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center for american progress gender wage gap

These wage gap calculations reflect the ratio of earnings for women and men across all industries; they do not reflect a direct comparison of women and men doing identical work. Author’s calculation is based on 2018’s wage gap multiplied by 40 to extend it over 40 years. Harvard economist Claudia Goldin has found that in some well-paid occupations, such as business and law, people who work very long hours receive a disproportionate increase in their wages—which means that those who work fewer hours receive disproportionately lower pay. A new report from the Center for American Progress Action Fund entitled, “Lifetime Losses: The Career Wage Gap” examines how the gender wage gap—the annual difference in median wages between men and women who are employed full-time—accumulates over a 40-year period. What Causes the Gender Wage Gap? Parents of older children also have a caring time gap, though it is smaller—about 22 minutes per day. The world-wide gender gap for work, all in one graph. For one, it leaves out a significant share of women and men when calculating the gender pay gap, namely those who work part-time. Center for American Progress, “Wage Gap by the Numbers,” January 6, 2009, available at, See Paycheck Fairness Act, H.R. Other robust work-family policies are also essential to truly combating the multifaceted gender wage gap so that women—who disproportionately assume much of the caregiving responsibilities in their families—are not unfairly disadvantaged by taking time to address care needs. Mothers are more likely than fathers to stay home with sick children, and one-third of parents of young children report that they are concerned about losing their jobs or their wages if they have to stay home with an ill child, according to the C.S. Political Organization. Explaining the Gender Wage Gap - Center for American Progress. Also, the wage gap varies by state. Elkins, Kathleen. For example, access to paid sick days and a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program are just two of the essential policies that would help minimize job loss and ensure better economic security for all workers.24 Beyond public policy, society must confront cultural biases that continue to harm women—particularly women of color—by devaluing their work and confining them to specific gender roles. Women earn less when they balance children and careers.So what to make of the fact that about 10 percent of the wage gap can be attributed to women having different work histories than men, or in other words, being much more likely to take time off or quit altogether to care for children? The truth is, the choices women (and … The average salary for Center For American Progress employees is $61,800 per year. Like all statistics, the 77-cent statistic tells a particular story. (Editor’s Note: ThinkProgress is an editorially independent newsroom housed at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.) For quarterly earnings for women and men overall, see U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Usual Weekly Earnings of Wage and Salary Workers Fourth Quarter 2019,” Table 1, Press release, January 17, 2020, available at. (March 18, 2019), available at, Diana Boesch, “The Uneven Expansion of Access to Paid Sick Days,” Center for American Progress, August 30, 2018, available at. In particular, the 90-cent earnings figure for Asian women likely underestimates the wage gap experienced by women belonging to many Asian subgroups. This has led to critics charging that the 77-cent figure is a willful manipulation of truth that does not accurately reflect gender discrimination in the workplace. The annual wage-gap statistic average is compiled by grouping together many people—and, as such, it has its caveats. Center for American Progress. From the Center for American Progress webpage and the AAUW webpage, what did you learn about the gender wage gap? Sarah Jane Glynn is Associate Director for Women’s Economic Policy at the Center for American Progress.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ‮g​r​o​.​s​s​e​r​g​o​r​p​n​a​c​i​r​e​m​a​@​r​e​g​r​e​b​e​e​s​c‭, ‮g​r​o​.​s​s​e​r​g​o​r​p​n​a​c​i​r​e​m​a​@​a​d​a​r​a​p​l‭, Meeting Investor Demand for Environmental, Social and Governance Information, Stateside Chat: Working Toward an Equitable and Just Climate Future, STATEMENT: CAP on Mississippi’s Unconstitutional Ban on Transgender Participation in School-Sponsored Sports, EVENT ADVISORY: SEC Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee To Speak on Environmental, Social, and Governance Regulations, STATEMENT: CAP Urges for New TPS Designation and Humanitarian Response to Unrest in Haiti, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, “Women in the labor force: a databook” (Washington: U.S. Department of Labor, 2018), available at. Available at: [Accessed 16 November 2017]. American Indian, Alaska Native, Black and Hispanic women earn 26 percent less than White men. The United States is one of only a few countries in the world, and certainly the only advanced economy, where mothers do not have the right to paid maternity leave after the birth of a new child. The highest wage premium for women is among respiratory therapists, an occupation where women earn 6.4 percent more than men—the equivalent of an extra $62 per week. These are the 10 jobs with the biggest gender wage gaps: Employed mothers with a child under age 6 spend about 47 more minutes per day caring for and helping household members, compared to employed fathers. Explaining The Gender Pay Gap. Meanwhile, only about one-third—34.8 percent—of men are employed in the top 20 occupations for male workers, including truck drivers, managers, and supervisors. [online] Center for American Progress. (Editor’s Note: ThinkProgress is an editorially independent newsroom housed at the Center for American Progress Action Fund.) However, despite this progress, significant wage gaps between men and women persist—particularly for women of color. Only by enacting essential policies and shifting cultural attitudes can the United States begin to dismantle the patriarchal structures that systematically disadvantage and shortchange women and their families. - Center for American Progress. Earning Differences by Race. Some research shows that the career costs of childbearing are particularly high for highly skilled women in professional occupations, likely in part because there is not a direct relationship between hours and wages for women who find themselves on the “mommy track.”. U.S. Census Bureau, “Current Population Survey: PINC-05. The top 10 occupations for women all pay men more on average, including secretaries and administrative assistants, registered nurses, teachers, and cashiers. Since the second half of the 20th century, women’s labor force participation has grown significantly.1 Women are working longer hours and pursuing higher education in greater numbers. At least some of this is due to discrimination, even if it is subtle and subconscious. Second, collective bargaining c… Jump to. The fact is, in real life, women work the way they do for reasons that, for all but the most privileged, have very little to do with choosing purely between work and family life. In reality, the statistic that women earn 77 cents to the male dollar reflects real structural barriers to equality deserving of attention. Fleming, S. S. (2015). And the wage gap is even higher for women of color, pointing to social factors that go far beyond the choices that women make. Some critics use this as fuel for their argument that the wage gap only exists because women scale back their work hours to care for their families. But the rest of the wage gap—nearly 60 percent—is influenced by all the structural and social factors that drive the decisions women make about where and how long they work. Similarly, the estimate of the median annual wage for all full-time workers regardless of gender—$45,535 in 2012—is not the same as the median weekly wage for all full-time workers—$765 to $772 depending on the quarter—multiplied by 52. These factors constrain the choices that lead them to work and earn less. Annual data for 2012, the latest year for which data are available, estimate that women earn 77 percent of what men do for working full time, year round, while weekly data put the estimate at 82.1 percent. Native American women and Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander women saw their pay gaps close slightly from $0.57 and $0.61 in 2018, to $0.60 and $0.63, respectively, in 2019. Critics complain that estimates of the gender wage gap are inaccurate oversimplifications. Understanding these constraints and what causes the gender wage gap is an important first step to change structural barriers. Women can't win. U.S. Census Bureau, “Current Population Survey: PINC-05. In addition to having the ability to allocate what would have been spent towards unaffordable child-care, elsewhere. The unfortunate truth is that mothers are perceived as less dedicated employees after having children because many employers think mothers will be distracted by their home lives. For example, societal and structural sexism often influences the jobs that women work in, and those same forces mean that women most often take on the majority of the caregiving, housework, and other unpaid responsibilities that men do not. post A look at the motherhood wage gap on Mother’s Equal Pay Day. Gender Wage Inequality Report. With competing statistics and a highly politicized issue, the very existence of the wage gap is often called into question—along with its significance and driving causes. Center for American Progress. Some women will always prefer reducing their schedules or staying at home with their kids. While this overall gender wage gap is an important statistical representation of how women take home less money in wages than men across the economy, it is important to consider the specific influencing factors: A number of different things, including race and ethnicity, interact to affect earnings. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, “The Equal Pay Act of 1963,” available at, Frye, “Racism and Sexism Combine to Shortchange Working Black Women.”, Sarah Jane Glynn, “Gender wage inequality” (Washington: Washington Center for Equitable Growth, 2018), available at, Elise Gould and Celine McNicholas, “Unions help narrow the gender wage gap,” Economic Policy Institute Working Economics Blog, April 3, 2017, available at, Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn, “The Gender Pay Gap: Extent, Trends, and Explanations” (Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016), available at, Glynn, “Gender wage inequality”; Mark Paul and others, “Returns in the labor market: A nuanced view of penalties at the intersection of race and gender” (Washington: Washington Center for Equitable Growth, 2018), available at, Author’s calculation is based on analysis of median annual earnings of women and men 15 years old and older working full-time, year-round in 2018. (see Figure 1), The wage gaps for each group are calculated based on median earnings data from the U.S. Census Bureau and thus do not necessarily represent each individual woman’s personal experience. Nearly two-thirds of mothers are the primary or co-breadwinners for their families.And this does not even begin to take into account the lack of federal laws in this country that could help manage conflicts between caring for a family while still bringing in income. Because so few women have access to paid maternity leave, and because the biological realities of childbirth mean that most women have no choice but to take time off after having children, mothers end up spending more time out of the labor force than fathers, which further contributes to the gender wage gap. READ: Why Pay Transparency Alone Won't Eliminate the Wage Gap Between Men and Women. Gender wage gap numbers are more than just interesting talking points; they have real-world implications for women. Interestingly, when home and child care work is taken into account, the time gap looks very different. First, it directly raises wages for workers who are covered by union contracts—especially for lower- and middle-income workers. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health. One of the main issues being addressed in the Shriver report is the gender wage gap. This fact sheet provides answers to these questions and more. Women are much more likely than men to be clustered in just a few occupations, with nearly half of all working women—44.4 percent—employed in just 20 occupations, including secretaries and administrative assistants, registered nurses, and school teachers. In three of those industries, women make less than 80 cents for every dollar a man earns, or worse than the average national wage gap, according to a 2018 analysis by the Center for American Progress analysis. So what exactly is the gender wage gap? This is an issue of economic security and equality—and women and their families cannot afford to wait for either. The wage gap looks slightly different depending on which data source is used in the calculation. Altogether, they are why the 77-cent figure is meaningful: Comparing a woman and a man in the same occupation and with the same background in a very narrow way only tells you one part of the story—even though a gender wage gap still persists within these types of comparisons. Our aim is not just to change [online] Center for American Progress. ... Center For American Progress Action Fund. Endnotes and citations are available in the PDF and Scribd versions. Collective bargaining reduces gender and racial pay gaps for several reasons. 1 Works Cited Boushey, Heather, editor. East Asia has more women working then men, but some parts of the world, the gap remains high. So while the 77-cent figure compares working women and men in different jobs, it is influenced by occupational segregation and the different wages men and women earn even within the same types of jobs. Center for American Progress. Gender Wage Inequality Report. ... research associate for women's economic security at the Center for American Progress writes in a … Incorporating these significant factors is precisely what makes the number valuable. Center for American Progress Action Fund have termed the “career wage gap.” The more commonly known gender wage gap is the annual difference in median wages between men and women who are employed full-time. However, a great deal of contention surrounds statistics measuring and quantifying the gender wage gap, and this confusion is not entirely without merit. Work Experience-People 15 Years Old and Over, by Total Money Earnings, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Disability Status: 2018.”. ‮g​r​o​.​s​s​e​r​g​o​r​p​n​a​c​i​r​e​m​a​@​k​c​i​s​u​c​j‭, ‮g​r​o​.​s​s​e​r​g​o​r​p​n​a​c​i​r​e​m​a​@​s​n​i​l​l​o​c​r‭, Meeting Investor Demand for Environmental, Social and Governance Information, Stateside Chat: Working Toward an Equitable and Just Climate Future, STATEMENT: CAP on Mississippi’s Unconstitutional Ban on Transgender Participation in School-Sponsored Sports, EVENT ADVISORY: SEC Acting Chair Allison Herren Lee To Speak on Environmental, Social, and Governance Regulations, STATEMENT: CAP Urges for New TPS Designation and Humanitarian Response to Unrest in Haiti. 2. The Brookings Institution. The good news is that some of these issues can be addressed through public policy. Everything You Need To Know For Equal Pay Day. In three of those industries, women make less than 80 cents for every dollar a man earns, or worse than the average national wage gap, according to a 2018 analysis by the Center for American Progress analysis. While women’s and men’s earnings may shift slightly each year with each new batch of Census Bureau data, the gender wage gap will not close anytime soon without concerted action. The full-time job with the smallest wage gap is stock clerk, earning about $10 difference a week. (see Table 1), An even larger consideration is the cumulative impact of the gender wage gap on all women working full time in the United States. This issue brief explains how the wage gap is calculated, why the numbers are not all the same, and what causes are driving the most commonly cited 77-cent figure. But among the federal workforce, the gap has fallen significantly, according to a new report from the Office of Personnel Management (OPM). On average, women earn only 79 percent of what men earn when comparing full-time year round workers. In turn, that reduction in job hours and job tenure both lowers women’s wages overall and contributes to the cultural notion that women are not as devoted to employment once they have children. While the fact that full-time working women put in fewer hours on average certainly affects the wage gap, the penalty women pay for working less is not as straightforward as a simple subtraction in hourly wages. 1 Woman are working longer hours and pursuing higher education in greater numbers. Robin Bleiweis is a research associate for Women’s Economic Security for the Women’s Initiative at the Center for American Progress. Cornell economists Francine D. Blau and Lawrence M. Kahn have managed to quantify what percentage of the pay gap between men and women is due to aspects we cannot easily measure—aspects that go beyond things such as occupation, educational attainment, and years of experience. Some women will always prefer reducing their schedules or staying at home with their kids. (Source: In 1963, President John F. Kennedy signed the Equal Pay Act (EPA) into law, making it illegal for employers to pay unequal wages to men and women who perform equal work. This fact sheet focuses on wage gaps between women and men because that is how the data have historically been collected and analyzed. A copy of your letter to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will be sent to your Senators and Representative to remind them that we’re counting on them give women the capacity to enforce the right to equal and fair pay. Author’s analysis uses data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Déjà vu? There are significant structural factors that influence the decisions working women make that result in lower pay, and these deserve as much attention as overt discrimination. Jan. 26, 2021. This graph from the ILO shows the percentage gap in workforce participation in 1991, 2001, and 2011 between women and men. Variability in work experience also plays a role in wages, as some women can fall behind in career development more than men due to maternity leave or child care. But that belief rests upon a very abstract take on reality. 2 Experts have calculated this gap in a multitude of ways, but the varying calculations point to a … The gender wage gap, minimum wage, and expansions of paid leave have all been the subjects of media attention and increasing political action. policy institute that is dedicated to improving the lives of all the conversation, but to change the country. Work Experience-People 15 Years Old and Over, by Total Money Earnings, Age, Race, Hispanic Origin, Sex, and Disability Status: 2018,” available at, Calculations are based on median annual earnings data from 2018 American Community Survey 1-year estimates, whereas the 90-cent figure for Asian women overall is based on median annual earnings data from the 2018 Current Population Survey. Female-dominated industries pay lower wages than male-dominated industries requiring similar skill levels, and the effect is stronger in jobs that require higher levels of education.Women are more likely to be concentrated in low-wage work,and they make up the majority of minimum-wage workers in the United States. 1 Center for American Progress | Explaining the Gender Wage Gap Explaining the Gender Wage Gap By Sarah Jane Glynn May 19, 2014 The most commonly cited statistic for the gender wage gap asserts that women earn only 77 cents for every dollar earned by men. The gender wage gap, according to the NWLC, means $23,540 less each year for Black women, $28,036 less for Latinas, $24,443 for Native women, and $6,007 less for Asian women. A new report found that women lose approximately $434,000, on average, over a 40-year period because of the gender wage gap. Ibid. The part-time jobs, however, actually widened the gender wage gap, according to the Center for American Progress. Mothers, on average, have lower earnings than women without children, and while some of this gap may be due to working fewer hours, at least some of it persists even when productivity is taken into account. For context, a woman working full time, year round earned $10,194 less than her male counterpart, on average, in 2018.18 If this wage gap were to remain unchanged, she would earn about $407,760 less than a man over the course of a 40-year career.19 Again, these earnings gaps are larger for most women of color. - Center for American Progress. In real life, men and women often do not hold the same jobs. 4 Center for American Progress | International Approaches to Closing the Gender Wage Gap Despite extensive research on the nature and drivers of the gender wage gap within and between countries, a large portion still cannot be explained. The gender pay gap for AAPI women varies among different communities. The gender wage gap refers to the difference in earnings between women and men. Calculating it this way allows experts to capture the multitude of factors driving the gender wage gap, which include but are not limited to: These are just some of the major drivers of the gender wage gap. 3 Center for American Progress | Hours Flexibility and the Gender Gap in Pay This report also demonstrates that of the occupational groups studied, those in the technician group who work fewer than 40 hours per week are the least likely to have a wage penalty among both men and women; the food, operator, and sales groups That is certainly nothing to scoff at, but it pales in comparison to the occupations with the worst wage gap for women: property, real estate, and community association managers. All of these factors translate, to different degrees, into lower pay. Farrell, J., & Glynn, S. (2013). Explaining the Gender Wage Gap - Center for American Progress. Additionally, list at least one piece of legislation that has been useful in reducing the potency of the gender wage gap. The “77 cents” formulation is a colloquialism—shorthand for expressing a complex economic truth. The Center for American Progress is an independent nonpartisan Gradually raising the federal minimum wage from $7.25 to $15 an hour and ensuring one fair wage will lift pay for nearly 32 million people by 2025. Center for American Progress Tweet. Define the gender wage gap in your own words. See Jasmine Tucker, “Equal Pay for Asian American and Pacific Islander Women” (Washington: National Women’s Law Center, 2020), available at, Jocelyn Frye, “Racism and Sexism Combine to Shortchange Working Black Women,” Center for American Progress, August 22, 2019, available at, Kristen Schilt and Matthew Wiswall, “Before and After: Gender Transitions, Human Capital, and Workplace Experiences,”, Jocelyn Frye, “Why Pay Data Matter in the Fight for Equal Pay” (Washington: Center for American Progress, 2020), available at, Ariane Hegewisch and Heidi Hartmann, “Occupational Segregation and the Gender Wage Gap: A Job Half Done” (Washington: Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 2014), available at, Diana Boesch, “Rhetoric vs. What drives it? Gender, Pay Equity, Race & Ethnicity TOPICS: Gender, Pay Equity, Race & Ethnicity. Women are much more likely than men to be clustered in just a few occupations, with nearly half of all working women—44.4 percent—employed in just 20 occupations, including secretaries and administrative assistants, registered nurses, and school teachers. Moreover, just looking at full-time workers does not eliminate the difference in hours worked. Via Center for American Progress: "Equal Pay Day is...April 17. This date symbolizes how far into 2012 the average woman must work to earn what the average man earned in 2011. And finally, unemployment plays a major role in income disparity: A Dec. 2019 study comparing Black and White workers from the Center for American Progress reports that … As the following sections illustrate, there are structural factors that influence the different career paths of men and women—factors that should be addressed to ensure that all workers are able to work and contribute to the economy in ways that make the most of their abilities and strengths.

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