cool hebrew names boy
Shai, an effortlessly chic boys’ name from the Hebrew, means “gift,” making it a beautiful choice for a new son. Tam: means “complete, whole” or “honest.”, Uriel: Uriel was an angel in the Bible. Daniel means "God is my judge.". Eli: Eli was a High Priest and the last of the Judges in the Bible. Gender-Neutral Hebrew Baby Names Ariel: It’s used more widely for girls, but this gender-neutral Hebrew baby name is a solid one to consider for a little boy as well. You can choose the apt one from these rare boy names and bless him with a lovely name for life. 2. Issachar means "there is a reward. Hebrew Names; Find popular Hebrew baby names for your newborn boy or girl. Asher means “blessed, fortunate, happy” in Hebrew., Avichai: means "my father (or God) is lives. 1. Naftali: means “to wrestle.” Naftali was the sixth son of Jacob. These are some of the most popular and unique biblical names for boys, along with their meanings, origins, popularity in the top 1,000 list of boy names, and other interesting information. The name means “God is my light.”. Josiah: means “fire of the Lord.” In the Bible Josiah was a king who ascended the throne at the age of eight when his father was murdered. Rubin – Another form of Reuben, a boy’s name of Hebrew origin meaning “behold, a son”. Related: Nature Names for Boys. Pelaia, Ariela. The layers of meaning make this one extra interesting. Raphael means "God heals. 25 Yair Yair is a great single syllabyle name that means, "he will illuminate." Favorites. Sleep Schedule for Your Baby’s First Year, There's More to Using White Noise Than You'd Think, Don't Get Blindsided by the 3-4 Month Sleep Regression, 40 Rare Baby Names to Set Your Little One Apart, 35 Swedish Baby Names That Are Like a Ray of Sunshine, 5 Baby Name Trends That Are About to Blow Up, 35 Literary Names for Your Bookworm-to-Be. Retrieved from Saul: “Asked” or “borrowed.” Saul was the first king of Israel. He brought the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt and led them to the Promised Land. Carlos: Carlos is a badass name meaning ‘strong’. ", Idan: Idan (also spelled Edan) means "era, historic period.". Meaning - A TRIBUTARY LORD. Oren: One of the more unique Hebrew baby names on our list, this one is a nature name, translating to “laurel or pine tree.”. If you come across an interesting Hebrew name that is not included in the list, do make it a … ", Avraham (Abraham): Avraham (Abraham) was the father of the Jewish people., Avram: Avram was the original name of Abraham.. Moses means “drawn out (of the water)” in Hebrew. Job: Job was the name of a righteous man who was persecuted by Satan (the adversary) and whose story is recounted in the Book of Job. Joshua means “the Lord is my salvation.”. Chance: This badass name for males means ‘good fortune’. This cute little name refers to “fire” or “someone born of fire”. Karmiel: Hebrew for “God is my vineyard.” Also spelled Carmiel. Daily Top 10 Baby Names. Boy Baby Names. Check it out! Hila: Abbreviated version of the Hebrew word tehila, meaning “praise.” Also, Hilai or Hilan. In Hebrew, it means “victory,” making this choice as strong as it is pretty. (accessed March 14, 2021). Yoel means "God is willing. Vofsi: A member of the tribe of Naftali. David: David is derived from the Hebrew word for “beloved.” David was the name of the Biblical hero who slew Goliath and became one of Israel’s greatest kings. Girls. Hod: Hod was a member of Asher's tribe. The name “Carmi” means “my garden. 1785 Hebrew Baby Girl Names With Meanings. FREE Standard Shipping on Orders Above $75. Our List of Hebrew Baby Names with meanings will help you to sort out your ideas for selecting a perfect one. Leah was in the top 50 names for girls last year in the States. * An additional $185 shipping fee will be applied to SNOO purchases sent to Hawaii and Alaska. We've put together 30 of the best cool boy names with meanings for your baby. Moreover, the focus is that a child's name should be significant in forming her identity. Natan means “gift.”, Natanel (Nathaniel): Natanel (Nathaniel) was King David's brother in the Bible. Hebrew Baby Names. ", Hadar: From the Hebrew words for “beautiful, ornamented” or “honored.”, Haran: From the Hebrew words for “mountaineer” or “mountain people.”. Many Hebrew names have slight variations, and other less common names do not appear on this list at all. Carmel: means "vineyard" or "garden." Here are some totally cool 4 letter names for boys! ", Menashe: Menashe was Joseph's son. Gabriel: Means man of God. 1. Jethro: means "abundance, riches.” Jethro was Moses’ father-in-law. Top cool and unique boy names . Jenson — This name of Hebrew origin means “God is gracious,” and has yet to reach the top 1000 boy names in the United States—in 2018, it was at #1,215. Boaz: Boaz was King David's great-grandfather and Ruth's husband. Sebastian – Of Greek, Latin origin meaning “person from ancient city of Sebasta”. Jewish too, like other traditions, have guidelines to choose a meaningful name for the babies. More unusual boys’ names with Hebrew origins range from Aleph to Zebedee. Aapeli Breathing. Eve means “life.”, Hannah (or Chanah): The popular Hebrew baby name can be spelled and pronounced in the Americanized or traditional way; both versions mean “grace.”, Ilana: Another nature name for our Hebrew baby name list, Ilana means “oak tree.”, Isabel: One of the more popular Hebrew baby names on our list, Isabel is loved the world over and easily shortened to sweet nicknames Izzy, Bella, or Belle. Itamar means "island of palm (trees).". Abiel: In Hebrew, this means God is my father. Meaning - TO CRY OUT. Daphna: Daphne is adorable, but swap in an “a” and you get this truly profound baby girl name. Hey, Congratulations for your Newborn. In the Bible Gershem was an adversary of Nehemiah. And How Do I Do It? Yakar: means "precious." There are few masculine names that begin with the “F” sound in Hebrew, however, in Yiddish F names include: Fromel: which is a diminutive form of Avraham. Set (Seth): Set was the son of Adam in the Bible. Jeremiah: means “God will loosen the bonds” or “God will uplift.” Jeremiah was one of the Hebrew prophets in the Bible. Jonah: He’s the “dove,” for a baby name that is gentle in both sound and meaning. Idi: The name of a 4th-century scholar mentioned in the Talmud. 69 Cool Hebrew Names | Nameberry. ", Jonah (Yonah): Jonah was a prophet. Have questions about a Happiest Baby product? The name means “held by the heel.”. Aaron Mountain of strength. LIVE! Hebrew Boy Names. Lily-Marie's list "Cool Hebrew Names" of 69 great name ideas: Azariah - Maya! Elias: A little edgier than Elliot or Elijah, it’s a great “E” name from the Hebrew meaning “Yahweh is God.” Yahweh was the biblical god of Israel. By using Learn Religions, you accept our. … Isaiah: From the Hebrew for “God is my salvation.” Isaiah was one of the prophets of the Bible. Aapeli Breathing. You can easily find beautiful meaningful names for your baby girl and your baby boy. Chai: means "life." In this article we’ll go over 100+ unique boy names, then give you some pointers on choosing the perfect name. Yonah means "dove.". It means “springlike, fresh, dewy” and has a similar feeling to its sound as well. We all know a John, Jake, or Noah already. Levi: There’s the obvious jeans connotation, which only lends more cool-kid cred to this cool Hebrew boy name. ", Avner: Avner was King Saul's uncle and army commander. Noah: The well-known biblical story of Noah and the arc brings resourcefulness, peace, and a love of animals to mind. Aaron – This is a Hebrew boy’s name that means “exalted“. Sawyer – Of English origin meaning “woodcutter”. Axel - German and Scandinavian, a Germanised form of the Hebrew Absalom, meaning ‘father is peace’. ", Joseph (Yosef): Joseph was the son of Jacob and Rachel in the Bible. 4. Abel - Hebrew, meaning ‘breath’ or ‘breathing spirit’. Mazel Tov! Suggest Name. See here for Jewish girls' names. ", Asher: Asher was a son of Yaakov (Jacob) and hence the name for one of the tribes of Israel. Browse below for Hebrew Baby Names, which includes gender, meaning and origin. Omr: Omri was a king of Israel who sinned. Yaacov (Jacob): Yaacov was the son of Isaac in the Bible. Calev: the spy sent by Moses into Canaan. Suggest Name. Itai means "friendly. Baby boy names popular in Israel include Uri — especially among Jewish Israelis — Ariel, Noam, and Eitan. There are few, if any, Hebrew names that are usually transliterated to English with the letter “Q” as the first letter. It’s like a weekly chat with America’s #1 all our promotions, product launches, and more! Sadie: If you love Sarah but want something slightly more contemporary, this precious diminutive of the common name is one to consider; Sadie and Sarah share the meaning “princess,” making them both perfect choices for yours! Our consultants would be happy to help! Abigail: A very sweet little girl name that translates to, “my father is joyful.” Abby is a common—and cute—nickname. Get inspired by Hebrew boy & girl names: traditional, modern, cool, and trendy names with unique meanings & origins that are best for babies - some even for pet cats and dogs, too! But it doesn't have to be with this list of Hebrew names for boys. Yitzhak means "he will laugh.”. Ariel means “lion of God,” and for a boy it can also be shortened to Ari. Menu. Its meaning is “exalted”. Articles Baby Names Family In The News Parenting Pregnancy Recalls What's New. 3. * In the 48 contiguous United States, customers will be charged $59.50 for shipping the SNOO back. Shai: We love a stand-alone name that is short and sweet enough to be a nickname, but is doing its own thing. ", Nechemya: Nechemya means "comforted by God.”, Nir: means "to plow” or “to cultivate a field.”, Nissan: Nissan is the name of a Hebrew month and means “banner, emblem” or “miracle.”, Nissim: Nissim is derived from the Hebrew words for “signs” or miracles.”, Noach (Noah): Noach (Noah) was a righteous man who God commanded to build an ark in preparation for the Great Flood. Correct spelling of Hebrew baby Names. We hope that you find the above list useful. Copyright © 2021 Happiest Baby, Inc | All Rights Reserved. Raphael: Raphael was an angel in the Bible. Revuen means “behold, a son!”. View more posts tagged pregnancy, baby names. The name means “joined” or “attendant upon.”. Arlo - Spanish, meaning ‘barberry tree’. Barak: means "lightning." Avner means "father (or God) of light. Don’t forget to check out our list of the top 100 names for boys so far this year. View the latest boy and girl Hebrew names at Mom365. Aapo Father of many nations. ", Learn Religions uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Judah (Yehuda): Judah was the son of Jacob and Leah in the Bible. Bela: From the Hebrew words for “swallow” or “engulf” Bela was the name of one of Jacob’s grandson’s in the Bible. Emmanuel: The names of Jesus which means God is with us. (Also spelled Chayim), Chasdiel: Hebrew for “my God is gracious.”, Chavivi: Hebrew for “my beloved” or “my friend.”, Daniel: Daniel was an interpreter of dreams in the Book of Daniel. Ayla: While Isla is having a major moment right now, this similar name from the Hebrew is less popular and just as pretty. There are few, if any, Hebrew names that are usually transliterated to English with the letter “W” as the first letter. Barak was a soldier in the Bible during the time of the female Judge named Deborah. One of the most common badass names, Buster is derived from ‘to bust’ and implies a person who busts things. Malachi: Malachi was a prophet in the Bible. Hebrew Names for Boys and Their Meanings. Jacob: A biblical baby name meaning “the supplanter,” that’s enjoyed wide popularity in recent years and is currently in the top 20 baby names for boys in the States. The name means "endless joy. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z. Also spelled Yakir. Each of these names has meanings that are also a spiritual sign. Meaning - GOD IS MY SAVIOR. Levi: Levi was Jacob and Leah’s son in the Bible. BabyCenter is committed to providing the most helpful and trustworthy pregnancy and parenting information in the world. ", Aryeh: Aryeh was an army officer in the Bible. The name means “God will add or increase.”, Joshua (Yehoshua): Joshua was Moses' successor as leader of the Israelites in the Bible. Eliezer means "my God helps.". Aryeh means "lion. Official Top 100 Baby Names. Name - JARON. It is only meant as general information. Seraphina: The lyrical Hewrew baby name means “ardent, fiery.”, Talia (or Atalia): More popular in Israel than stateside, you can’t go wrong with either version of this stunning Hebrew baby name meaning “gentle dew from heaven; by the water.”. What Is Dream Feeding? (See more Arabic baby names here!). In the U.S. it seems that boys names in hebrew are more popular than girls. It is a name of Hebrew origin. "Hebrew Names for Boys and Their Meanings." Matityahu means "gift of God. Meaning - TO CRY OUT IN SONG. Blog. ", Dror: Dror mountain "freedom" and "bird (swallow). Here are some beautiful Jewish baby names that would work well — meaning, they’re easy to pronounce — in the U.S. as well as Israel. Disclaimer: The information on our site is NOT medical advice for any specific person or condition. Israel: The name was given to Jacob after he wrestled with an angel and also the name of the State of Israel. But Hebrew baby names are for everyone, so all parents-to-be can enjoy shopping from our top Hebrew baby name picks here. There are few, if any, Hebrew names that are usually transliterated to English with the letter “X” as the first letter. Girls. It also has the Sanskrit meaning “God is love.”. Yehoshua (Joshua): Yehoshua was Moses' successor as leader of the Israelites. Boys. Chai is also an important symbol in Jewish culture. Zohar: We love this rare Z name which means “light, brilliance” in Hebrew. Research the meanings behind the names and their connections to the Jewish faith. These short boy names range from classic cool to names you’ve probably never considered before. Adam: (Hebrew) This four letter boy name means “red” and is a quite popular one as well. Ben-Ami: Ben-Ami means "son of my people.". Elisha: Elisha was a prophet and Elijah's student. Pardes: From the Hebrew for “vineyard” or “citrus grove.”, Peresh: “Horse” or “one who breaks ground.”. Hillel means praise. Ariel means “lion of God,” and for a boy it can also be shortened to Ari. 114. Leah: She’s one of the most revered matriarchs in the Bible, and though the direct translation of this name—“weary”—probably won’t be what charms you about it, the pretty sound and simple spelling earn it high marks. NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. Benyamin (Benjamin): Benyamin was Jacob's youngest son. Daniel was a pious and wise man in the Book of Ezekiel. Hebrew baby names for girls and boys. Pet variants include Dorian and Doron. Aaron. Ilan: Ilan (also spelled Elan) means "tree", Yitzhak (Issac): Isaac was Abraham's son in the Bible. Its meaning is “father is light”. Suggest Name. There are Hebrew names for boys and girls. Bar: means "grain, pure, possessor of" in Hebrew. GO. Gidon (Gideon): Gidon (Gideon) was a warrior-hero in the Bible. "Hebrew Names for Boys and Their Meanings." Ezra: Ezra was a priest and scribe who led the return from Babylon and the movement to rebuild the Holy Temple in Jerusalem along with Nehemiah. It’s updated regularly through our … It should be noted that there are numerous Hebrew names, which do not actually have a Hebrew origin. ", Aharon (Aaron): Aharon was the older brother of Moshe (Moses)., Akiva: Rabbi Akiva was a 1st-century scholar and teacher., Amos: Amos was an 8th-century prophet from northern Israel., Ariel: Ariel is a name for Jerusalem. Added charges will apply for shipping to and from Alaska and Hawaii. The name means “Who is like God?”, Mordechai: Mordechai was Queen Esther's cousin in the Book of Esther. Bar means "son (of), wild, outside" in Aramaic. Jonathan ( Yonatan): Jonathan was King Saul’s son and King David’s best friend in the Bible. Hebrew Names for Girls and Their Meanings, Women of the Torah and Co-Founders of Israel, Biography of King David, Biblical Jewish Leader. Chasin: Chasin is a Hebrew origin meaning ‘strong’. While it’s used as is for both boys and girls in Israel, you can also feminize it by adding an “a” at the end for a little girl to give little Zohara a more feminine sound to English-speaking ears. Get inspiration for baby names with our most popular Hebrew boy names that are trending now. Caleb: A beautiful Hebrew name for boys, it means “devotion to God.” Caleb is still a relatively unique Hebrew baby name, but your little Caleb will still be in good company, as the name actually hit #52 for US boys last year. Samuel: “His name is God.” Samuel (Shmuel) was the prophet and judge who anointed Saul as the first king of Israel. Pinchas: Pinchas was Aaron's grandson in the Bible. Yehuda (Judah): Yehuda was the son of Jacob and Leah in the Bible. Eliezer: There were three Eliezers in the Bible: Abraham's servant, Moses' son, a prophet. Aapo Father of many nations. Abner. The meaning of this name is unknown. ", Itamar: Itamar was Aharon's son in the Bible. (2021, February 8). If you are searching for Hebrew Boy Names and Meanings, you are in the right place. COOL FOUR LETTER BOY NAMES. Meaning - FROM THE NAME JARE. Gershem: means “rain” in Hebrew. On the contrary, many of these names have been borrowed from other ancient and medieval languages, which include Aramaic, Phoenician, Egyptian, Latin, Greek, and so on. Teri on March 30, 2019: Eve: It’s the oldest story in The Book—and a classic Hebrew baby name for girls. Lila: This unique Hebrew baby name for girls translates to “night” in Semitic Hebrew, and has the associated meaning “dark beauty” from its Sanskrit and Arabic roots. Camoron on April 22, 2019: love the name Bellamy, so handsome. Its meaning is “pledged to God.”. ", Elan: Elan (also spelled Ilan) means "tree.". Learn Religions, Feb. 8, 2021, A study in contrasts, Noah means both “rest” and “motion” in Hebrew. Whether you’re looking for something that’s biblical or just plain pretty, our list of both popular and rare Hebrew baby names for boys and girls should spark plenty of inspiration! Matityahu: Matityahu was the father of Judah Maccabi. Learn Religions. But no matter what one's familiarity is with Hebrew, these names are sure to start some meaningful conversations. 4 of 20 Ariel: It’s used more widely for girls, but this gender-neutral Hebrew baby name is a solid one to consider for a little boy as well. Many of the Hebrew names are also shortened to fit in today’s world. (Also spelled Naphtali), Natan: Natan (Nathan) was the prophet in the Bible who reprimanded King David for his treatment of Uriah the Hittite. Name - JARRETT. Adan. Jacob ( Yaacov): means “held by the heel.” Jacob is one of the Jewish patriarchs. Hebrew; the first language of the holy Bible is widely used by Jews and Christians. Adiel: means "adorned by God" or "God is my witness. Abiel was the grandfather of Saul found in the Old Testament. Learn more about SNOO. Connect with us at He is one of the seven Archangels. Israel: The Hebrew place baby name is a cool choice on its own. Adan – Hebrew baby name that means “son of Adam: man of the red earth”. The symbol for this tribe is the olive tree. Pelaia, Ariela. The name means “praise.”, Zechariah (Zachary): Zachariah was a prophet in the Bible. The name means “praise.”, Joel (Yoel): Joel was a prophet. The name means “warrior, warlike.”. Kids all new and old name meanings in English. But there’s something on this list for nearly every family. Aidan. Gabriel: We love this traditional Hebrew baby name translating to, “God is my strength.”. And while you’re at it, don’t forget to check out our baby naming guide for even more inspiration. BNG Top 100. Asher: It means “fortunate, blessed, happy one,” and while Asher is technically a gender-neutral Hebrew baby name, we see it much more often for little boys. Name - JASON. The origin and meaning of some of the most common Jewish and Hebrew names for boys. ", Edan: Edan (also spelled Idan) means "era, historic period. Dor: From the Hebrew word for “generation.”, Doran: means "gift." I’ve skipped some of the most tried-and-true of the classic boy names, even while others made the cut. Girl Baby Names. ", Itai: Itai was one of David's warriors in the Bible. I'm a bit obsessed with certain boy names being used as girl names, i.e. In Hebrew, Israel means “to wrestle with God.”, Issachar: Issachar was Jacob's son in the Bible. Cohen: Cohen is a badass name with an opposing meaning. If you have any medical questions and concerns about your child or yourself, please contact your health provider. Shaul (Saul): Shaul was a king of Israel. Avi: This sweet Hebrew boys’ name means “father.” Fans of the hit TV show Ray Donovan will have a point of modern reference for this one, but even if you haven't heard it lately, it’s a solid one to consider. Natanel means "God gave. The name means “causing to forget.”. Cool Christian Boy Names. Hebrew baby names have the dual impact of being both steeped in history and easy on the ears. Zachariah means "remembering God. Along with Noah and Jacob, other Hebrew boys’ names in the US top 100 include Adam, Asher, Caleb, Elijah, Isaac, Levi, Nathan, and Samuel. Lachlan, Laken, Rian, Blake to name a few. Boys. OLD BLOG Archives Articles Baby Names Celebrities In The News What's New. Gavriel (Gabriel): Gavriel (Gabriel) is the name of an angel that visited Daniel in the Bible. Originally “Yarden,” it means "to flow down, descend. Moses (Moshe): Moses was a prophet and leader in the Bible. Hillel: Hillel was a Jewish scholar in the first century B.C.E. Hebrew Names for Boys Starting with A. Jordan: This popular Hebrew baby name is in the top 100 for boys and top 400 for girls, with a place-inspired feel and the direct meaning, “flowing down.”, Mayaan: More rare than many on the list, this gender-neutral baby name choice means “natural spring of water” in Hebrew. Merom: means "heights.” Merom was the name of a place where Joshua won one of his military victories. Jonathan comes from a Hebrew name which means "God has given. " When Moses first confronted the Egyptian king about the Israelites, Aaron served as his brother's spokesman to the Pharaoh. The ultimate A-Z list of Hebrew boy names, complete with name meanings and origins for all Hebrew baby boy names. The name means “God has given.”, Jordan: The name of the Jordan river in Israel. “Dori” means “my generation.”, Dotan: Dotan, place in Israel, means "law. Finally, if … Bartholomew: From the Aramaic and Hebrew words for “hill” or “furrow.”. Name - JARON. Most Popular Biblical Jewish Baby Names for Boys in the U.S. Aaron— Aaron was a prophet, high priest, and the brother of Moses. Aaron Origin : Hebrew It has been given to over 520,000 boys since the 1800s as their first name. Noah means “rest, quiet, peace.”, Ofer: means "young mountain goat” or “young deer.”. Suggest Name. Benyamin means "son of my right hand" (the connotation is of "strength"). In Hebrew it means, “joined, attached.”. It means "lion of God. Pelaia, Ariela. Eliahu (Elijah): Eliahu (Elijah) was a prophet. Most biblical names we know today take their roots in Hebrew and are making a huge comeback in the U.S.! Yair: means "to light up” or “to enlighten.” In the Bible Yair was a grandson of Joseph. There are approximately 2800 original first names in the Bible….here are some of the best. Ayla has multiple ethereal meanings: “oak tree, halo, moonlight” for a multidimensional name pick your little girl will love growing into. Adam— Adam and Eve, according to the Abrahamic religions, were the first man and woman. Gavriel means "God is my strength. Hod means "splendor. Ezra means “help” in Hebrew. Gilad: Gilad was the name of a mountain in the Bible. No one wants a boring name. Noam. Ace – This name is of Latin origin and means “unity“. Naming a new baby can be an exciting if daunting task. You're sure to find a name that's best for you and your family. Chaim: means "life." You might not know that in addition to being the biblical Holy Land, the name has the additional translation, “he who struggles with God,” after the Old Testament story where Jacob wrestles with an angel and is renamed by God. Nadav: means "generous” or “noble.” Nadav was the eldest son of the High Priest Aaron. Michael: Michael was an angel and messenger of God in the Bible. Suggest Name. Boys. Several names are so common now that we tend to forget their origin. Hebrew babies names - Our database contain huge name list of Hebrew baby names for girls and boys. Top Hebrew name list and its meanings with lucky number, origin and how to pronounced. Christian: Means follower of Christ or Christ-like. All Hebrew Names - Hebrew and Israeli unique and special names for baby, boys and girls including meaning and numerology, Search over 1800 unique and special male and female names by categories. Related: Handsome Two Syllable Boy Names.
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