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flashback x4 tutorial

I haven’t tried the Nux but the Strymon pretty much cover everything. He also used a Colorsound Powerboost for overdrive and fuzz. Will run it in stereo with a Laney L5 Studio and a Fender Blues Jr IV. – Bjorn]. The sound is very “musical”, it´s not a “digital chemistry”. This is a limited run for Thomann 60th anniversary, very affordable analog-like delay. Thanks for all the insight- eating up every detail. Hi, Bjorn Very nice guide as usual. Lastly, I find the compressed to be very helpful. Try this: bass 11:00, age 11:00, volume 10:00, length 12:00, echo 10:00 (aprox 300ms). Or else just get the Belle Epoch Deluxe which has its preamp running at 22v and is an even more wonderful delay overall. I deeply respect your choices, they would be mine too, but I really missed Strymon Timeline… Hi Andy, you’re absolutely right. It makes for interesting reading, Hi Bjorn, today I was in a recording studio and just happened to see an MXR Delay system I(double rack) from the 80s like Gilmour used in the mid 80s. any tips or is he using something??? Great sounds! I love them both but the Flashback has more presets and options so that’s probably a better and more versatile choice. Regards. I haven’t had the chance to check them out yet. Thanks! How do the others stack up? Thank you for your thorough analyses – I have found all of them very informative…I have a question: what are your thoughts on the Empress Vintage Modified Superdelay? I must say that I like the tone of the Strymon the most. Have you been able to try the Blackstar HT-Delay? They said that they had you down for a unit a long time ago? I opted for the LTD version as I think you have this as well. Thanks for all your hard work! Strymon has never disapointed me but again, I haven’t tried it. Both works well for Comfortably Numb. For example. hello Bjorn, I bought a nova but it generates breath when I branch in series. Depending on how authentic you want to be, you might want to check out the Dawner Prince Boonar. My setup is a Squire vintage modified 70s with the duncan designed pickups, fender strings I believe they are 10s, the prophet, TC forcefield compressor ( which works great ), and a marshall MG15CFX. playing live audio through computers – all about the Latency Problem, Michael Peters – Reanimating “Frippertronics”, Matthias Grob: Growth due to limitations (2009), Matthias Grob: Step in Music History (2009), Michael Peters: The Birth of Loop (1996-), Thea Cooke: The Merit of the Looper (2002), Richard Zvonar: A Child’s Garden of Looping (2002), Ben Denckla: The Musical Use of Audio Delay Devices (2001), Nick Robinson: Thoughts on Looping (2012), Rick Walker: Making drum programming hipper (2012), TEACHING LIVE LOOPING and simple PRINCIPLES of MUSIC to Schoolchildren, Why Create a Modest Live Looping Festival Where You Live. Also I would appreciate if you could choosbetween a modern deluxe mistress, a elec lady or hold out for a vintage deluxe mistress? So I’m looking for an alernative that will do the job well. Never tried the X4. One could easily use this as a stand along unit if need be. Have you seen the new Gurus’ Echosex 2? thanks again for your help. I have a question, what brand is the Repeater pedal, you said its a smaller buget version of the Nova delay. – Bjorn], Any opinion on the Jams Delay Llama? [Thank you Aaron! Hi Bjorn, this is the first time I have posted a comment on this fantastic and amazingly comprehensive website of yours. Perhaps for a future update… :) But yes, it’s a great sounding pedal :), Hi Bjorn There’s an entirely different quality that creates from my Moog Delay. Bjorn, have you heard about this? Tap tempo: yes If you get to try one out give us your verdict brother! Thank you. Hi Bjorn, You can’t back up patches, so if that’s important, then you might want the Nova. Many thanks Bjorn, love your site, always on here…. It also depends on what kind of delay you’re using. Damn, I really can’t decide haha… Time will tell which one to get.. Tap tempo: no whats missing from the delay section is D’s actual delays. Do also check out the TC Flashback. Also not clear to me about the Boss CE-2. FYI, The depths pedal is made by earthquaker devices, not catalinbread. the Boss DD-2 and DD-3 should be exactly the same pedal. Between the MXR Echoplex and the MXR Carbon Copy, wich is the best choice? From what I understand, he first used the units to produce primarely the tap tempo sounds but in recent years, it seems that the unit is used to replicate some of the tones he got from his old Binson echo machines. [That’s strange. Can you tell me what settings can i use in order to achieve it , it seems to me a little bit difficult to tame it. Have to update firmware and enable at editor…. I was pretty impressed on how it kept my core guitar tone intact, especially the low end. If yes, do you think it would be good enough compared to a true flanger stompbox? I have tried to reproduce that without success. Noise level: 10/10 The Flashback has some nice presets but the Tone Print feature makes all the difference for me. Still, in most cases you will have to have some references and make some markings on the time control to be able to remember the specific time settings. Is it a Mooer? Portail des communes de France : nos coups de coeur sur les routes de France. I used the 2290 mode with the delay time at about 1 o’clock for aprox 750ms, the feedback at 12:00 and the level at 11:00. Are you sure they got your email? Bjorn, Have you heard this new reverb from GFI? This is a couple weeks old now, but it might still work if you email them. I have 2 fender strats and one tele with humbucker in neck. Apologies but the Gilmourish pick icons are between items. I play some solos from Gilmour that he uses distortion. When I play in my small bedroom I really feel a lack of ambience. Any ideas on smoothing out the transients on the repeats? ROG Maximus X Apex features the DIMM.2 module which allows two NVMe PCIe 3.0 x4 M.2 drives to be installed in RAID configurations for great performance. What about some settings fo the Standard Memory Boy? I have most of the Moogerfooger pedals (including the MF-104M) that get used on my studio board. what would you recommend and why? Terribly sorry for my late reply. Personally I often find my self coming back to old favourites :) – Bjorn], Hey Bjorn have you tried the Wampler Faux Analog Echo/Delay? You’re probably gonna get a million posts about this, but Strymon’s coming out with a pedal called the Volante, described as a “Magnetic Echo Machine”, offering not only a drum echo clearly inspired by the Echorec. I’ve only tried it briefly and not enough to really comment on it. I have the BYOC version and its fantastic, I ended up switching it and the 2000’s RI AD-9 out for a Deluxe Memoryman, for more delay time ( I used around 325ms for my bands songs and they top out at around 300) and for the modulation. I think I’ll get the strymon El Capistan it also has a spring reverb so I’m done. thanks, I finally discovered that the problem was because I was using excess cable, now I’m using cable lengths under both work perfect …. In comparison with say the Carbon Copy, I find that the DM is slightly brighter and almost tape-like, whereas the Carbon often sound too dark to my ears and a bit too dirty. Check out as well. Again, thanks for the help Bjorn (and for a good laugh), [Sounds to me that you might want the Echorec :) Hard to describe them but they do cover different tones and they’re also based on two very different sounding echo machines. It is very easy to adjust the volume on and it adds some great sustain. The Alter Ego is great but check out the Dawner Prince Boonar as well. Did you notice that as well? I also recommend the Stryom El Capistan. However, it’s still a very good sounding analog unit that should fit even the tightest budgets. Thank you. Great site! I’ve been thinking of Nova Delay for more than a year now after finding it was your pick in your website. There was no response from them. Thanks Bjorn, Is the flashback tape mode and toneprint presets enough to emulate a Binson or do you consider a NUX tape force (digital clone of Boss RE20, also they have a clone of El Capistan clone called NUX Atlantic)? I am sure the tube and preamp have a lot to do with it but I am convinced this combination of the Boonar and Echosex can cover so much of David’s material. I’m just a Newbie who’s discovered more than I ever expected to find with these analog devices. In this case I’ve tried a tube compressor but settled on a compressor/sustainer with a small amount of overdrive with a tube driver. Kind regards and my best wishes for your new album. Be sure to check out the full Flashback series, with the Mini, Triple and x4, in addition to the standard model. Bjorn, Love everything about your site! Use Garageband, Logic or similar software (lots of free stuff out there), set up a track with a delay plug-in set at 300ms and match your pedal with the plug-in. A current favourite of mine is the FX Amplification Heartbeat, which is very similar to the Memory Man and Replica. Any thoughts about it? Noise level: 6/10 Hi Bjõrn ! I am having difficulty choosing one. Delay is tricky because how it sounds, depends on the combination of how you’ve set the amp, what pedals you use with it and, obviously, how you’ve set the delay. I was looking in your gear page, but I do not remember if the DD2 has tap tempo mm and the other delay, I dont remember, was a T rex? Thanks Bjorn, I bought a Strymon Lex. The DD-6 was the latest pedal from Boss when I bought it and I always use the cut switch engaged, preferring it to the stock digital delay tone. Hopefully it’ll be released and ready to make the 2017 buyers gear guide. Great tones and you’ll be able to cover all of David’s sounds. The level is often sensitive to the overall tone. This is what i have found I hope it helps. The Replica is very similar to the Memory Man, which I think pretty much set the standard for analog delay pedals. Thanks for getting out your delay page. The Echosex is my favourite though. :), Haha, dont worry, its just like for the kind of sounds you prefer to make with delay.. Have you ever felt the need of tap tempo for gigs? Hi Bjorn, first of all, thank you for sharing all this information, it’s very helpful. It has some cool features on it as seen on many videos.. cheers. I am a huge fan of your website and I built my pedalboard based in your reviews and comments. I happen to have one and would love to know how get the best Gilmour out of it. -Level, 2:30 approximately Noise level: 10/10 So i’m sure you don’t remember but my setup for delays is…Caitlinbread Echoric, Jams Delay Llama, into Dr. It’s a combination of using the right effects and volume. Any idea which will be a good pedal among DD 3, Carbon copy and Carl Martin Red Repeat ? – Bjorn]. Thanks for the guidance, hug. I noticed you kept the pick for Flashback put removed the pick from Nova Delay and added the pick to Boonar. Bjorn, Most of the gear produced by the company through the years was developed for keyboard use, though adaptation to other insturments isn’t difficult. …my question was, do you think they used the binson echorec for it? Luckily, most manufacturers recognizes the importance of keeping their customers close. With more presets and if possible smaller in size? It can easily cover the DD2 and do a fairly decent MemoryMan/Binson type of echo although there are better sounding and more dedicated analog delays out there. I’d place it after your chorus. Thanks for everything.. If I sell my old trusty boss DD-2, will I be able to get the same tones exactly with the Tc electronics flashback? It’s got all the features of the Binson and a great sound. For more accurate tones, you can also use the Tone Print and create your own. I heard some rumors that they were based on older Behringer specs but I might be mistaken. For modulations I would buy a chorus and a phaser but not a flanger, and that’s why I would like to add it with the Flashback. I haven’t been able to give it a thorough run through so that’s why I haven’t included it. Yeah, I just saw that… that’s just awesome! The flashback is available but just too expensive. There are lots of analog models to choose from. In that respect, Death by Audio’s Echodream 2 is a lot more convincing and does a far better job when it comes to recreating the sound and feel of the RE-201. Read more about the use of reverb here. I like the TC Electronics Flashback but in “Gilmour in a Box” guide you went for TC Electronics Nova. can I ask You, in you’re opinion, is better tc flashback o boss dd2 for gilmour sound? The Rattle that Lock tour photos help me dial in the Chrono just right, so it was super helpful. owners including myself. Of coarse I was always going to experiment but just wanted some simple tips to get underway. Hi Bjorn, thanks for this great site. Very nice delay. In the late 70s, David swapped his old Binson with more reliable digital units. I guess both does the job depending on how many features you need. The Catalinbread Belle Epoch is also great. I’ve never played one actually. I’ve dealt with Phil on a number of occasions and he has always been extremely amicable. I have tried every combination between the pedal, amp, and guitar. [Yep but they’ve decided that they don’t want a review on my site. Have you tried the Xvive Memory Delay at all. I use the Nova System effect processor which basically have same deley build in as the Nova Delay pedal. Story linked below. Also, just to mention it first, I expect someone will bring up the Catalinbread Echorec pedal as a standalone suggestion. Thanks for sparing your time for doing this. – Bjorn]. So Matthias, when you say you hear a big delay sound without hearing the repeats much, a lot of it is because the repeats are being ‘hidden’ or blending in with the beat. Despite its overwhelming exterior, the Nova is very easy to operate and you can tailor your sounds and presents exactly how you want them. Cheers! Thanks Bjorn. Bypass: buffered I just bought a Lexicon PCM 70. I also got some amazing sounds running looped Lo Fi guitar sounds through it and turning knobs. The Echosex and the Catalinbread, as great as they are, still just feel like delay pedals; the Boonar really does feel like that magical, giant unit that took Gilmour’s playing to such great heights. Stuff like Comf Numb, Sorrow and the more epic stuff, often has 700-750ms, which will create a lot of space and rather a more sustained character, than a typical delay. Jeff. Stephen, I agree with Bjorn regarding the EXC Canyon but of all mentioned, I bought the Catalinbread….even over the Boonar which I thought would be “the winner” for me. Hi, Bjorn. With all that out of the way, I’ve come to this: Moog Music’s Moofooger MF-104M is an amazing tool that sparkles and shines above everything else I’m aware of. For everyday I use my Boss DD-6 Digital Delay modified by Mike at Analogman Effects. It’s not that hard to achieve this but, Do you thing that it worth the effort to try to set that setup? If I were interested more in emulating David Gilmour’s sound, I’d look elsewhere; especially with the price of the Moog delay being as high as it is. I’m no great musician and my involvement with pedals has been extremely spotty. However, digital delay processors are also capable of producing convincing analog and tape simulation, without all the hassle of the older units. Both are capable of replicating classic delays and also more modern studio quality stuff. That is awful. Noise level: 9/10 The result was OK but a bit disappointing, compared to the Flashback. Love your website I’ve recently just discovered it and it’s full of knowledge about David’s tone. David did not use modulation between 1968-71 although there’s the occasional Leslie employed. From what I’ve heard, it has an analog vibe to it but it’s fairly pristine and you can dial in accurate time settings. I’ve recently bought a Mooer Reecho delay pedal which sounds amazing IMO. Oh… yes, they used a Binson and later a Space Echo. Noise level: 7/10 Thank’s, I have a technical query about the Whammy pedal: it seems on recordings/live that, when David uses the Whammy pedal, it plays only the pitch shifted note, and doesn’t play the dry on top of that; I’ve recenetly purchased a WH-1 Whammy pedal, and no matter what setting I put it on, the dry signal always plays on top of the shifted note; what am I doing wrong? It was as if they didn’t decay in a very percussive way. Sorry for another question but I was wondering would I be better off getting a Boss DD-2 for digital delay and an analog delay pedal or just an Eventide Timefactor for both? Much as I like my Moogerfooger Delay, the analog bucket brigade technology places it in a specific genre of delay effects. The Flashback should be operated in buffered mode. I rarely use loopers myself but yes, David’s often using two delays at once. Hey Bjorn, Thank you so much Bjorn :) Take care ! Have you tried those pedals before? The Echorec is much more spicy and all over the place while the Belle is a more focused sounding unit with a more noticeable modulation. In terms of versatility of being able to cover most Gilmour era’s reasonably well and obviously producing the best sound etc. I noticed that some of the Catalinbread Echorecs have a white dot on the knobs, where others have a white line…..anyone know if one is a newer version, or maybe they just simply ran out of the one type of knob? I already know I would get the catalinbread echorec for tape/vintage tones, but Iam having a hard time finding a dedicated digital delay for Davids more recent/2290 tones. Hi Bjorn, have you created your own tone prints that users can download and use for TC Flashback or Alter Ego? Good luck with your solo album! Never tried it but I see it gets a lot of praise. Tom – i have a Delaylab and it is fantastic – great sound, tons of delay options, expression pedal out, programmable, stereo ins and outs. The Carbon is great for those classic echo and analog tones but for the more pristine repeats and longer delay settings you might want to consider a digital unit. It is the real Rolls Royce, but how can we evaluate its ‘gilmourish’ features? Yes. I ended up getting one second hand, really nice digital delay not to brittle and manages to keep most of your original tone intact. In fairness this may be due to their being a far smaller operation than Catalinbread. I have a TC Electronic Flashback V1, I’ve noticed there’s some ‘slight’ frequency loss when I turn it on with my Green russian big muff. I need to check these out :) – Bjorn]. Despite their claims on their website, the delay is created by digital pt2399 chips. Thanks for the advice! The Echorec had a much wider threshold of infinite repeats especially at slower speeds whereas the Boonar tended to get a whiny oscillation happening. Based on the reviews I’ve seen I guess you need to feed it to an amp to get any proper volume from it but it might just work nicely alone in smaller venues. Agree that it's a good time to take a rest and watch the flashback scene. You will get sort of a double track effect and that long tail at once. First off, where in the chain have you placed the delay? :). I’d be interested in hearing your opinion about the Reecho pedal. I almost bought a Flashback but im scared about reliability (acording to the net, footswitches on these pedals fail quickly, but to the best of my knowledge, it looks like you cant repair it.) Hi Joao! It’s perhaps a bit too dark for some and personally I prefer the Replica or Memory Man but the Carbon Copy is an excellent choice for David’s early 70s Binson echo tones. I remember the time when the Carbon Copy, and Throbak overdrive boost were “THE” go to pedals, now hardly a word is spoken about either! – please don’y get the boss digital delay… please.. have some respect for your instrument…. I have had the nova delay for years and looking for something new. [I don’t think you can get a more versatile delay that the TC Flashback… considering the price. With tap tempo. These BBD’s are clocked extremely low to achieve the longest delay time possible, creating a HUGE delay tone that recalls early 70’s Pink Floyd with stunning accuracy. … whats better a tc flashback or the new scaled down “repeater” ? The sounds or tones are the same, but the Repeater has a lot more tone shaping options. Back in the 1950-70s, analog meant huge machines that produced heavenly echo but required a lot of maintenance. They are really helpful! What about the tone, there is no shop by me to try this delay, and there is only two or three videos on youtube. I got the “We don’t have time for questions, call us if you want to buy the pedal”, which I did, for less than they sell it for, they made very little from me, and will never see another cent from me, even if they make “The Ultimate Pedal!”, mostly because of what they did to you Bjorn!

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