islamic association of raleigh
This year’s theme is “Navigating Difficult Times.” This educational event will feature a keynote address by Imam AbuTaleb. The Islamic Association of Raleigh is the center of our community, home to our familes, hub for our youth, a vision of the future and overall OUR Masjid. The Islamic Association of Raleigh’s Outreach Team invites you to the educational Annual Open House, scheduled for Saturday, March 20, 2021, at 12:00 pm. The efforts started 2017 and was led by Muslim American Society Raleigh Chapter (MAS-RDU). Islamic Association of Raleigh. Muslim American Society Raleigh MAS Raleigh Chapter is one of approximately 50 MAS chapters across the US. MAS Chapters carry a comprehensive, balanced, moderate, movement oriented vision of Islam in America that focuses on empowering the community and leadership through service. The Islamic Association of Raleigh is the center of our community, home to our familes, hub for our youth, a vision of the future and overall OUR Masjid. In case of death in the community and for funeral arrangements General question about the IAR Administrator, Kawtar Fadel 919-834-9572 ext 3 Chairperson, Hassan Imam 919-834-9572 ext 1349 Food pantry hosted by the Islamic Association of Raleigh Food pantry hours are 1st Saturday of each month 10am-12pm There are no listed requirements to receive food at this pantry Address 3020 Ligon Street Raleigh, NC … 1,103 Followers, 23 Following, 43 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Islamic Association of Raleigh (@raleighmasjid) We are blessed to be part of a beautiful, diverse and engaged community! Tags: islamic association of raleigh, coronavirus vaccine * * * * The IAR hosted one of many clinics we are now seeing throughout the area. Islamic Association of Raleigh hosts vaccine clinic . ALNOOR Islamic Center (AIC) is the fruit of three years of efforts to establish the first Islamic Center serving the area of Holly Springs/Fuquay-Varina, NC. Islamic Association Of Raleigh (IAR) : The vision of IAR is to establish it as a vibrant Islamic Center that caters to the religious, educational and social needs of the Muslim communities of Raleigh, Murphy. One of the most important objectives at IAR is to significantly improve the sense of unity… Islamic Association of Raleigh Food Pantry Information provided by: Alliance Health. Each night for the next few weeks, our community will be sharing what the Islamic Association of Raleigh means to them. Janaza During COVID-19 Pandemic Prepared by office of the Imam at the Islamic Association of Raleigh. Each night for the next few weeks, our community will be sharing what the Islamic Association of Raleigh means to them. Book an Appointment Location & hours.
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