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hplc test in pregnancy normal range

Laboratory test results are not meaningful by themselves. Brilliant cresyl blue test for inclusion bodies. Variant seen in conjunction with HbS (mother) and with β-thalassemia trait (child). (D), HbLepore elution demonstrating the characteristic increased proportion of HbA2 (11.6%) and hump on the downward slope of the HbA2 peak at 3.34 min. In conclusion, this is the first report of a large prospective study on the use of HPLC for determining the presence and identities of hemoglobin variants in a clinical laboratory setting. This was further confirmed by the CVs of the retention times for HbF, HbA0, and HbA2 (2.5%, 1.7%, and 0.96%, respectively) determined from the retention time of the first five normal patient values for each month of observation. Thalassemia and thalassemic hemoglobinopathies pose serious health problem leading to severe morbidity and mortality in Indian population. We describe a 32-month prospective study in a clinical diagnostic laboratory in which we evaluated the imprecision of HPLC retention times and determined the retention times for hemoglobin variants seen in a multiethnic setting. The Clinical Data Management software does not integrate peaks with elution time shorter than 0.63 min, a weak point for the Bio-Rad Variant II HPLC system. It's a precautionary testing. US Department of Health and Human Services/Public Health Service. 9.7 to 14.8 g/dl or 97 to 148 g/L in the second trimester of pregnancy. Six hemoglobin variants (two α- and four β-variants) had elution peaks in the A0 window. HbA1c also is known as Glycosylated, or Glycated Hemoglobin. Daland GA, Castle WB. Normal lab values 2013–15 NORMAL LABORATORY VALUES IN PREGNANCY Laboratory test Value Hb 11 0 –140 g/L WCC 6–16 x 109/L Platelets 150–400 x 109/L MCV 80–100 fl CRP 0–7 g/L Sodium 130–140 mmol/L Potassium 3.3–4.1 mmol/L Urea <4.5 mmol/L Creatinine <75 µmol/L Urates <380 µmol/L If 350–380, registrar/consultant reviews notes 24 hr protein 0.3 g Creatinine clearance 80–170 … Although HbG-Honolulu and HbKorle-Bu appeared to have significantly different retention times (d = 0.06 min), the lower %Hb [27.4% vs 46.5 (3.7)%, respectively] and characteristic chromatogram of HbG-Honolulu allowed further differentiation of the two variants. A difference in retention times of two hemoglobins >0.058 min was, therefore, considered significant. Observations on the levels of HbA2 in patients with different β-thalassemia mutations and a δ chain variant. This latter case might have been mistakenly diagnosed as α-thalassemia if only the HbA2 fraction had been reported. Three members of the HbD family were identified in this series, all of which were β-variants. It requires cooperation from the requesting physician to collect from the patient information that is frequently subjective. All cases of heterozygous HbG-Philadelphia demonstrated the minor HbA2 variant peak (α2G-Philadelphiaδ2; Fig. HbAustin, HbN-Baltimore, and HbFukuyama could not be differentiated from each other by their respective retention times; hemoglobin electrophoresis was required (Fig. Analysis of the retention times and %Hb for HbA0, HbA2, and HbS showed no statistical difference (data not shown) with regard to column and/or reagent changes. Indeed, many laboratories do not even report normal 1 , lanes 3, 6, and 4, respectively). Riou J, Godart C, Didier H, Mathis M, Bimet C, Bardakdjian-Michau J, et al. The mean (SD) imprecision (CV) of the retention time for the variants seen on three or more occasions over the 32-month observation period was 1.0 (0.7)%, confirming and extending the data of Eastman et al. The HbA2 level for HbE heterozygotes was 3.58% (SD 0.44%), which was significantly higher than normal (p < 0.001) but lower than that of beta-thalassaemia heterozygotes (p < 0.001) and the … The collection of ethnicity information is very difficult for the clinical laboratory, especially a reference laboratory. Finally, HPLC was able to avoid misidentification of two hemoglobin variants having benign interaction with HbS. The SD, the measure of the variation around the mean for the retention time, was therefore used to predict the statistical difference of the retention time of a variant seen fewer than three times from that of another variant. HbE-Saskatoon appeared to have a unique retention time (d = 0.11 min compared with HbG-Philadelphia and d = 0.18 min compared with HbS). If no quantification was available, the HbA1C was quantified in the hospital’s chemistry laboratory by phenol-borate affinity HPLC (Primus Corporation). The use of automated HPLC to detect and quantitate haemoglobins. The test is limited to a three-month average because the average lifespan of a red blood cell is four months. Steinberg MH Forget BG Higgs DR Nagel RL eds. Since individual red blood cells have varying lifespans, the test is used as a limited measure of three months. There was no statistical difference in imprecision between the mean (SD) CV for the retention time [1.0 (0.7)%] and the mean CV for the retention time normalized to the retention time for HbA0 [1.3 (0.5)%; P = 0.10] or normalized to the retention time for HbA2 [1.0 (0.4)%; P = 0.51]. Hemoglobin and Clinical Microscopy Reference Committee. HbAustin (lane 2) migrates cathodal to HbA and appeared as an unresolved band in all three cases seen in this laboratory. Alkaline electrophoresis is rapid, reproducible, and capable of separating common hemoglobin variants, such as hemoglobin A (HbA), HbF, HbS, and HbC, but HbS, HbD, HbG, and HbLepore are unresolved from each other, as are HbC, HbA2, HbO-Arab, and HbE. When HbH or HbBarts is noted, the %Hb must be determined by either densitometry or manual calculation. Mean (SD) relative retention time except when n was <3, for which the individual retention times are given. The retention time for each fraction is shown with the peak. Before pregnancy, the target for metabolic control in women with diabetes is HbA1c values near the normal range. Eastman JW, Wong R, Liao CL, Morales DR. Although the retention times for HbJ-Anatolia and HbJ-Mexico did not appear to be significantly different (d = 0.01 min), the retention time for HbJ-Oxford appeared to be significantly different (d = 0.15 min and 0.16 min, respectively). One of these is the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test that can detect any fetal abnormalities around 18 weeks of pregnancy. Ranney HM, Jacobs AS, Nagel RL. Additionally, HbManitoba and HbMontgomery, both α-globin variants with statistically identical retention times, %Hb values, and peak characteristics, required electrophoresis (data not shown) to be differentiated. 1 , lanes 9, 5, and 8, respectively). The Hb S mean in the AS group was 38.54 ± 3.01% and in the ASH it was 36.54 … Mario N, Baudin B, Aussel C, Giboudeau J. Capillary isoelectric focusing and high-performance cation-exchange chromatography compared for qualitative and quantitative analysis of hemoglobin variants. None of these reports, however, addressed the feasibility of using the retention time as a diagnostic tool. 3 , lane 11) had an acid electrophoretic mobility slightly cathodal to HbA (data not shown). Although two variants, HbManitoba and HbMontgomery, have retention times identical to that of HbA2′, it is easily identified by its statistically significantly reduced %Hb. HPLC test - Pregnancy - BabyCenter India. Menstrual age 8 weeks 4 days. Guideline: the laboratory diagnosis of haemoglobinopathies. Three hemoglobin variants (three β-variants) had elution peaks in the C window. Wild BJ, Stephens AD. The identity of a hemoglobin variant is generally inferred from its electrophoretic mobility, its quantity, and the patient’s ethnic background. HPLC is widely used for the analysis of constituents of a pharmaceutical actives, drug products, pesticides, and countless other substances. HPLC, on the other hand, has been shown to have a high degree of reproducibility and precision. HbG-Siriraj had a significantly different retention time from the other two members (d = 1.22 and 0.86 min, respectively) and exhibited a unique mobility pattern on electrophoresis. HPLC detected two variants (HbTy Gard and HbTwin Peaks) missed on electrophoresis. All electrophoresis patterns show the variant in the heterozygous state with HbA. HbVar: a relational database of human hemoglobin variants and thalassemia mutations at the globin gene server. The misdiagnosis of HbD-Iran and HbE-Saskatoon may lead to incorrect genetic counseling in addition to undue anxiety for the family. HPLC has been shown to be a sensitive, specific, and reproducible alternative to electrophoresis. We compared the imprecision of retention time with the imprecision of retention time normalized to the retention time of hemoglobin A0 (HbA0) and to the retention time of HbA2. 2D ) were additional distinguishing features of HbLepore. The identification of variants is dependent on the technical performance of electrophoresis, which has many variables, e.g., hemoglobin concentration, amperage, running temperature, and length of electrophoresis run. To date, evaluations of the performance and use of HPLC technologies in the diagnostic laboratory have been in relation to newborn screening (13)(14)(15)(16), screening specific ethnic populations (19), evaluation of patients studied because of the presence of an abnormal hemoglobin component, and evaluation of stored library samples (9). More importantly, identification of the common variants (i.e., HbC, HbD-Punjab, HbE, HbG-Philadelphia, HbHope, HbLepore, HbO-Arab, and HbS) that in combination with HbS lead to a clinically significant sickling disorder can be quickly and accurately accomplished by use of such algorithms without the need for confirmatory testing. This suggests that accumulation of further data for those hemoglobin variants seen on fewer than three occasions may give additional statistically significant different retention times, e.g., HbAustin and HbFukuyama (d = 0.045 min). It has been recommended that all individuals of all ethnic groups except Northern European Caucasians be screened for variant hemoglobins, all ethnic groups for β-thalassemia trait, and selected ethnic groups for α-thalassemia trait (1). The normal range of hemoglobin in an adult woman is: 12 to 15.8 g/dl or 120 to 158 g/L when not pregnant. The retention time for HbG-Siriraj appeared to be statistically different from that of HbO-Arab (d = 0.17 min) and that of HbC (d = 0.10 min). Clarke G, Higgins TN. Over a 32-month period, 60293 samples were analyzed in the Special Hematology Laboratory at Bellevue Hospital Center for quantification of hemoglobin fractions and screening for hemoglobin variants. To eliminate the possibility of incorrectly designating an elution peak as HbF, 16 months into the study the laboratory began performing electrophoresis on all samples with a HbF fraction >7%, which was not age appropriate. The identification of hemoglobin variants is often presumptive, based on characteristic electrophoretic mobility, quantity, and/or ethnic origin. As reported previously (23), HbO-Arab and HbC had statistically different retention times (P <0.001), whereas the %Hb values were not statistically different (P = 0.84). represents the retention time in minutes for each fraction to elute; % represents the percentage of hemoglobin in the elution peak. HPLC is suitable for the routine investigation of hemoglobin variants, hemoglobinopathies, and thalassemia. In addition, there are other variants with electrophoretic mobilities identical or similar to those of HbS and HbC. Certain specimens were forwarded to the Mayo Medical Laboratories (Rochester, MN) for confirmation, where additional testing was performed by isoelectric focusing, globin chain electrophoresis, and unstable hemoglobin screen. Ship refrigerated. Manufacturer-assigned windows for Bio-Rad Variant II HPLC system. Conclusions: SBA values in uncomplicated pregnancies are consistent, regardless of gestation, and are not elevated in pregnancy. Nine hemoglobin variants (four α- and five β-variants) had elution peaks in the P3 window. HbA2′ is an example of a hemoglobin variant that can be identified by the retention time and %Hb. Chan V, Chan TK, Tso SC, Todd D. Combination of three α-globin gene loci deletions and hemoglobin New York results in a severe hemoglobin H syndrome. It can be distinguished from HbKöln by both the retention time (d = 0.06 min) and the characteristic secondary peak seen with this unstable variant (Fig. It also allows for a very fast analysis. The mean retention times and %Hb for HbF, HbA0, and HbA2 were determined by use of the first five normal specimens seen in each month of the study period. The Clinical Data Management software does not integrate elution peaks that occur at <0.63 min. Similarly, HbC and HbE-Saskatoon exhibited identical mobilities on the Helena Hemoglobin Electrophoresis System (data not shown) and very similar mobilities on alkaline SPIFE (Fig. . If the %Hb in the P2 window and the HbA1C values were concordant, i.e., within 15% of each other, no further studies were performed. Its use has been dramatically expanded, especially with the development of rapid, well-resolving, and fully automated analyzers. HbA2′ is easily detectable by HPLC, producing a minor peak [1.2 (0.1)%] in the S window [retention time, 4.59 (0.030) min; Fig. These variables can affect the quality of separation and relative positioning of the bands. However, the upper normal range of HbA1c during normal pregnancy is only sparsely investigated with different methods though recently a number of papers have been published regarding the determination of reference ranges for HbA1c in pregnancy. Eastman JW, Lorey F, Arnopp J, Currier RJ, Sherwin J, Cunningham G. Distribution of hemoglobin F, A, S, C, E and D quantities in 4 million newborn screening specimens. Another is that a seemingly normal serum creatinine value of 1.1 mg/dL signifies that almost half of the nephron mass is dysfunctional. Pregnant women in their 1st trimester- … 1 , lanes 10 and 11, respectively) had significantly different retention times (d = 0.06 min). 3 , lane 6). American Thyroid Association recommends the following in the late first trimester if local reference ranges for TSH are unavailable: Reduce lower reference range by 0.4mU/L | Reduce upper reference range by 0.5mU/L; After first trimester: Use non-pregnant reference ranges as TSH increases due to increased production of placental deiodinase The α- and β-variants can often be predicted by the relative amounts of the variants present; however, they exhibit similar or identical alkaline electrophoretic mobilities, as shown in Fig. Automated HPLC screening of newborns for sickle cell anemia and other hemoglobinopathies. Briefly, in this system the samples are mixed by the Variant II sampling station, diluted with the specific hemolyzing/wash buffer, and injected into an assay-specific analytic cartridge. HPLC Method Parameters That Can Be Varied Column • Column length: +/- 70% (250 mm columns may be substituted over the range 75 – 425 mm) • Column inner diameter: +/- 25% (if method calls for 3.9 mm id, 3.0, 4.0, or 4.6 mm can be substituted) • Particle size: may be reduced up to 50% (3 or 3.5 µm particles can be used instead of 5 µm) On the other hand, early diagnosis with appropriate replacement therap… Values of SBA ranged from 0.3 to 9.8 μmol/l in 216 women, with only three measurements outside this range. In UPLC, or ultra-high performance liquid chromatography, column particle size of less than 2um can be used. Between the AS and ASH groups, only the amount of Hb S was higher in the AS group. van der Dijs FPL, van den Berg GA, Schermer JG, Muskiet FD, Landman H, Muskiet FAJ. In addition to the expected HbA2 variant peak (α2Hasharonδ2), immediately after the variant peak there were two small peaks in all examples of HbHasharon seen in this laboratory (Fig. Chat and make friends with other expecting mums here! No hemoglobin variants were detected in this window. What is HPLC test and when it's required in pregnancy? whole blood from 1 Lavender Top (EDTA) tube. The normal range for serum ALP is 30-125 unit/L [8,15]. As you can see from the chart, normal exists as a relative term. The presence of HbH was confirmed by use of the brilliant cresyl blue test for inclusion bodies (21). In the early stages of your pregnancy it’s more important that your normal beta hcg levels or numbers continually increase, rather than always being at the higher end of the range. Over a 32-month period, 60293 samples were analyzed in the Special Hematology Laboratory at Bellevue Hospital Center for quantification of hemoglobin fractions and screening for hemoglobin variants. The results of biochemical tests during pregnancy may therefore differ from the normal reference ranges so they may be mistakenly interpreted as abnormal. All Birth Clubs. The SD for the retention times of HbF, HbA0, HbA2, and the 15 variants seen on three or more occasions did not correlate with either the retention time (P = 0.889) or the %Hb (P = 0.288), demonstrating that the SD is independent of these two variables. The reference (AFSC) is in lanes 1, 5, and 10. Different reports have addressed the precision of the retention times obtained with stored normal samples (17); specimens containing HbS, HbC, and HbE (9); and liquid controls (14). HbAS, HbSS, HbSC, HbS/β-thal, HbSE, HbSG-Philadelphia, HbSO-Arab, HbSJ-Toronto, and HbSFukuyama included. 1997-2021 All rights reserved. HbJ-Toronto, an α-variant, was found in a patient with HbAS. Background: Previous evaluations of HPLC as a tool for detection of hemoglobin variants have done so within newborn-screening programs and/or by use of stored samples. Though usually, a KFT test report does highlight the parameters which are outside their specific range.

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