peter ii of portugal
Read all the latest news on Peter ii of portugal. 1 Reign 2 Birth 3 Death 4 Parents 5 Siblings 6 Marriages 7 Children with Maria Francisca, Princess of Savoy 8 Children with Maria Sophia, Countess Palatine of Neuburg 9 Grandchildren via John V, King of Portugal 1. In January 1668, shortly before Spanish recognition of Portugal's restoration of independence, Peter acquired political ascendancy over his brother and was appointed regent, banishing Afonso to the Azores and, later, Sintra where he died in 1683. In January 1668, shortly before Spanish recognition of Portugal's restoration of independence, Peter gained political ascendancy over his brother and was appointed regent. The work recounts past events during the war of succession, in the reign of D. Peter II, and it is an important history of diplomatic relations at the time. He was the last surviving child of John IV of Portugal, and is buried in Lisbon in the Pantheon of the Braganzas. The bloodletting from his feet didn't yield results, and on 9 December, the attack became fatal. In 1671 he conceded freedom of commerce to the English residing in Portugal and began the establishment of textile manufactures. Teodósio, Prince of Brazil (1634-53) (19 years) 2. Showing page 1. Peter not only inherited his brother's throne but also wed his former spouse, Queen Marie-Françoise of Savoy (1646–1683). Pedro was a younger brother of José I of Portugal. This was followed in December 1703 by a military alliance between Portugal, Austria and England for an invasion of Spain. Shortly thereafter, his brother’s marriage (1666) to Marie Françoise Elisabeth of Savoy-Nemours was annulled, and Peter married her. Fecha: 7 de enero de 0004: Fuente: XIX century: Autor: Tonyjeff, based on ancient national symbol. (...) But the results of such a costly undertaking were none.". Following his father's death his mother became regent for the new king Afonso VI, Peter's elder, patially paralysed and mentally unstable brother. The treaty largely resulted from Peter’s having finally adhered (May 1703) to the Anglo-Austrian side in the War of the Spanish Succession, though at first he had allied himself with France. The second son of João IV, he was appointed regent for his insane brother, Afonso VI, in 1668, shortly after Spanish recognition of Portugal's independence. He was the fifth and last child of John IV and Luisa de Guzmán. The latest news, top stories and headlines about Peter ii of portugal. He was the fifth and last child of John IV and Luisa de Guzmán and is the father of Isabella Braganza. Han var den tredje sønnen til kong Johan IV av Portugal, og etterfulgte sin bror Alfonso VI av Portugal grunnet at broren var syk og mentalt ustabil, men hadde da i en rekke år fungert som regent av landet. Peter III (Portuguese: Pedro III) (5 July 1717 – 25 May 1786) became King of the Kingdom of Portugal jure uxoris by the accession of his wife and niece Queen Maria I in 1777, and co-reigned alongside her until his death. In 1677 saw the creation of the bishopric of Maranhão, directly subordinated to the archbishopric of Lisbon. In 1328, Peter's father, Afonso IV arranged for the marriage of his eldest daughter, Maria, to Alfonso XI of Castile. Please refer to the appropriate style manual or other sources if you have any questions. (...) Master of a great memory, the monarch never refused an audience to whoever asked it, was it day or night, delighted to listen to others and to discuss the issues in the smallest details. Be warned. o Pac fico) &ndash (April 26, 1648–December 9, 1706), Regent (1668–1683) and 23rd (or 24th according to some historians) King of Portugal (1683–1706).. In exchange, England would give Lisbon military support, protecting Portuguese shipments in the Mediterranean and the coasts of Lisbon and Porto. Portret van Don Pedro van Portugal Don Pietro di Portugallo (titel op object), RP-P-1905-1472.jpg 3,936 × 5,796; 4.74 MB. Peter II of Portugal. He earned the nickname "the Pacific", because peace was made with Spain during his regency in 1668. When Afonso died in 1683, Peter succeeded him as Peter II of Portugal and Maria Francisca became queen again—but died in December of the same year. He centralized the monarchy's power and dissolved the excessive strength the nobility had gained after the death of John IV in 1656. Portuguese and Allied forces, under the command of the Marquis of Minas, captured Madrid in 1706, during the campaign which ended in the Allied defeat at Almansa. Peter II (Portuguese Pedro, (Portuguese pronunciation: [ˈpedɾu]), the Pacific (Port. He was the fifth and last child of John IV and Luisa de Guzmán. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. He was the fifth and last child of John IV and Luisa de Guzmán. Peter thereupon inherited the throne.[1]. Royalties similar to or like Peter II of Portugal. In 1334, she bore him a son, who ultimately became Peter of Castile. Following his father's death, his mother became regent for the new king Afonso VI, Peter's elder, partially paralysed, and mentally unstable brother. It is believed nowadays that the King suffered from a liver disease, because the autopsy found "a part of his liver twisted where 25 stones in the gall could be found". Since 1693 he could dispose of the gold from Brazil that gave to this work the decisive push that Portugal needed. This quality was (...) one of his biggest flaws, because he always wanted to hear the opinion of advisers, fact that led to him dilating the problems. ©News Group Newspapers Limited in England No. Share. King of Portugal Peter I, King of Portugal. Isabel Luísa was proclaimed heir presumptive to the throne at the Portuguese Cortes of 1674, Peter promulgating a letter «on the regencies and tutorships of Kings» to better found the rights of his daughter. Dom Pedro II (Peter II; 26 April 1648 – 9 December 1706), nicknamed "the Pacific", was the King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his brother Afonso VI from 1668 until his own accession. He formed an alliance with England and had its decisive support based on marriage clauses that united Charles II of England with his sister Catherine of Braganza in 1661. 58 relations. The King fixed the basis of his Brazilian policy in two main points: the importation of precious metals and stones and the expansion of the borders of the colony to the banks of the Río de la Plata. There was a legal impediment to the marriage of his daughter with her cousin, the Duke of Savoy. The year 1693 saw the creation of the Captaincy of São Paulo and Minas Gerais. In the last years of the 17th century, the goldfields of Brazil provided Peter with great wealth and enabled him to govern without seeking revenue from the Cortes, which was not convoked after 1697. The English alliance was decisive in the consolidation of Peter's leadership. In 1662 Afonso put away his mother and assumed control of the state. Peter obtained papal approval for the elevation of the Bahia bishopric to the status of archbishopric, and the creation of the bishoprics of Olinda and Rio de Janeiro in 1676. Peter II of Portugal Apr 26, 1648 - Dec 9, 1706. Historian Veríssimo Serrão says of The King in his "History of Portugal", Volume IV, page 233: "A coeval historian extolled his physical qualities, skilled both in arms as in horseback bullfighting, having an agility and strength that predisposed him to the exercise of violence. PEREIRA (Ana Cristina Duarte) – PRINCESAS E INFANTAS DE PORTUGAL / (1640–1736) / EDIÇÕES COLIBRI / 2008. On 5 December 1706 he was stricken with a "legitimate pleurisy", that derived a seizure, with which he lost consciousness. Peter II av Portugal (portugisisk: Pedro II; født 26. april 1648, død 9. desember 1706) var regent (1668–1683) og deretter konge av Portugal og Algarve. His long tenure was one of important accomplishments. This trade accord granted mutual commercial privileges for Portuguese wine and English textile traders and would later give England significant influence in the Portuguese economy. Peter consolidated Portugal's independence with the signing of the Treaty of Lisbon in 1668, putting the Portuguese Restoration War, that began in 1640, to an end. PERES (Damião) – A DIPLOMACIA PORTUGUESA / E A SUCESSÃO DE ESPANHA / (1700–1704) / PORTUCALENSE EDITORA, LDª / 1931. It was during his time that the Palace of Salvaterra de Magos became again the favorite place of court, Pedro II settling there in the months of January and February, to devote himself to the sport of riding. Updates? When Afonso died on Sept. 12, 1683, Peter became king. BRAGA (Paulo Drumond) – D. PEDRO II. This page was last edited on 28 November 2020, at 12:15. ", He was tall, well proportioned, with dark eyes and dark hair.[2]. Alfonso's cousin, Juan Manuel, Prince of Villena, had been rebuffed by the Castilian king in 1327 w… Peter II of Portugal : biography April 26, 1648 – December 9, 1706 Peter II (Portuguese: Pedro II (April 26, 1648 – December 9, 1706) was Regent (1668–1683) and King of Portugal and the Algarves (1683–1706). Media in category "Peter II of Portugal". Permiso (Reutilización de este archivo) Yahoo Search Búsqueda en la Web. He was the fifth and last child of John IV and Luisa de Guzmán.. 679215 Registered office: 1 London Bridge Street, London, SE1 9GF. Personal flag of King Peter II of Portugal (1683-1706). While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Peter II of Portugal".Found in 4 ms. Configuración This trade accord granted mutual commercial privileges for Portuguese wine and English textile traders and would later give Britain significant influence in the Portuguese economy. Dom Pedro II (Peter II; 26 April 1648 – 9 December 1706), nicknamed "the Pacific", was the King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his brother Afonso VI from 1668 until his own accession. Found 0 sentences matching phrase "Peter II of Portugal".Found in 4 ms. Encyclopaedia Britannica's editors oversee subject areas in which they have extensive knowledge, whether from years of experience gained by working on that content or via study for an advanced degree.... Portugal, country lying along the Atlantic coast of the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe. LOURENÇO (Maria Paula Marçal) – D. PEDRO II / CÍRCULO DE LEITORES / 2006. Showing page 1. He was the youngest son of John IV and was created Duke of Beja. Dom Pedro II (Peter II; 26 April 1648 – 9 December 1706), nicknamed "the Pacific", was the King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his brother Afonso VI from 1668 until his own accession. This period saw the destruction of the Quilombo dos Palmares, Alagoas, in 1695. The Cortes didn't attend to totality of his request, but the great apprehension was in the coastal defense. The following 27 files are in this category, out of 27 total. These coins of 2,000 and 4,000 réis in gold, and 640, 320, 160, 80, 40 and 20 réis in silver amplified and diversified the circulating midst in Brazil. The discovery of gold in the interior of Caetés, Minas Gerais, at the end of the 17th century, began an age of economic prosperity and administrative change. Sign up free Home Why Use How Works Features API Blog About Us Login. Our editors will review what you’ve submitted and determine whether to revise the article. The work is part of the collection of biographies of the kings of Portugal and narrated in an exemplary way the life and time of D. Peter II. In 1683, Queen Maria Francisca died. They come from many sources and are not checked. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). In November 1667 Afonso was sent into confinement in the Azores, and Peter became regent. Portugal (Portuguese: [puɾtuˈɣaɫ]), officially the Portuguese Republic (Portuguese: República Portuguesa [ʁɛˈpuβlikɐ puɾtuˈɣezɐ]), is a country located on the Iberian Peninsula, in southwestern Europe.It is the westernmost sovereign state in mainland Europe, being bordered to the west and south by the Atlantic Ocean and to the north and east by Spain. Talk:Peter II of Portugal. Early life. They had one daughter, Isabel Luísa, Princess of Beira (1669–90), who was heir presumptive. He sent the Viscount of Barbacena to Brazil with instructions to encourage mining exploration. He died in the Palhavã Palace, in Lisbon. The King ceded his seigniorage rights, tribute owed to him, in favor of the better functioning of this institution, that minted the first Brazilian coins for usage within the colony. Corrections? Under his reign the Casa da Moeda do Brasil was created on 8 March 1694. By then the ambassador of Savoy, the Marquis of Ornano, had come to Lisbon to celebrate the marriage by proxy. Dom Pedro II (Peter II; 26 April 1648 – 9 December 1706), nicknamed "the Pacific", was the King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his brother Afonso VI from 1668 until his own accession. He was the fifth and last child of John IV and Luisa de Guzmán. Once continental Europe’s greatest power, Portugal shares commonalities—geographic and cultural—with the countries of both northern Europe and the Mediterranean. The new queen, Maria Sophia of Neuburg, never influenced political life, maintaining a low profile. In the court there was a strong «French party», headed by the Duke of Cadaval, the then Count of Vila Maior and by the Viscount of Ponte de Lima, but others favored a closer alliance with Spain. In 1686, via decree from the Missionary Regiment, the privileges of the Jesuits in the interior of the Northern region were restricted. The Intendancy of Minas Gerais was formed in 1702. (...) The squadron left the Tejo on 21 July 1675, under the command of Pedro Jacques de Magalhães. Omissions? By the end of Peter's reign, there were two big problems in Brazil: the dispute over the Colónia do Sacramento that, even though since 1680 recognized as Portuguese territory, was occupied by the Spanish in 1705, and the first conflicts between Paulistas and Emboabas, competing outsiders, including metropolitan people, who arrived in the region in search of gold. Be on the lookout for your Britannica newsletter to get trusted stories delivered right to your inbox. In 1662 Afonso put away his mother and assumed control of the state. Peter II of Portugal Peter II nicknamed " the Pacific ", was the King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his brother Afonso VI from 1668 until his own accession. All interested editors are invited to join the project and contribute to the discussion. Linda Frey Marsha The Treaties of the War of the Spanish Succession Page 335 1995 "Pedro III of Portugal […] Yahoo Search. Ana, Lady of Braganza (1635-35) (1 day) 3. To secure the agreement, Sancho married Dulce, younger sister of King Alfonso II of Aragon, in 1174. The Cortes, called on 1 November 1679, proceeded with the derogation. His reign had as a great aim to rebuild the country, shaken by the wars of Restoration. Be warned. Peter II, (born April 26, 1648, Lisbon—died Dec. 9, 1706, Lisbon), king of Portugal whose reign as prince regent (1668–83) and as king (1683–1706) was marked by the consolidation of royal absolutism and the reduction of the significance of the Cortes (National Assembly); at the same time he encouraged economic development and guided his nation through a troubled period in Europe. Ring in the new year with a Britannica Membership, This alleged document became fundamental law of the Realm in 1640. But it would all turn ineffective to the extent that the embassy of the Duke of Cadaval, sent to Turin in May 1682, did not reach or did not finish the project, by pressures, perhaps, of Louis XIV on the dynasty of Savoy. Peter II, (born April 26, 1648, Lisbon—died Dec. 9, 1706, Lisbon), king of Portugal whose reign as prince regent (1668–83) and as king (1683–1706) was marked by the consolidation of royal absolutism and the reduction of the significance of the Cortes (National Assembly); at the same time he encouraged economic development and guided his nation through a troubled period in Europe. Portugal made an alliance with the Crown of Aragon and together they fought Castile and León. Alonso de Guzmán y Sotomayor, Duke of Medina Sidonia, Manuel de Guzmán y Silva, Duke of Medina Sidonia, Francisco de Sandoval y Borja, Duke of Lerma, Jaime Álvares Pereira de Melo, 3rd Duke of Cadaval, Infanta Isabel, Holy Roman Empress and Queen of Spain, Miguel da Paz, Prince of Portugal and Asturias, Baltasar Carlos, Prince of Portugal and Asturias,, Burials at the Monastery of São Vicente de Fora, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Prince of Brazil from 1697; succeeded Peter as. UMA BIOGRAFIA / TRIBUNA DA HISTÓRIA / 2006. Third son of King John IV and Queen Luisa, he was created Duke of Beja and Lord of the House of the Infantado. However, Maria returned home to her father in Portugal in 1335 because her royal husband soon after their marriage had begun a long affair with the beautiful and newly widowed Leonor de Guzman, which the Castilian king refused to end. WikiMatrix This strength helped persuade King Peter II of Portugal to sever his alliance with France and Bourbon-controlled Spain, and ally himself with the Grand Alliance in 1703. [3][4] Peter reigned for a decade, and is often confused with his Castilian nephew because of … Its cold, rocky northern coast and…. He quickly made peace with Spain (Feb. 13, 1668), forgoing advantages that might have been expected from the Portuguese victories of 1663–65. But the participation in the Wars of the Spanish Succession went against the national interests. Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. o Pacífico) (April 26, 1648 – December 9, 1706), Regent (1668–1683) and 23rd (or 24th according to some historians) King of Portugal and the Algarves (1683–1706). Peter died in the midst of the war, leaving his throne to John V, his son by his second wife, Maria Sophia of Palatinate-Neuburg, whom he had married in 1687, four years after the death of his first wife. Peter exiled his brother to the Azores, and later Sintra wher… The work deals with various princes and infantas of Portugal, legitimate and illegitimate, from 1640 to 1736, from the point of personal and political view, tracing the route of these stateswomen in the legitimization and consolidation of the Braganza dynasty. Joana, Princess of Beira (1635-53) (18 years) 4. Dom Pedro II, nicknamed "the Pacific", was the King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his brother Afonso VI from 1668 until his own accession. To stimulate Portuguese industry and commerce, Peter concluded the Methuen Treaty (1703) with England, which agreed to reduce customs duties on Portuguese wines in return for favourable treatment of English woollen goods. Aragon was thus the first Iberian kingdom to recognize the independence of Portugal.Succession He was baptized on 29 August and was given the name Pedro Clemente Francisco José António. The best biography of the king. They come from many sources and are not checked. In 1674 his main concern was to improve the defenses of the realm, asking for contributions from the Junta dos Três Estados to the keeping of border garrisons, its paraphernalia and indispensable works in castles and forts. Peter II of Portugal: John IV of Portugal, Duke of Beja, Afonso VI of Portugal, Silver, War of Spanish Succession: Surhone, Lambert M, Timpledon, Miriam T, Marseken, Susan F: Libros en idiomas extranjeros Since 1703 the King went through times of deep drowsiness that doctors attributed to a "downflow of 'estilicido'", i.e., severe infection of the larynx. Pedro was born at 12:00 noon on 5 July 1717 in the Ribeira Palace in Lisbon, Portugal. The couple had eight children, including the younger John, who succeeded his father in 1706 as King John V of Portugal. The reputation of the Paulistas was such that, urged by Barbacena, Peter wrote to twelve frontiersmen Piratinganos, and provided them with the "incomparable honor" of a direct summoning them to place their employment at the royal service. Peter allegedly had Inês de Castro's body exhumed and crowned Queen of Portugal, forcing the clergy and nobility to kiss the bones of her hands. There was, however, resistance to the reordering process of the colonial administration, such as the Beckman revolt of 1684 that sublevated the Maranhão colonists against the monopoly of the General Company of Commerce of Grão-Pará and Maranhão and the rise of the Tapuias in the 1680s in various regions of the Northeast. By signing up for this email, you are agreeing to news, offers, and information from Encyclopaedia Britannica. By marrying again, Peter II chose the sister of the Queen of Spain, daughter of Philipp Wilhelm, Elector Palatine. The so-called «Law of the Cortes of Lamego» prevented the marriage of an heiress with a foreign prince. The latest news, top stories and headlines about Peter ii of portugal. Veríssimo Serrão, in his book "History of Portugal", Volume V, page 213 says the following, "The shipments from India and Brazil were the main object of greed so that the Crown was obliged to arm a fleet of 11 boats. Peter initially supported France and Spain in the War of Spanish Succession (1701–1714), but on 16 May 1703, Portugal and Great Britain signed the Methuen Treaty. A post medieval copper alloy 20 Reis coin of Pedro II of Portugal (AD 1683-1706), dating AD 1699. The King of Portugal from 1683 until his death, previously serving as regent for his … After the death of his father, John IV, in 1656, Peter’s feebleminded and profligate elder brother Afonso VI brought Portugal to a very low condition. Type … Peter initially supported France and Spain in the War of Spanish Succession (1701–1714), but on 16 May 1703, Portugal and England signed the Methuen Treaty. This article is within the scope of WikiProject Biography, a collaborative effort to create, develop and organize Wikipedia's articles about people. Peter II (Portuguese Pedro), the Pacific (Port. Portugal ceded Tangier and Bombay as a dowry, and compromised to transfer to the English the majority of the places recovered from the Dutch, to share in half the commerce of cinnamon, to install English families with the same privileges of the Portuguese families in Goa, Cochin, Diu, Bahia, Pernambuco and Rio de Janeiro. His parents were King João V and his wife Maria Ana of Austria.
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