where is alexander in the bible
He felt invincible. God had inspired the Prophet Daniel to write his book back in 535 b.c.—about 180 years before Alexander was born. Josephus, writing in the late 1st cent. Alexander was born in 356 b.c. When Alexander was young, he was personally taught by Aristotle. The fifth and last occurrence of the name Alexander is in 2 Timothy 4:14,15, "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord will render to him according to his works: of whom do thou also beware (the King James Version "of whom be thou ware also"); for he greatly withstood our words." 5 Bible Verses about Alexander The Great. Once inside, Jaddua brought Alexander to the temple and showed him some passages in the book of Daniel. He granted all they desired. Alexandria is mentioned three times in the book of Acts- 28:11; 18:24; & 27:6. Although Alexander is not mentioned by name in the canonical Scriptures, in Da he is designated by a transparent symbol (8:5,21). Jaddua would have shown Alexander such passages as Daniel 11:2 and 3, which discuss the Persian Empire pushing against Greece, and eventually being conquered by a mighty Greek king: Behold, there shall stand up yet three kings in Persia; and the fourth shall be far richer than they all: and by his strength through his riches he shall stir up all against the realm of Grecia. A leading man in Jerusalem when Peter and John were tried there ( Acts 4:6 ). His parents were Philip ii and Olympias of Epirus. He said he would basically give them whatever they asked of him. In his adult years, Alexander even carried with him a copy of Homer’s Iliad—which chronicles Achilles’s conquests. Alexander III (helper of men--brave) king of Macedon, surnamed the Great, the son of Philip and Olympias, was born at Pella B.C. While Alexander the Great is not mentioned in the Bible, it is clear that God gave visions of the future to His prophets that included the influence of Alexander the Great. He entered the city peacefully. He felt that his victories were proof that his mother had always been right. Is Alexander the Great mentioned in the Bible? Josephus wrote about Alexander’s reaction to Jaddua in Antiquities of the Jews (Book 11, Chap. These passages truly are about Alexander the Great, and they were written around 200 years before his reign began! And Rufus who lead the pacifist school of philosophy. Next, he sacked the cities of Sidon and Aleppo, and then conquered the rest of Syria, and then Egypt. While Alexander is not mentioned in the above Bible verse the person he is associated with Hymenaeus is and it is reasonable to assume both were peddling the same false doctrines. - the last phrase in 1 Corinthians 5:5 gives us the answer. Hymenaeus and Alexander were chastened of the Lord “ to be taught not to blaspheme” (1 Timothy 1:20), and that their spirits might “ be saved on the day of the Lord ” … Alexander the coppersmith (also referred to as Alexander the metalworker in the NIV) is mentioned by Paul in his letter to Timothy in Ephesus in 2 Timothy 4:14. -Alexander went to found a physical, earthly kingdom, Jesus came to establish a spiritual, heavenly kingdom. He had also been told by his mother his whole life that he was no ordinary man, but someone with divine blood coursing through his veins. During his early years, Alexander’s mother constantly told him that he was part god. in the city of Pella—the ancient capital of Macedonia. Jaddua would also likely have shown him companion passages in Daniel 8, which give more details about this “mighty king” of Greece who would defeat the Persian Empire. Although we don’t meet Alexander the Great directly in the Bible record, Bible students recognise him clearly in Bible prophecy. Tools. Alexander the coppersmith — Or brasier; did me much evil — This seems to have been the person mentioned 1 Timothy 1:20: probably he was one of the Judaizing teachers, who violently opposed the true doctrine of the gospel. The Jewish leaders knew that Alexander of Macedonia had God on his side. Josephus goes on to explain that the Samaritans were so astounded by Alexander’s treatment of the Jews that when Alexander came to their city next, they tried to convince him that they were also Jewish. Wings Four Other Things. Achilles was a myth, and Alexander was a mortal man like any other. Perhaps the same as No. 356, and succeeded his father B.C. This passage in Daniel, of course, did not say he was divine in any way. Around 40 men and five women, mainly in T-shirts and trainers and more bearded than average, sit … Alexander the Great fulfilled several prophecies that confirm the truth of the Bible. He allowed the Jews to keep their own laws, and he gave them a massive break in paying tribute. Though Alexander the Great is not mentioned specifically in the Bible, Daniel and Zechariah both prophesied about the rise of the Macedonian Empire out of Greece. But Jaddua would have told Alexander that the book had the true God’s fingerprints all over it. Four Beasts Of Daniel Leopard. Almost immediately after ascending the throne, Alexander embarked on the great military crusade that his father had spent years preparing for: the conquest of the Persian Empire. And a mighty king shall stand up, that shall rule with great dominion, and do according to his will. Here Alexander fights the Persians at the Battle of Issus (Wikimedia Commons). In 336, when Alexander was 20 years old, his father was assassinated. So Simon was the father of War and Peace. 5; William Whiston translation, 1981): And when the book of Daniel was showed him wherein Daniel declared that one of the Greeks should destroy the empire of the Persians, he supposed that himself was the person intended. This Alexander was a worker in copper or iron, a smith. Daniel 11:4. 2021 The fifth and last occurrence of the name Alexander is in 2 Timothy 4:14, 15, "Alexander the coppersmith did me much evil: the Lord will render to him according to his works: of whom do thou also beware (the King James Version "of whom be thou ware also"); for he greatly withstood our words." If you’re not familiar with this intriguing chapter of history, you may be astounded to learn how Alexander reacted to that statement. It was the last time Alexander would see his homeland and his mother. Approximately 200 years before Alexander began his campaign to conquer the world, the Hebrew prophet Daniel was inspired to write of a series of beasts … From his father, Alexander learned the art and science of warfare. Which caused the increase of ungodliness; Their word ate like a … The civilization-altering life of Alexander the Great is well known to most students of history. A convert to Christianity who became an apostate ( 1 … Alexander's visit was capped by a briefing from the book of Daniel, written several centuries earlier, which foretold the rise and conquests of Alexander. 336. Can we trust biblical prophecy? Not so much as to the King himself, but to the Egyptian city, Alexander founded when he ruled physically in that country. When he arrived in the famed city of Jerusalem he was greeted by the Jewish people with respect and awe. You can imagine Alexander the Great standing in the temple next to the high priest. The VW camper van fridge. Dan 11:4. But it may be that the fact that his mother had always told him he was of divine origin made him more open to believing these ancient, holy Scriptures were about him. A man whose father, Simon the Cyrenian, bore the cross of … Things were going well for Alexander. However, the prophets Daniel and Zechariah wrote prophecies concerning Greece and Alexander’s Macedonian Empire. Answer: The name “Alexander” or “Alexander the Great,” referring to the Macedonian king, never appears in the Bible. A convert of Paul’s who was present at the Ephesian tumult. During his early years, Alexander’s mother constantly told hi… He needed no translation. I suggest you watch the video that explains the prophecy in greater detail, but just to give you a … Audio + Video of the Alexander Scourby narration of The King James Version (KJV) Bible. Then he liberated Ephesus from Persian rule. Paul warned Timothy to "beware of him" because he "strongly opposed" the gospel message and did Paul "great harm" (2 Timothy 4:14–15). You can imagine him being shown an ancient scroll with the words of Daniel written on it. Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Dictionary states: “Antiochus IV (175-164 B.C. The NIV translates it as “metalworker”; the ESV, KJV, and NASB have it as “coppersmith.”. They hoped that by walking out to meet this mighty warrior, they might keep Jerusalem from being destroyed by his army. We can only speculate about Alexander’s thought process. Photograph: Shaw and Shaw. Jaddua led a procession of affluent residents of Jerusalem. alexander al-eg-zan'-der (Alexandros, literal meaning "defender of men." 1 Timothy 1:20 | View whole chapter | See verse in context Of whom is Hymenaeus and Alexander; whom I have delivered unto Satan, that they may learn not to blaspheme. He had pillaged and plundered many other cities, often renaming them and requiring them to adopt much of the Greco-Macedonian culture. But for the city of Jerusalem, it was different. He would have been about 24 years old, and he was undefeated. Alexander — man-defender. But it’s important because of the profound effect these stories had on Alexander. He believed that it was a true prophecy, and that he himself was in the process of fulfilling it! Copyright © His parents were Philip iiand Olympias of Epirus. Her family had long claimed to be descendants of Achilles the demigod, so she told him that this meant some divine blood was pumping through his veins. This Alexander was a worker in copper or iron, a smith. It was His chastening - look up Hebrews 12:6-11; and why did He chasten them? After this I kept looking, and behold, another one, like a leopard, which had on its back four wings of a bird; the beast … f. Alexander and the Jews. The priest explained: Alexander, these prophecies are about you! Daniel 7:6. Alexander, of Macedon, commonly called "the Great" (born 356 BC), was the son of Philip, king of Macedon, and of Olympias, daughter of Neoptolemos, an Epeirote king. Copyright 2011-2021 Got Questions Ministries - All Rights Reserved. Earthly kingdoms come to power and are overtaken, but it is God who holds the future in His hands and His Word stands. Thanks to the education he had received from Aristotle, Alexander could read the Hebrew words Daniel had written. Historically, this is referring to Antiochus IV who attacked Jerusalem around 169 B.C. Among the subjects Aristotle taught him was the Hebrew language.
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