Schmerzmittel (Lokalanästhetikum) eingesetzt. 3. Spray zur Anwendung in der Mundhöhle Lidocain. A damaged mucosa will permit increased systemic absorption. 100 mg) enthält: Wirkstoff: 10 mg Lidocain. Xylocain - Pumpspray wird angewendet: Zur Schmerzverhinderung im Zusammenhang mit folgenden Eingriffen: Eingriffe im Nasenbereich, z.B. Das Medikament ist verfügbar als Salbe, Gel, Mundspray, Mundspüllösung, Pflaster, Lutschtablette, Zäpfchen und als Injektionslösung. Die mitgelieferte Sprühkanüle muss vor jedem Gebrauch auf die Flasche aufgesteckt werden. 7 effektive Verzögerungsmittel mit Betäubungsmitteln. Sie dürfen Xylocain Pumpspray dental nicht in die Augen sprühen. Xylocain ® Pumpspray. 4. Spr ü hen Sie Xylocain Pumpspray nicht in die Augen. Should circulatory arrest occur, immediate cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be instituted. Lidocaine should be used with caution in patients receiving other local anaesthetics or agents structurally related to amide-type local anaesthetics e.g. Indholdsstoffer Lidocain : gel 2% , gel 2% , salve 5% , kutanspray, opløsning 100 mg/ml , kutanspray, opløsning 100 mg/ml (ChemVet) 500 spray doses) with a metering spray pump. succinylcholine 1 mg/kg body-weight) will facilitate ventilation, and oxygenation can be controlled. Xylocaine Spray contains a medicine called lidocaine. To email a medicine you must sign up and log in. Xylocain Gel virker lokalbedøvende ved at blokere den elektriske impuls i nerven. Acidosis increases the toxic effects of local anaesthetics. 362(1), 7. Fortacin® 150 mg/ml + 50 mg/ml Spray zur Anwendung auf der Haut, Lösung (Rp) Recordati Pharma GmbH. Each activation of the metered dose valve delivers 10 mg lidocaine base. This medicinal product contains small amounts of ethanol (alcohol), less than 100 mg per spray. Xylocaine. antiarrhythmic drugs such as mexiletine, since the toxic effects are additive. Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgf ä ltig durch, bevor Sie mit der Anwendung dieses Arzneimittels beginnen. Wirksamer Bestandteil: 1 Spr ü hsto ß (ca. Genotoxicity tests with lidocaine showed no evidence of mutagenic potential. 6. Ist versehentlich etwas Spray ins … Severe or sudden swelling of your hands, feet and ankles. In animal studies the toxicity noted after high doses of lidocaine consisted of effects on the central nervous and cardiovascular systems. Additional spray nozzles are available separately as a pack of 50 nozzles. Indikation hierfür sind kleinere chirurgische Eingriffe , Endoskopien wie Magenspiegelungen und Wundversorgung der betroffenen Schleimhäute. How to store Xylocaine Spray Vis mere. 6. Appropriate precautions should be taken for all porphyric patients. Binding is also dependent on the plasma concentration of the alpha-1-acid glycoprotein. How to use Xylocaine Spray There is no, or inadequate evidence of safety of the drug in human pregnancy but it has been in wide use for many years without apparent ill consequence, and animal studies have shown no hazard. : 6084764.00.00) Fachinformation (Zusammenfassung der Produkteigenschaften/SPC) 1. if you are allergic to lidocaine or any of the other ingredients of this medicine (listed in section 6). Til butik. 100 mg) enth ä lt 10 … Außerdem gibt es Chlorhexidin-Sprays, -Gele und -Chips. The precipitate dissolves on warming up to room temperature. Gibt's in gut sortierten Apotheken als Pump-Spray!! Allaitement . Absorption from mucous membranes is variable but is especially high from the bronchial tree. Continue typing to refine. Spray zur Anwendung in der Mundhöhle. Lidocaine official prescribing information for healthcare professionals. This site uses cookies. Start typing to retrieve search suggestions. What is Lidocaine for: This medication is a local anesthetic, indicated for local or regional anesthesia. Sillä saadaan aikaan noin 10-15 minuuttia kestävä tehokas pintapuudutus. Ist leider sehr umständlich in der Anwendung. This includes any possible side effects not listed in this leaflet. Xylocaine Spray is probably porphyrinogenic and should only be prescribed to patients with acute porphyria on strong or urgent indications. cimetidine or beta-blockers) may cause potentially toxic plasma concentrations when lidocaine is given in repeated high doses over a long time period. le spray Strepsils® ; la pâte à sucer Vocadys® ; le gel gingival Xogel® ; la Xylocaïne® ; le Xylonor® (6 présentations) et la solution injectable Xylorolland® avec adrénaline ; la Ziacaïne® (6 présentations) et Ziagel® pour enfants et adultes. Excessive dosage, or short intervals between doses, may result in high plasma levels and serious adverse effects. Qualitative and quantitative composition, 4.2 Posology and method of administration, 4.4 Special warnings and precautions for use, 4.5 Interaction with other medicinal products and other forms of interaction, 4.7 Effects on ability to drive and use machines, 6.6 Special precautions for disposal and other handling, 9. Nach ungefähr 20 Minuten tritt eine lokale Betäubung ein. Approximately 90% of lidocaine administered is excreted in the form of various metabolites, and less than 10% is excreted unchanged. Patients treated with antiarrhythmic drugs class III (e.g. Xylocaine Spray has minor influence on the ability to drive and use machines. Salve 5%. Like all medicines, this medicine can cause side effects although not everybody gets them. vor einer Injektion. Xylocain® virker lokalbedøvende ved at blokere den elektriske impuls i nerven. This is particularly important in children because of their frequency of eating. If you get Xylocaine Jelly (lidocaine gel) in any of these areas, rinse well with water. B. Benutzer9556 Meistens hier zu finden. How does Lidocaine work: It prevents nerves from sending painful impulses to the brain. Spray zur Anwendung auf der Haut, Lösung (Zul.-Nr. Das Spray wird dabei vorzugsweise auf die Haut und die Schleimhäute aufgesprüht, wodurch eine oberflächliche und zeitlich begrenzte Betäubung einsetzt. Das Lidocain Spray ist in geringen Dosen rezeptfrei erhältlich. Use on your skin only. Systemic adverse reactions are rare and may result from high plasma levels due to excessive dosage or rapid absorption (e.g. When suggestions are available use up and down arrows to review and ENTER to select. This might make you feel dizzy or light-headed. Xylocain Salve virker lokalbedøvende ved at blokere den elektriske impuls i nerven. Lidocaine, like other local anaesthetics, causes a reversible blockade of impulse propagation along nerve fibres by preventing the inward movement of sodium ions through the nerve membrane. The other ingredients are ethanol, levomenthol, macrogol 400, essence of banana (contains propylene glycol), saccharin and purified water. • Patients with severe renal dysfunction. 1 g indeholder 50 mg lidocain. Hypoxia and hypercarbia occur rapidly following convulsions due to the increased muscular activity, together with the interference with normal respiration. Anwendung des Pumpsprays Xylocain wird in Form von Spray auf die zu behandelnden Stellen aufgetragen. See section 4. Continue. Brit. It will also depend on your age and physical condition. Die Dosierung von Xylocain - 2% Gel wird von Ihrem Arzt sorgfältig bestimmt und ist abhängig von der Art der bei Ihnen durchzuführenden Untersuchung, der zu betäubenden Körperstelle, der Dauer der geplanten Untersuchung oder der Art der erforderlichen Schmerzverhinderung. Jual Obat XYLOCAINE SPRAY Rp.222.858,00 per BOX Pencegahan nyeri yang berhubungan dengan tindakan medis pada hidung, mulut & gigi, orofaring, saluran pernapasan, laring, trakea & bronkus, obstetrik ... murah via apotek online medicastore seluruh Indonesia, kandungan Lidocaine / lidokain. Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. If you have any further questions, ask your doctor, nurse, dentist or pharmacist. Nozzles are supplied in the finished product packaging and also available separately in boxes of 50. Hypersensitivity to the active substance, to any of the excipients listed in section 6.1 or to local anaesthetics of the amide-type. In particular, tell your doctor or dentist if you are taking any of the following medicines: If you are pregnant or breast-feeding, think you may be pregnant or are planning to have a baby, ask your doctor or dentist for advice before you are given this medicine, Xylocaine Spray contains ethanol and propylene glycol, How to use Xylocaine Spray in the mouth and throat, If you use more Xylocaine Spray than you should. This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 1 month, 1 week ago by richard. Local anaesthetic drugs may also have similar effects on excitable membranes in the brain and myocardium. Because of the rapid rate at which lidocaine is metabolised, any condition that affects liver function may alter lidocaine kinetics. Recovery may be rapid unless large amounts of the drug have been administered. During storage at temperatures below +8°C precipitation may occur. Der Wirkstoff befindet sich in einer Sprühflasche. Xylocain® Pumpspray dental enthält 28,9 Vol.-% Alkohol. Keep out of your mouth, nose, and eyes (may burn). Es betäubt die betroffene Stelle und verhindert so, Juckreize, Brennen und Schmerzen. Renal dysfunction does not affect lidocaine kinetics but may increase the accumulation of metabolites. What you need to know before you use Xylocaine Spray. Read all information given to you. Die beiliegende Sprühkanüle ist nur für den Einmalgebrauch. if you have ever been told that you have a rare disease of the blood pigment called ‘porphyria’ or anyone in your family has it. Below is a text only representation of the Patient Information Leaflet. In paralysed patients under general anaesthesia, higher blood concentrations may occur than in spontaneously breathing patients. The nozzle must not be shortened, as it will affect the spray function. The nozzles should be handled using gloves and the box of 50 should be kept closed between procedures. Children should be given doses commensurate with their age and weight. Xylocaine Spray should be used with care in older people, in people who are in poor general health and in children. This is because Xylocaine Spray can affect the way some medicines work and some medicines can have an effect on Xylocaine Spray. Det skyldes, at Medicin.dk kan have suppleret Lægemiddelstyrelsens og medicinproducentens information med andre kilder. Severe itching of the skin (with raised lumps). Tell your doctor or dentist if you are taking, have recently taken or might take any other medicines. • Abiained on 96% etanool, makrogool, banaaniessents, levomentool, sahhariin, puhastatud vesi. The expiry date refers to the last day of that month. Im Folgenden werden diese im Detail aufgeführt. Indications, side effects, contraindications and other prescribing information for Xylocaine Spray on MIMS As supplementary pain control for procedures not requiring aseptic technique. For the prevention of pain associated with the following procedures: Anaesthesia prior to minor non-invasive procedures in the nasal cavity, pharynx and epipharynx including rhinoscopy and laryngoscopy. Manufacturer of non-sterile spray nozzle for Xylocaine spray: To listen to or request a copy of this leaflet in Braille, large print or audio please call, free of charge: Please be ready to give the following information: This is a service provided by the Royal National Institute of Blind People. The contents of the spray bottles are sufficient to provide approximately 500 sprays. 2. Fragt ukendt. Xylocain® ukonserveret gel i sprøjter: Kun til engangsbrug. Besteht ein Verdacht auf eine derartige Reaktion (anhaltend verstopfte Nase), sollte ein Arzneimittel zur Anwendung in der Nase ohne Konservierungsstoff verwendet werden . The text only version may be available in large print, Braille or audio CD. Annostus ja antotapa. Cardiovascular toxic effects are generally preceded by signs of toxicity in the central nervous system, unless the patient is receiving a general anaesthetic or is heavily sedated with drugs such as a benzodiazepine or barbiturate. For further information call emc accessibility on 0800 198 5000. The management of serious adverse reactions may require the use of resuscitative equipment, oxygen and other resuscitative drugs (see section 4.9). Sollte versehentlich dennoch etwas Spray ins Auge geraten sein, sollten Sie die Augen sofort mit fließendem Wasser ausspülen. Insertion of instruments and catheters into the respiratory and digestive tract. Oxygen must be given and, if necessary, assisted ventilation (mask and bag). Contents of the pack and other information. The name of your medicine is ‘Xylocaine 10 mg Spray’. in der Hals-Nasen-Ohrenheilkunde, in der Zahnheilkunde oder auch beim Tätowieren angewendet. Grossesse et allaitement . ... ↑ Fachinformation des Arzneimittel-Kompendiums der Schweiz®, Xylocain Spray 10%, abgerufen am 14.07.2017 ↑ Olin, JS. This damage is described as pinholes, which may cause leakage that could lead to pressure loss in the cuff. Possible side effects Factors such as acidosis and the use of CNS stimulants and depressants affect the CNS levels of lidocaine required to produce overt systemic effects. Informationen zur Anwendung Xylocain Pumpspray dental ist ausschließlich für die Mundhöhle bestimmt und soll nicht in die Augen kommen. Do not store above 25°C. 1. Klinische Angaben . Nach fünf Minuten sollte überschüssiges Spray abgewischt werden, um eine mögliche Resorption der Wirkstoffe durch die Schleimhaut der Partnerin oder des Partners zu minimieren. This medicine has been prescribed for you only. De nombreux modes de paiements disponibles, une entière sécurité . REFERENCES Bergman, P., and Malmstrom, T. (1961). How should Lidocaine be used: It comes as a solution for injection to be administered by a healthcare provider into the vein or muscle. Xylocain sprayrøret må ikke afkortes, da sprayfunktionen da forsvinder. By Reporting side effects you can help provide more information on the safety of this medicine. 3016 Lake Drive, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland. This depends on where in the body Xylocaine Spray is used and how much is used. The staff are responsible for the storing, using and disposing of the spray in the correct way. Vor der Betätigung des Sprühkopfes muss eine Schutzkappe entfernt werden. Sie darf weder gekürzt noch in … 1 Sprühstoß (ca. Your doctor or dentist will tell you when it is safe for you to do these activities. If drug therapy is needed in pregnancy, this drug can be used if there is no safer alternative. The nozzles should not be re-used and should be disposed of immediately after use. The oropharyngeal use of topical anaesthetic agents may interfere with swallowing and thus enhance the danger of aspiration. 10 mg/ Sprühstoß Spray zur Anwendung in der Mundhöhle. (Jan 1997). The plasma protein binding of lidocaine is dependent on the drug concentration, and the fraction bound decreases with increasing concentration. The nozzles should not be re-used and should be disposed of immediately after use. The package includes a single use plastic spray nozzle approximately 120 mm long. XYLOCAINE 20 mg/ml SANS CONSERVATEUR, solution injectable avec des aliments et boissons. What Xylocaine Spray looks like and contents of the pack. Continue typing to refine. This includes medicines that you buy without a prescription and herbal medicines.
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