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The Senate Administration for Health has, in consultation with the Senate Chancellery, the Senate Administration for the Interior and the Senate Administration for Economics, prepared an interpretation guide for the SARS-CoV-2 Containment Measures Ordinance. An der Berliner Volksbühne stehen #MeToo-Vorwürfe im Raum. Berlin. Download the Corona-Warn-App of the Federal Government to your smartphone and activate the app. The test may be done at the earliest 48 hours before entry, but the result must be available no later than 48 hours after entry. Do I have to work in a home office even if I don't want to? This requirement also applies during religious services, in doctors’ offices, in hospitals and nursing homes, in restaurants, in vocational training and general adult education, in office buildings, in retail stores, in shopping centers, and in tradespersons, service, and other commercial establishments with public access. In Quarantäne? Assemblies, such as protests or rallies, may take place with no limit on the number of participants. Not only … It cannot be ruled out that you will be tested positive at a later date because, if you have been infected, the viral load in your body will have increased. Nonprofit Organization. I. Impfbetrieb Corona-Impfzentren Berlin Das Impfen in den Impfzentren ist nur mittels einer vorherigen Terminvereinbarung und eines Buchungscodes möglich. Due to the increasing rate of infection, you should avoid any unnecessary travel. The summer semester will initially start digitally between April 1 at Berlin’s universities of applied sciences and April 12 at the other universities and art colleges. This means that visitors and customers must book an appointment in advance. In this case, self-tests are only valid if they are carried out on site under the supervision of the service provider. What are the general quarantine rules of the districts? Die Sieben-Tage-Inzidenz ist in Berlin wieder leicht angestiegen. Mandatory practical formats and examinations that cannot be implemented digitally can continue to be conducted in attendance mode subject to the relevant infection control measures. News & Media Website . This is regulated by the current Coronavirus Entry Ordinance of the Federal Government. Contact persons of persons who have tested positive can have a second test after a first test. Bookings have to be made in advance. The Governing Mayor of Berlin – Senate Chancellery, Einstellungen zur Barrierefreiheit öffnen, Contacts, maximum number of persons, and free-time, Finding out if you have Corona - tests and quarantine, Questions and answers about vaccination against the coronavirus. How can I protect myself and others against coronavirus? In the case of mild symptoms, additional criteria are taken into consideration, such as belonging to a risk group or having close contact with persons from a risk group. In the Coronavirus Entry Ordinance of the Federal Government, a distinction is made between entries into Germany from risk areas, high incidence areas and virus variant areas. Please note that at this page we only provide information on measures that have already been decided. Outdoors, 15 minutes of congregational singing is permitted with a mask. Clubs, trade fairs, exhibitions, flea markets and special markets, amusement arcades, casinos and betting offices are not allowed to open. More information on home office and contact reduction in companies can be found on the website of the Federal Ministry of Labor where you can also find the SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance of the Federal Government. The Berlin districts have issued general rules to relieve the health departments from declaring a quarantine. However, when the time when symptoms appear after infection varies greatly and can last up to 14 days. E-mail, Berlin Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) In these exceptional cases the number of participants is to be limited to a maximum of 25 in one room for examination purposes only. There are some people who have been infected with corona, who have no symptoms at all. Are there exceptions from quarantine when coming from abroad? More information on domestic quarantine and reporting and testing requirements can be found in the Entering from Abroad section. More information on which businesses are allowed to open can be found in the information guide. Von … Furthermore, it must be ensured that the minimum distance of 1.5 meters to other people is maintained and that the obligation to wear masks in enclosed spaces is observed during the entire service. The prerequisite for this is that the privately organized care is provided free of charge, on a reciprocal basis and in fixed groups. you have to: Other exceptions to the transportation ban can be found in the Federal Coronavirus Protection Ordinance. Die KV Berlin verschickt im März und April Impfeinladungen per Post. The absolute priority is to protect people and save lives. Breakingnews Berlin. Senatsverwaltung für Gesundheit, Pflege und Gleichstellung nach oben. You are allowed to meet other people, but are still urged to reduce your physical social contacts outside your own household to an absolute minimum. This is regulated by the SARS-CoV-2 Occupational Health and Safety Ordinance of the Federal Government. It also does not apply to people who are dying or are critically ill. Special arrangements apply to graduation classes. So wird in einer interaktiven Grafik der Verlauf der Reproduktionszahl "R" dargestellt, täglich aktuell auf Grundlage der Berechnungen des Robert Koch-Instituts (RKI). The federal Coronavirus Testing Ordinance and Coronavirus Surveillance Ordinance provide the legal framework supporting these procedures. Exceptions to contact restrictions can be found in Section 2(2) of the Ordinance. In the case of a corona infection, a certificate of incapacity to work is issued by the doctor and must be sent to your employer. If you after all travel to another Federal State, please find out in advance about the regulations which apply in the respective Federal State. Senatsverwaltung für Bildung, Jugend und Familie Corona Wirtschaft, Energie und Betriebe, Name: Anika Wiest In Berlin wurden seit Beginn der Zählung insgesamt 134.543 Corona-Fälle registriert. If a test is done, it might happen – depending on the severity of your respiratory symptoms – that you are sent to one of the special coronavirus screening center. Berlin. If you are entering from an unspecified risk area, you are required to be tested for the coronavirus before or immediately after entering the country. Am Dienstag hätten rund 4.000 Abiturienten in den Fächern Geografie und Geschichte die letzten Prüfungen geschrieben, teilte die Senatsverwaltung mit. Hotels and proprietors of vacation homes and similar establishments may not offer overnight accommodation to tourists. Berlin employees and companies with questions about the home office regulation can send an e-mail to or contact the hotline of the State Office for Occupational Safety, Health and Technical Safety: 030 902545-250 (Monday to Friday from 9 am to 2 pm). Masks were made mandatory in order to protect the public, including the protesters themselves. You should make a note of contact with people that are out of the ordinary – not dinner with your family but dinner with someone else. There is a requirement to wear a medical face mask in indoor sports facilities when not training. The districts of Berlin have issued general quarantine rules. The further procedure will be discussed there. If an assembly is held outdoors, an everyday mask must be worn. Children under 14 years of age are not excluded from this rule. visitBerlin You cannot end this early. E-Mail: If necessary, the public health officer will make a decision, on how to proceed based on the criteria of the Robert Koch Institute.If a test is done and you are waiting for the results, please continue to self-isolate at home – at first for 14 days – and follow the general rules on hygiene. If you would like to obtain further information about the current number of cases, RKI uses an interactive dashboard to show what is happening in the German states in regard to infection rates. Contact-free sports may only be carried out alone, with members of your own household or with members from one other household, provided the minimum distance is observed and a maximum number of five people is not exceeded. Die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur geht derzeit Vorwürfen gegen den Intendanten Klaus Dörr nach, wie sie am Samstag mitteilte. Die Senatsverwaltung für Kultur geht derzeit Vorwürfen gegen den Intendanten Klaus Dörr nach, wie sie am Samstag mitteilte. Eligibility for children’s sick pay for working parents during the Corona crisis has been extended retroactively to January 5, 2021. If you test positive for corona, your own individual contact diary will help you to easily keep track of the people you have been in contact with in the past few days. Wearing a medical face mask is compulsory in public transport, including train stations, ferry terminals and the airport. Nach aktuellen Angaben der Senatsverwaltung vom Sonnabend ist die Zahl der aktuellen Infektionen in Berlin weiter auf 5603 gestiegen. 408 Berliner Schüler sind diese Woche positiv auf das Coronavirus getestet worden, aber nur … These classes are taught in fixed groups either daily at least for three hours or alternating on a daily or weekly basis. immediately enter a 14-day domestic quarantine. Under what circumstances is shared child care allowed? The minimum distance rule does not apply to people you live with in the same household, people with whom you are in a relationship, or people for whom you have custody or visitation rights. If people experience a severe form of the disease, they may be infectious for longer. In Berlin wurden seit Beginn der Zählung insgesamt 132.838 Corona-Fälle registriert. In this case, the group may include up to 20 participants plus one supervisor. through a personal phone call – discuss together whether you had a close contact or whether this can be excluded. This test may be performed on the tenth day of quarantine at the earliest. … your state of health deteriorates due to acute symptoms. For all other events: no more than 20 people, For private events: the same rules apply as for indoor events, For all other events: no more than 50 people, At least one parent must work in an essential occupation. An der Berliner Volksbühne stehen #MeToo-Vorwürfe im Raum. More information on which businesses sectors are allowed to open can be found in the information guide. This record must contain the attendee’s full name, telephone number, area or district of the place of residence or permanent residence, address or email address and the time present at the event. On this page we have compiled important information and links for affected companies. In the case of office work or similar activities, employers must allow home office or teleworking unless there are absolutely necessary work-related reasons not to do so. Do I need a negative Corona test at the hairdresser or beauty salon? Children under 14 years of age are excluded from this rule. In addition, events with more than 20 people indoors and with more than 50 people outdoors are prohibited. Laut einem Bericht der „taz“ vom Wochenende haben sich mehrere Frauen über ihn beschwert. Border commuters who have to go to a risk area on a regular basis, for example, for work or training, and who return to their place of residence in Berlin at least once a week. This limits the visiting hours of patients to once a day, for one hour, by one person. Senatsverwaltung für If you have been in a risk area in the last 10 days before entering Berlin, you are subject to reporting, testing, detection and quarantine obligations. It is compulsory to wear a mask in the entire school building – also in class. Fitness studios, dance studios and similar facilities must remain closed. Infoseite der Berliner Senatsverwaltung Berliner Impfzentren Infos zum Corona-Impfmanagement Fragen und Antworten der Senatsverwaltung zur COVID-19-Impfung Fragen und Antworten des BMG zur COVID-19-Impfung Fragen und Antworten des RKI zur COVID-19-Impfung . In a private setting, this plan must also be drawn up for outdoor events with more than 20 people present at the same time. Exceptions can only be allowed for face-to-face examinations which have already been planned, including entrance examinations, and mandatory practical events which cannot be conducted in digital form. What do I have to do when I arrive in Berlin from a foreign virus variant area? What do I send to my employer in the case of a corona infection? There is currently no complete consensus among researchers on the symptoms. If you cannot do this, please wear a mask. The sale of alcohol for immediate consumption is prohibited. You must keep the test result for at least ten days after entry and hand it over to the relevant authority upon request. When you arrive in Berlin from a high-incidence area abroad, you must comply with the following obligations: the obligation to register, the obligation to test and provide proof, and the obligation to go into quarantine. Coronavirus (COVID-19) - Information and support for the Berlin economy. The State Office for Refugee Affairs carries out distribution in refugee accommodation. Securing liquidity in the event of acute financing needs (Support Program Liquidity Assistance) The two zoos, Zoologischer Garten and Tierpark-Berlin Friedrichsfelde, including the animal enclosures and the aquarium, and are open to the public under strict conditions. As a rule, only the close contacts that took place in the two days before the onset of symptoms are recorded. Self-tests are only valid if done on-site under the supervision of the person providing the service. Corona virus information (Covid-19), Name: Stephan Neumann Which events are not allowed to take place? Since the symptoms of a cold and a corona infection are similar, please first call your family doctor. They may not open to the public until March 31, 2021. For persons who have tested positive but who are not sure when they became infected, the day of testing is taken as the reference day and the period lasting from two days before testing to ten days after is taken as the possible time of infection.
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