ural bey wife name
Ataç Bey: One of the main Beys of the Umuroglu Tribe. She was the (first) wife of Korkut Bey and mother of Tugtekin Bey. Sirma plots with Taskun Bey to take the Beylik when Ilbilge opens the position. A lady of the Templars. Helps Ertugrul's children deal with the loss of their mother and is a great asset to Ertugrul's cause although she sided with Gundogdu when the tribes split. Selim I became the new Ottoman Sultan in 1512 AD after he managed to convince their father Bayezid II to abdicate the throne, and Korkut readily accepted his brother's reign. Aytolun's brother. Helps fight Beybolat with Ertugrul and creates plans to instigate a war between Berke Han and Hulagu Han with Ertugrul. Ertugrul sets a trap for Zangoc, knowing he is conspiring with Lefke Castle, but it is unknown that the bellringer is the real Dragos. One of the most respected commanders of Byzantine. A problem also arises with Kurdoğlu, Süleyman Şah's adoptive brother, who seeks his brother's Beylik with the help of Selcan Hatun Younger sister of Selcan Hatun. Moreover, although the name of the dynasty is Candar, Ottoman historians tend to call the Beylik İsfendiyaroğlu because of the long reign of İsfendiyar Bey (he reigned as Bey between 1385 and 1440 AD). Saadettin Kopek arrives at the camp to challenge Ertugrul's authority. He was said to be the son of Ottoman Sultan Bayezid II and his wife Nigar Hatun, and grandson of Fatih Sultan Mehmet (Mehmed II) - conqueror of Constantinople (Istanbul) - and his wife Emine Gülbahar Hatun. However, Aytolun murdered Duru to be Korkut Bey's wife. After the death of Tutush in 1095 AD, his sons split his realm with Duqaq (Abu Nasr Shams al-Muluk Duqaq) inheriting Damascus and Ridwan (Fakhr al-Mulk Radwan) becoming the Emir of Aleppo; Toghtekin supported Duqaq in his claim to his father’s dominion. Honorary tomb of Samsa Cavus at the Samsa Cavus Turbesi in the Cavuskoy neighbourhood (city of Inegol in the Bursa Province of modern Turkey). Gümüshtigin’s imprisoning of Bohemond I led the Crusaders to make another attack in order to save Prince Bohemund; the Crusader army which proceeded in the direction of Niksar (city in modern Turkey) after capturing Ankara (capital of modern Turkey) was defeated in 1101 AD by an army of 10,000 people from both the Danishmend dynasty and Seljuk dynasty near Merzifon (town in modern Turkey). The Burids ruled Damascus until 1154 AD, when it was taken over by the ruler of the Zengid Dynasty and then Atabey of Aleppo & Mosul: Nur-ad-Din Zengi, - predecessor of Salahuddin al-Ayubbi and son of the founder of the Zengids, Imad-ad-Din Zengi - and a devoted enemy of the Crusader presence in modern Syria. Father of Selcan Hatun and Gökçe. The two create a plan to isolate the vizier who is the traitor. Youngest son of Suleyman Shah, younger brother of Ertuğrul, and the paternal uncle of Osman Gazi I. Brother of Sultan Alaeddin Kayqubad I. Knights Templar Grand Vizier of the Order Council. Masud being freed and Yavlak Arslan being killed. Asliha, my sister. We know that he had two sons by the names of Sökmen (also known was Muineddin Sokman/Muʿīn ad-Dīn Soqman/Soqman ibn Ortoq) and Ilghazi I (Najm ad-Din Ilghazi ibn Artuq) who both - 11 years after Artuk passed away (1102 AD) - later went on to found the Artuqid Dynasty (sometimes also spelled as Artukid, Ortoqid or Ortokid) which they named after him. In Resurrection: Ertugrul, Korkut Bey is presented as the Bey of the Dodurga Tribe as well as being the older brother of Hayme Ana, and hence the maternal uncle of Gundogdu, Sungurtekin, Ertugrul and Dundar. Led the rest of Kayi tribe who didn't want to go with Ertuğrul to the Western borders. As Noyan prepares for revenge, Gokce abed Tugtekin fall in harm's way. We're up around episode 30 or so and Ural Bey , the scheming, low down, lying dog is finally going to get his comeuppance. Toghtekin, supported by the Fatimid Shia forces, intervened, forcing the Franks to raise the siege in April 1112 AD. Ertugrul squares off with Gumustekin. His grave is said to be in a tomb in the compound of Masjid Al Aqsa near the Gate of al-Dawadariya or Bab al-'Attam /Gate of Darkness, now known today as the Gate of King Faisal (King Faisal I of Iraq). Somewhat slow-thinking and prone to emotional outburst. Sirma Hatun confronts Ilbilge and poisons her, but is killed by a dying Ilbilge. A fictional character in Season 2 of Dirilis Ertugrul with very sporadic appearances in the form of Korkut Bey’s visions or dreams. Using Selcan as his bargaining chip, Noyan presents Gundogdu with a dilemma. Kills Mergen and Dumrul and is descended from Mongol samans. Kopek kills Giyaseddin's brother Kilic Arslan and seizes power in the palace. Those coward take a girl as hostage so everybody has to surrender. Noyan and Ertugrul team up to deliver a peace treaty, but it is broken when Ogedei dies. He returns to the tribe after being in places like Damascus since he was a seeker of knowledge; he was also a pious individual, a leader, a warrior and personally, my favourite character after Ertugrul. Leader of the Dodurga tribe and older brother of [[Hayme Hatun,is killed by aytolun, Son of Korkut Bey. His life was full of journeys and where he kept seeking knowledge; he frequently kept crossing and re-crossing modern Syria, Palestine, Anatolia, Egypt, Iraq and the Hejaz. In Resurrection Ertugrul, Candar Bey is presented as the Bey of the Cavdar Tribe which is the largest tribe at that time in that vicinity, and had three (3) children: Ural Bey, Aliyar Bey and Aslihan Hatun (see below). Is later killed by Vasilius and Ural and has a son named Dogan. But later he betrayed him, wanting to be the commander of the troops. Later, Emir Sadettin looks to marry her but she rejects him; after some time of being the head of the Cavdar Tribe due to the death of her father and both brothers, she ends up marrying Turgut Alp and hence he became Turgut Bey: Bey of the Cavdar Tribe. (Though fictional) Artuk Bey then allies with Ertugrul particularly after they both realise that they were acquainted with the secretive Turkish organisation called “White Beards” (this organisation is apparently a real one in history and played an important role behind the scenes in the establishment of the Ottoman state). Dirilis Ertugrul Ghazi in the Urdu version is the most-watched drama serial of the year 2021 in Pakitan. Unfortunately for Tugtekin, he was also a traitor as he was actually a Mongol spy for Noyan within the Dodurga Tribe. Ertugrul plots with Uranos to get rid of Alincak and successfully traps him. Ertugrul makes Ilbilge the Bey of the Umurogullari and tells her that he will fulfill his promises. In a departure from legends, in the show she dies at the end of Season 4 shortly after the birth of Osman. Ertugrul suspects Saadettin Kopek has a hidden agenda. Tokhtamysh’s father’s name was said to be Tuli Kwadja and they were said to have come from the Uzbek Kungrat tribe. ... hair stylist (150 episodes, 2014-2019) Sevtap Yildiz. Not much is known about Danishmend Gazi himself but his name is supposed to mean “wise man” and “one who searches for knowledge” in Persian. Wife of Gündoğdu and daughter-in-law of Hayme Hatun and Suleyman Shah. With the help of Sungurtekin and Husamettin Karaca, Ertugrul executes Kopek in an epic showdown. Sister of Gümüstekin Bey and aunt of Goncagül Hatun. ", Melik Gazi Turbesi in Niksar, modern-day Turkey (Tomb of Danishmend Gazi). Actor who played the role of Kaya Alp in Dirilis Ertugrul. Together with the new commander of Karacahisar, Ares, Kopek sets a trap for Ertugrul and seemingly kills him at the end of the season. Gundogdu says Dundar will come back to Ertugrul's camp. In 1115 AD, Toghtekin strangely decided to ally himself with the Kingdom of Jerusalem against the Seljuk general Aqsunqur al-Bursuqi, who had been sent by the aforementioned Seljuq Sultan Muhammad I Tapar to fight the Crusaders. In fact, as mentioned prior, the Ottoman spiritual and intellectual tradition has a strong connection to Ibn al Arabi so it’s no surprise his character was in Dirilis Ertugrul. Father of Aykız. One of Ertuğrul's senior Alps. After his father’s death at the hands of his step-mother Aytolun Hatun (see below), Tugtekin became Bey of the Dodurgas. Wife of Ural Bey and daughter of former Tekfur (governor) of Karaçahisar Castle. In April 1110 AD, Toghtekin also besieged and captured Baalbek (modern Lebanon) and named his son Buri as governor, after attempts were made to sell the fortress to the Crusaders. Later marries Doğan Alp and becomes a hatun of the Kayı tribe. Eldest son of Candar Bey. Candar Bey's younger brother. She betrayed the Muslims by sending secret messages to Titan. (Unfortunately for Mawdud, he organised several expeditions to reconquer lands from the Crusaders, but never succeeded). This series is set in the early 20th century (1914-1916) during World War 1 (WW1) and depicts the real life historical events of Kut Al Amara; when the Ottomans made the British Empire surrender in the Siege of Kut/First Battle of Kut (Iraq). Saadettin Kopek sets his plan in motion with Noyan's help, and Goncagul plans ideas in Yigit's head. Help me bring you more articles like this by becoming a Patron. The Kayi tribe, one of the Oghuz Turkic people, settle in Anatolia with two thousand large nomad tents. The series is written and produced by Mehmet Bozdağ and directed by Metin Günay. Ironically, Artuk Bey was also instrumental in defeating Suleiman ibn Qutulmish (also known as Suleiman Shah I/Kutalmışoğlu Süleyman Şah/Kutalmışoğlu Suleiman) in the year 1086 AD in a battle between Süleyman and Abu Sa'id Taj ad-Dawla Tutush I, after Suleiman declared his own independent Seljuk state (Anatolian Seljuk Sultanate). Out of all the tribes in Diriliş Ertuğrul, the Umuroğlu Tribe is the only tribe that appears to not be a real tribe (there appears to be some historical mentions of an Umuroğulları Principality which is what I feel is the basis for the Umuroglu Tribe in Season 5). Actor who played the role of Dervish Ishak/Ishaaq. In fact, both Artuk Bey and Toghtekin were affiliated to the Seljuks (even if not officially) through Tutush I, with Toghtekin once fighting a battle against the Crusaders with Artuk’s son Ilghazi, whilst it’s possible that both Toghtekin and Gümüshtigin (though of different dynastic powers) were aware of each other’s existence due to partaking in battles in the First & Second Crusades and often against the same people like the aforementioned Prince Bohemond. He is loyal to the state (his father) and bares no ill will to his younger brother and his mother. The first episode shook Turkish social media after it was aired on Wednesday. The feasts begin, but are cut short with Halime's death following Osman's birth. From a far away tribe. Artuk Bey ruled as Governor of Jerusalem for 6 years until his death in 1091 AD. Before I go any further on Samsa, you would have noticed that I am using Samsa Alp and Samsa Çavuş interchangeably and that is because they are the same person. Ilbilge follows Sirma and sees her meeting with a Mongol spy at Beybolat's grave. She was killed by Abdurrahman Alp via a bow and arrow after her devious plans were exposed and she and her niece Goncagul Hatun had attempted to kill Halime Sultan and Selcan Hatun respectively. Ertugrul plays into Saadettin Kopek's hands. Suleyman Shah has four sons, Gündoğdu, Sungurtekin, Ertuğrul and the youngest Dundar. Saadettin Kopek puts pressure on Surgur Tekin to full-fill a risky mission. His main purpose is to destroy the Muslims and recapture Jerusalem. On the orders of the Mongol-controlled Seljuk Emir, Emir Bahaddin, the Umuroglu Tribe under Umur Bey are sent to become the new tax collectors for Sogut whilst also looking to take the Uc Beylik (Principality Beylik) away from Ertugrul and the Kayi Tribe; this is initially done through Umur Bey’s daughter Ilbilge Hatun, who infiltrated the Kayi tribe after/by saving Ertugrul’s son Osman in order to gain information on Ertugrul. It left important architectural works, principally in Birgi and Ayasoluk (Selçuk), its capital cities. Without knowing the true identity of the rescued prisoners (that they belong to a noble family of the Seljuk Empire) Ertugrul and his friends bring them to the nomad group. Ertugrul engages in battle with Beybolat and Gundogdu makes an appearance, injuring Beybolat. His full name was said to be Kaya Alp bin Kızıl Buğa bin Gök Alp (Kaya Alp son of Kızıl Buğa son of Gök Alp) and he was said to be the Bey of the Kayi Tribe from 1200 AD until 1214 AD when he died. Her intense emotions have sometimes led her to act irrationally. It centers around the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I, who was the founder of the Ottoman Empire. He apparently sent 380 ships and 28,000 men to aid him in the conflict and besieged the city of Demotika in Thrace, modern-day Greece; this provoked a Latin response in the form of the Smyrniote Crusades sent by Pope Clement VI, that captured Smyrna from the Aydin beylik. Moreover, Professor Dr. Ahmet Şimşirgil in his work titled “Osmanlı Devleti'nin Kuruluşunda Hizmeti Geçen Alpler ve Gaziler” (roughly translates as “The Alps and Gazis That Were Instrumental In the Establishment of the Ottoman State”), mentions that it has been suggested that Samsa Çavuş came to Söğüt with the tribes attached to him along with Ertuğrul Gazi, and not only did he become one of Ertuğrul and Osman Gazi's most loyal friends and comrades, but he was the first person to assume the title of Çavuş (loosely translated as “Sergeant” in English) in the history of the Ottoman Empire (Osmanlı İmparatorluğu). Hence, the character of Samsa has been reintroduced as “Samsa Cavus” (I will touch on below why he is why known as “Cavus” and no longer “Alp”) in the new series Kurulus Osman with a totally new actor (unfortunately there seems to be an issue with this actor as well and he has left, and hence another actor has been rumoured for the role). She later dies but it is talked about and not shown. Ares converts to Islam and becomes Ahmet, and serves as a spy for Ertugrul. Originally a Byzantine military commander, he is promoted as Tekfur (Governor) of Karaçahisar Castle. Oguz Alp/Ogüz Alp became an integral Kayi Alp later on in the series and was good friends with Turgut Alp. Gundogdu and Turgut find the gold and secure it. Ural, who has assimilated the culture of the steppe, is the chief alpi of Rye Oba. Youngest daughter of Umur Bey and younger sister of İlbilge and Beybolat. Leader of some of the nomad families of the Kayi tribe and friend of Suleyman Shah. Through her marriage to Ertugrul Bey, Seljuk Turks and Oguz Turks, two greatest Turkish branches were irrevocably united by blood ties. He is interested in science rather than being an Alp. The show is set in the 13th century and centers around the life of Ertuğrul, the father of Osman I . What’s interesting is in Dirilis Ertugrul, Ibn Arabi’s disciple and companion is Dervis Ishak/Ishaaq, and this is my personal opinion, but I think it is possible that Dervish Ishak is in fact a tribute to Ibn Arabi’s actual friend: Majduddin Ishaq al-Rumi. Melikshah takes Turgut to the tribe, while Abdurrahman tells Ilbilge Hatun that Ertugrul was captured. Like his nephew Ural, he is also an opponent of Ertugrul and meets his fate at the hands of Ertugrul after constant disobedience, plotting against Ertugrul & his Alps, and also after he attempted to seize the Cavdar Tribe and become Bey. Meanwhile, the Kayi Tribe led by Hayme Ana seeks refuge with the Dodurga, led by Korkut Bey, brother of Hayme Ana. All are maintained on horse farm in Riva. Bogaç Alp was a fictional character in Dirilis Ertugrul. His mother then died some months later and this prompted him to leave Al-Andalus for the second time where he travelled again to North Africa but this time with his two sisters to Fez, Morocco in 1195 AD. Ural Bey (Kürşat Alnıaçık) Ural Bey, the eldest son of Candar, is one of the most important warriors in the series. They fend them off but the gold is missing. When he realizes Alincak is going after Sultan Izzettin Kaykavus, Ertugrul rescues him and pins the blame on Berke Han, the leader of the Golden Horde. The character Artuk Bey in Dirilis: Ertugrul is without doubt the most prominent of characters who later joins the Kayi Tribe. Banu Cicek convinces Ertugrul to analyze the facts behind the problems at the Kayi tribe. Suleyman Shah has four sons, Gündoğdu, Sungurtekin, Ertuğrul … Mother of Suleymand and Iltekin. The Emir of Seljuk in Konya who is a puppet of the Mongols. He, alongside his wife and troops, were killed for being loyal to the state. He was killed in Season 5 by Byzantine commander Dragos (who disguised himself as the bell ringer of Sogut), after Dragos escaped from prison. In the last Episode, you have seen after verdict of Ural the health of Candar bey suddenly get worst. A Greek perfume trader at Hanli Pazar, she is also revealed to be a paramour and accomplice of Ural Bey. Gundogdu and Turgut return to the tribe to hear the news of the Umurogullari elections, and decide to meet with Taskun Bey. Following a failed ambush, Ertugrul captures Ares and promises to set him free if he confesses to the Sultan about Kopek's misdeeds. As the son of Umur Bey and Bey of the Umuroğlu after his father's death he is a Seljuk assassin that works with the Mongols to wipe out rebelling Oğuz Tribes, under a fake name Albaşti. With the death of Halime Hatun in 1281, Ertuğrul Gazi also gained the right to the same year. He is promised by Ural that he will be given Aslihan in marriage but then when he finds out that Ural is giving Aslihan to Emir Sadettin, he realises that Ural broke his promise and later betrays him. After Bahadir Bey's treachery, Ertugrul executes him and conquers Karacahisar, leaving Ares to go on the run. After a year in North Africa, he returned to Andalusia in 1194 AD but unfortunately his father died soon after he arrived in Seville. [5], Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Diriliş:_Ertuğrul&oldid=902363260'. Very ambitious and will do everything to get what he wants. Disillusioned by misunderstandings towards Gündögdu Bey, he defects to Noyan. The history of this Principality is relatively unknown and there are no explicit mentions of it, and the reason I posit for this is because the actual historical personality Umur Bey was said to be part of the Aydinids or Aydinid dynasty (Aydınoğulları, Aydınoğulları Beyliği), also known as the Principality of Aydin and Beylik of Aydin (Aydın Beyliği), one of the many Anatolian beyliks at the time and which was famous for its seaborne raiding. Due to his fury against Ertuğrul for killing Gümüştekin Bey, he cooperates with Emir Sadettin Köpek to kill Ertuğrul. With all that being said, I postulate that this character may have been a sort of tribute to the real Kaya Alp who ends up being the eventual great-grandfather of the founder of the Ottoman state: Osman Gazi. Bamsi. Ertugrul ventures to meet Berke Han with his alps to bring news of the situation in Anatolia and to tell him of a spy. In Russian chronicles, the Blue Horde is described as the eastern/right wing of the Golden Horde whilst the White Horde is the western/left wing of the Golden Horde; the Golden Horde itself was originally a Mongol and later Turkicised Khanate established in the 13th century and originating as the northwestern sector of the Mongol Empire. Meanwhile, Commander Dragos, a disgraced Byzantine warrior seeks to conquer Sogut. Gumustekin holds on to a valuable possession and conspires with Aytolun, putting Korkut Bey's life on the line. During the fight between Ertugrul and his alps and Alincak and Albasti, Bamsi comes late, which results in Alincak escaping and Gunduz getting injured. Bogac. In the end, Ertugrul, his brother Dundar, Halime Sultan, and Hayme Ana, along with 400 other people journey to the western edge of Anatolia, leaving behind the rest of the Kayi Tribe.
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