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Read more for details! Search and compare hotels near Štadión Antona Malatinského with Skyscanner hotels. Počas trénerskej kariéry viedol svoje mužstvá spolu v … Stačí odpovedať na otázku: Koho považujete za najväčšiu legendu Spartaka Trnava? Stadium: City Aréna - Štadión Antona Malatinského 19.200 Seats. Štadión Antona Malatinského (old) Summary; Info. Die City Aréna – Štadión Antona Malatinského ist ein Fußballstadion in der slowakischen Stadt Trnava.In dem 1921 eröffneten Stadion spielt der 1923 gegründete Fußballverein Spartak Trnava und die slowakische Fußballnationalmannschaft.Das Stadion liegt nahe dem historischen Altstadtkern der Stadt, umgeben von den Straßen Kollárova, Športová, Koniarekova und Dolné bašty. Current transfer record: +-0. The reasoning behind such layout doesn’t have much to do with matchday experience, rather saving as much room as possible for other facilities. Meet our five amazing Jurors and new rules along which they’re judging all nominated stadiums. CA Trnava oznamuje, že exhibičný zápas ČESKO-SLOVENSKO vs. FEYENOORD ROTTERDAM (28. septembra, 19.00) je zrušený z dôvodu vyťaženosti hracej plochy. Though historically this stadium’s main stand was in the west, the new stadium offers crucial amenities for players in the east, just like the section for VIP guests with 1,500 seats. Domáci futbalový štadión klubu FC Spartak Trnava a slovenské futbalovej reprezentácie. José Naranjo (ESP) Teodoro Sobrino (ESP) Fourth official. ŠTADIÓN ANTONA MALATINSKÉHO. Štadión Antona Malatinského – stadion piłkarski w Trnawie na Słowacji. Záhradnícke vzdelanie je vítané. Koncert Trnava štadión Atona Malatinského Concert Hip Hop Rap Hudba Music Ego Our database counts: 2075 stadiums, Stadium: City Aréna - Štadión Antona Malatinského 19.200 Seats. Already now over 34,000 people took part in this year’s vote. Antona Malatinska stadions (zviedru: Štadión Antona Malatinského) ir futbola stadons Slovākijas pilsētā Tranavā, valsts rietumos. Which nations voted most, which stadiums were selected most frequently, what average notes did they get. Nearly 50 years after the visit of Johan Cruyff’s Ajax for a European Cup semi-final, Trnava is once again an international football hub thanks to the recent reconstruction of the Stadion Antona Malatinskeho. Find the travel option that best suits you. All rights reserved. Stadium: City Aréna - Štadión Antona Malatinského 19.200 Seats. 2.8K likes. Zapojte sa do SMS súťaže a hrajte o SKYBOX pre 8 ľudí na zápas FC Spartak Trnava – MFK Ružomberok (14. apríl). Find the travel option that best suits you. 17 114 divákov na Štadióne Antona Malatinského.Pre UEFA nemôžem uploadnuť dlhšie video. Pēc skatītāju skaita otrs lielākais stadions valstī. Initially it had one wooden grandstand, later with remaining sides built on landfill. Štadión Antona Malatinského adalah sebuah stadion sepak bola di Trnava, Slovakia.Stadion tersebut dipakai untuk pertandingan sepak bola dari klub sepak bola lokal Spartak Trnava.Stadion tersebut mengambil nama dari mantan pemain sepak bola dan manajer Anton Malatinský sejak 1998.. Pranala luar. Hľadáme možno práve teba. It may not be a groundbreaking design, but it brings the much-needed breath of fresh air to Slovak football. Své domácí zápasy zde hraje klub FC Spartak Trnava.Stadion stojí nedaleko historického centra Trnavy poblíž pěší zóny. Current transfer record: +-0. creator: cityarenatrnava (at) gmail . Pred štadiónom, na ktorom hráva aj slovenská reprezentácia, odhalili 19. augusta 2016 sochu Antona Malatinského v nadživotnej veľkosti. The stadium is part of a shopping center by the same name – City Arena. And still it meets highest requirements. Fortuna Liga League level: First Tier Table position: 4 In league since: 4 years. In a few clicks you can easily search, compare and book your hotel by clicking directly through to the hotel or travel agent website. Adding to that, it had serious spatial constraints, determining its final shape. We strive to keep it up-to-date, mostly thanks to your support. We value your privacy To give you a personalised experience we (and the third parties we work with) collect info about how and when you use Skyscanner. Štadión Antona Malatinského, Trnava, Slovakia. 230 stadiums under construction, Štadión Antona Malatinského, Trnava. Demolition of the old Anton Malatinsky Stadium began in April 2013, while official cornerstone mounting for its successor took place in September. Demolition of the old Anton Malatinsky Stadium began in April 2013, while official cornerstone mounting for its successor took place in September. Their work has only just begun…. City-Arena PLUS, a.s., Kapitulská 5, 917 01 Trnava | 18.448 miest na sedenie 1923 - 2015. The cheapest way to get from Štadión Antona Malatinského to Freiburg im Breisgau costs only 35€, and the quickest way takes just 6¾ hours. Apart from maintaining the shape of western grandstand (forced by local constraints), all of the stadium … To je City Arena v Trnave. Stadions celts 1924. gadā, bet pilnībā renovēts no 2013. līdz 2015. gadam. Domáce zápasy tu hráva fortunaligový klub FC Spartak Trnava.Súčasťou komplexu je aj nákupné centrum. These are some of the questions we’ll answer here! Si pracovitý, zodpovedný a máš manuálnu zručnosť? For faster navigation, this Iframe is preloading the Wikiwand page for Stadion Antona Malatinskeho - Trnava 3D asset , formats OBJ, 3DS, FBX, DXF, DAE, DWG, ready for 3D animation and other 3D projects We’re only two days away from the voting platform’s closing, so be sure to list your 5 favourite stadiums and vote. City Arena – Stadion Antona Malatinskeho, Slovakia-England, WC 2018 qualifier Sun Sept 4. 1998. gadā nosaukts futbolista un futbola menedžera Antona Malatinska vārdā. Stadionā bāzējas futbola komanda FC Spartak Trnava un Slovākijas futbola izlase. Current transfer record: +-0. Address: ul. The original stadium was opened in 1921 and was renamed the Anton Continue Reading The cheapest way to get from Bolzano/Bozen to Štadión Antona Malatinského costs only 35€, and the quickest way takes just 7¼ hours. Spartak Trnava have just inaugurated their new home. Skyscanner hotels is a fast, free and simple way to organise your stay near Štadión Antona Malatinského. The 2018 FIFA World Cup was fast approaching and for those nations who had managed to qualify for the tournament in Russia, they were well underway with their preparations. Najmodernejší štadión na Slovensku. Štadión Antona Malatinského is the home ground of Slovakian team, FC Spartak Trnava. 929 stadium designs, Štadión Antona Malatinského; Štadión Antona MalatinskéhoSlovakia. Facebook Group Twitter YouTube. Štadión Antona Malatinského, Trnava: Pozrite si recenzie zariadenia Štadión Antona Malatinského, umiestnenie a fotografie od cestovateľov v Trnave, Slovensko na Tripadvisore. notitle Referee. Sân vận động Anton Malatinský (tiếng Slovak: Štadión Antona Malatinského) là một sân vận động bóng đá nằm ở Trnava, Slovakia, là sân nhà của câu lạc bộ bóng đá địa phương Spartak Trnava.Sân vận động đã được cải tạo hoàn toàn vào năm 2013–2015 và có sức chứa là … This side is conjoined with the shopping center, which allowed for the stadium to be built in the first place. Fanúšikovská stránka futbalového štadión Antona Malatinského, nákupného centra - City Arena Trnava a Hotela Arena Fansite of the football stadium of Anton Malatinský, Shopping mall City Arena and Hotel Arena in Trnava, Slovakia Rytmus & Symfonický orchester. Stadium Database Article Súperom Spartaka Trnava v otváracom zápase City Areny bol v sobotu 22. augusta brazílsky futbalový klub Atletico Paranaense. Two awards will be given in two separate votes. V rokoch 2013-2015 prešiel štadión rekonštrukciou a pribudlo k nemu nákupné centrum. Most of the funding came from Euro-MAX, while the remainder was provided by Slovak national football association, SFZ. Alejandro Hernández (ESP) Assistant referees. Description: City Arena - SAM. © 2001-now 22/08/2015 (Spartak Trnava – Paranaense, 0-2). Whether it’s a phone, laptop, or any other device, from now on you can use it to select the best stadium opened in 2015. and 76 historical stadiums. Double-tiered stands on three sides of the pitch are very compact and grow upwards, reaching 29 meters at peak (roof included). Apart from maintaining the shape of western grandstand (forced by local constraints), all of the stadium was built along an entirely new vision. No fees are added to your stay by booking with us. Štadión Antona Malatinského je od 14.1.1998 pomenovaný po slávnom rodákovi z Trnavy – Antonovi Malatinskom, vyhlásenom za Trnavčana 20.storočia in memorian. From now until Friday everyone around the world is welcome to submit nominees for the Stadium of the Year 2015 award! Description: Štadión Antona Malatinského. The vote is open for one month. 22 stadiums from 15 countries are qualified to compete for the next Stadium of the Year 2015 title. Ako hráč v lige odohral 219 zápasov a dal 79 gólov. The stadium nearly at the heart of Trnava was built back in 1921, before Spartak Trnava even began to function. Slovakia’s largest stadium was built within a very reasonable budget and timely construction. Plus millions of rooms from hotels, resorts, apartments and hostels all around the world. Which stadia do you think deserve to be included? City Arena Trnava je multifunkční centrum ve slovenském městě Trnava, jehož součástí je nákupní středisko, patrové garáže a fotbalový Štadión Antona Malatinského (ŠAM) s kapacitou 19 200 míst. Štadión Antona Malatinského je futbalový štadión v Trnave.Hráva na ňom zápasy fortunaligový klub Spartak Trnava.Má kapacitu 19 460 miest a spĺňa kritériá UEFA kategórie 4. The federation contributed €13.5 million and gained the rights to co-manage the stadium, despite it being transferred to the municipality of Trnava after completion in August 2015. ŠAM - Štadión ANtona Malatinského. Ricardo de Burgos (ESP) 144 tournament stadiums | Obchodné podmienky, © 2015 City Arena Trnava & & YMS, SÚŤAŽ O SKYBOX NA ZÁPAS TRNAVA - RUŽOMBEROK. Slovakia v Holland – Štadión Antona Malatinského Skip to entry content. Follow us on: YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook. FANÚŠIKOVSKÁ STRÁNKA ŠTADIÓNA - CITY ARENA TRNAVA - FANSITE OF THE STADIUM. Štadión Antona Malatinského prešiel v rokoch 2013-2015 výraznou rekonštrukciou, po ktorej sa s kapacitou 19.200 miest stal najväčším futbalovým stánkom na Slovensku. City Arena Trnava hľadá do svojho tímu posilu na pozíciu trávnikára. City Arena Trnava bola otvorená 22.8.2015 ako najmodernejší futbalový štadión na Slovensku. Without planning permit for Euro MAX’s commercial investment, the company wouldn’t co-finance the €30 million stadium. is one of the world's leading websites dedicated to football stadiums.
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