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wiki reza shah

[207], In 1976, Mohammad Reza told the Egyptian journalist Mohamed Hassanein Heikal in an interview: "I want the standard of living in Iran in ten years' time to be exactly on a level with that in Europe today. Another factor guiding Mohammad Reza in his foreign policy was his wish for financial stability, which required strong diplomatic ties. Reza Shah Pahlavi was born in the village of Alasht in Savadkuh County, Mazandaran Province, in 1878, to Major Abbas-Ali Khan and Noush-Afarin. Mohammad Reza had decided not to tell his Mexican doctors he had cancer, and the Mexican doctors had misdiagnosed his illness as malaria, giving him a regime of anti-malarial drugs that did nothing to treat his cancer, which caused his health to go into rapid decline as he lost 30 pounds (14 kg). 21–29, in: Grigor, Tallinn "Preserving the Antique Modern: Persepolis '71", pp. The Armed Forces were also engaged in infrastructural and other educational projects throughout the country "Sepāh-e Tarvij va Ābādāni" (Persian: سپاه ترویج و آبادانی lit. [249] In a sign of desperation, the following month Mohammad Reza reached out to the National Front, asking if one of their leaders would be willing to become prime minister. [209] He also sought to hold the 1984 Summer Olympics in Tehran. Mohammad Reza directed more money to the Imperial Iranian Air Force than any branch of the armed forces, and his favourite uniform was that of the Marshal of the Imperial Iranian Air Force. [302], By that point, it was arranged by President Sadat that Soraya would quietly visit Mohammad Reza on his deathbed in Egypt without Farah present, but Milani noted the two were "star-crossed lovers" and Mohammad Reza died before Soraya could come to Egypt from her home in Paris. Now I find that England has not only become our friend, our equal, but also the nation to which, should we be able, we will render assistance with pleasure," going on to say that since he "belonged to this [European] world," he did not want Europe to collapse economically. [326] Reza Shah, facing criticism for his wealth, decided to pass on all of his land and wealth to his eldest son Mohammad Reza in exchange for a sugar cube, known in Iran as habbe kardan. [29] Reza Khan always addressed his son as shoma ("sir") and refused to use more informal tow ("you"), and in turn was addressed by his son using the same word. army for promotion and development) as well as in health education and promotion "Sepāh-e Behdāsht" (Persian: سپاه بهداشت lit. On 4 February 1949, he attended an annual ceremony to commemorate the founding of Tehran University. [143], Mohammad Reza's first major clash with Ayatollah Khomeini occurred in 1962, when the Shah changed the local laws to allow Iranian Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians, and Baha'i to take the oath of office for municipal councils using their holy books instead of the Koran. Malignancy. [299], In 1974 the Shah's doctor, Dr. Ayadi, diagnosed the Shah with splenomegaly after he complained of a swollen abdomen. [147] Students studying to be imams at Qom were most active in the protests, and Ayatollah Khomeini emerged as one of the leaders, giving sermons calling for the Shah's overthrow. In addition, literacy courses were set up in remote villages by the Imperial Iranian Armed Forces, this initiative being called "Sepāh-e Dānesh" (Persian: سپاه دانش) meaning "Army of Knowledge". The two sent letters to one another, although delivery was often delayed, and Mohammad Reza commissioned his friend, Ernest Perron, to hand-deliver a taped message of love and respect to his father, bringing back with him a recording of his voice. [150], According to Vladimir Kuzichkin, a former KGB officer who defected to MI-6, the Soviet Union also targeted the Shah. [197] On 2 December 1974, The New Yorker published an article by Paul Erdman that was a conjectural future history entitled "The Oil War of 1976: How The Shah Won the World: The World as We Knew It Came to an End When the Shah Of Iran Decided to Restore The Glory of Ancient Persia with Western Arms". This formed one of the reasons for the creation of the Pahlavi Foundation and the distribution of additional land to the people of some 2,000 villages inherited by his father, often at very low and discounted prices. In return, Iran took full control of Greater and Lesser Tunbs and Abu Musa in the Strait of Hormuz, three strategically sensitive islands which were claimed by the United Arab Emirates. [291] In the Shah's memoir, Answer to History, he claimed that the United States never provided him any kind of health care and asked him to leave the country. Under the Shah's reign, the national Iranian income showed an unprecedented rise for an extended period. [35] Tadj ol-Molouk was the main emotional support to her son, cultivating a belief in him that destiny had chosen him for great things, as the soothsayers she consulted had explained her dreams as proving just precisely that. [94] Under the leadership of Mosaddegh and his nationalist movement, the Iranian parliament unanimously voted to nationalise the oil industry—thus shutting out the immensely profitable AIOC, which was a pillar of Britain's economy and provided it political clout in the region.[95]. During his early days as Shah, Mohammad Reza lacked self-confidence and spent most of his time with Perron writing poetry in French. [316] During the reign of the Shah, women gained the right to freely choose any profession, for example first female Iranian ministers such as Farrokhroo Parsa and judges such as Shirin Ebadi, while Mehrangiz Dowlatshahi became the first female cabinet member and ambassador of Iran. Two lions rampant regardant, holding scimitars supports the coat of arms on either side. The tragedy is that a man who should have had the best and easiest medical care had, in many respects, the worst. He was born with a twin sister, Ashraf Pahlavi. [118] Starting in 1955, Mohammad Reza began to quietly cultivate left-wing intellectuals, many of whom had supported the National Front and some of whom were associated with the banned Tudeh party, asking them for advice about how best to reform Iran. How can they be of assistance? [61] The British would have liked to put a Qajar back on the throne, but the principal Qajar claimant to the throne was Prince Hamid Mirza, an officer in the Royal Navy who did not speak Persian, so the British had to accept Mohammad Reza as Shah. That evening, Henderson suggested to Ardashir that Mosaddegh not be harmed. Reza lật đổ vị quốc vương cuối cùng của nhà Qajar, Ahmad Shah Qajar, và sáng lập ra nhà Pahlavi. Juliana of the Netherlands visiting the mausoleum, Reza Shah's 100th birthday celebrations at the mausoleum, Learn how and when to remove this template message, removing excessive or indiscriminate images, "Mummified body found in Iran could be father of last shah", "Making Histories of "Sacred" Mausoleums: Architectural Representation of Changing Islamic Ideologies", "Mysterious mummy found in Iran could be father of last shah", Sheikh Safi al-Din Khānegāh and Shrine Ensemble,, Buildings and structures demolished in 1979, Demolished buildings and structures in Iran, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from June 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from October 2020, Articles with unsourced statements from January 2020, Articles needing additional references from April 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 1 February 2021, at 23:54. "[337] Despite this, the royal family's wealth can be seen as one of the factors behind the Iranian revolution. Milani, Abbas The Shah, London: Macmillan, 2011, pp. On the second day of the invasion with the Soviet air force bombing Tehran, Mohammad Reza was shocked to see the Iranian military simply collapse, with thousands of terrified officers and men all over Tehran taking off their uniforms in order to desert and run away despite the fact they had not seen combat yet. Not a moment passes without my thinking of you and yet the only thing that keeps me happy and satisfied is the thought that you are spending your time in the service of Iran. [290], There are claims that Reza's admission to the United States resulted in the storming of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and the kidnapping of American diplomats, military personnel, and intelligence officers, which soon became known as the Iran hostage crisis. [34], Mohammad Reza's mother, Tadj ol-Molouk was an assertive woman who was also very superstitious. The odds favored gallstones, since his fever, chills and abdominal distress suggested an infection of the biliary tract. The Shah, a fervent nationalist, responded "Iran is Iran." [199] All of this praise boosted Mohammad Reza's ego, and he went from being a merely narcissistic man to a megalomaniac, believing himself a man chosen by Allah Himself to transform Iran and create the "Great Civilisation. On 18 August 1953, Mosaddegh defended the government against this new attack. Also he had a history of indigestion. [143] Afterwards, Mohammad Reza visited London. It is said that when they told Mohammad Reza Shah (when he was in exile in Cairo) that Reza Shah's Mausoleum was destroyed due to orders from the new Islamic regime, the Shah fell to the floor and was taken to hospital. Mohammad Reza Shah took the title Shahanshah ("King of Kings")[2] on 26 October 1967. Seine ältere Schwester war Shams, sein jüngerer Bruder Ali Reza kam 1954 bei einem Flugzeugabsturz ums Leben. The Eisenhower Administration believed its actions were justified for strategic reasons; but the coup was clearly a setback for Iran's political development. "[257] In February, pro-Khomeini revolutionary guerrilla and rebel soldiers gained the upper hand in street fighting, and the military announced its neutrality. Still, I often reflect, if I am driven-or perhaps I should say supported-by another force, there must be a reason. Juli 1944), allgemein bekannt als Reza Shah , war vom 15.Dezember 1925 bis zu seiner Abdankung der Schah des Iran durch die anglo-sowjetische Invasion des Iran am 16. Milani, Abbas The Shah, London: Macmillan, 2011, pp. [179] The Iranian abrogation of the 1937 treaty marked the beginning of a period of acute Iraqi-Iranian tension that was to last until the Algiers Accords of 1975. [228] For much of 1978, Mohammad Reza saw his enemies as "Marxist" revolutionaries rather than Islamists. The mausoleum and its surroundings stretched over an area of 9,000 square metres, and was 25 metres high (without the cupola on the top), that is to say, its height was 7 metres shorter than the dome of the neighbouring Shah Abdolazim Mosque. [179] The fact that Iraq had welcomed the former SAVAK chief General Teymur Bakhtiar to Baghdad, where he regularly met with representatives of the Tudeh Party and the Confederation of Iranian Students, added to the difficult relations between Iran and Iraq. [47], During his time in Switzerland, Mohammad Reza befriended Ernest Perron introducing Mohammad Reza to French poetry and under his influence Chateaubriand and Rabelais became his "favorite French authors". A spokesman for the Shah Abdolazim shrine said the body was not Pahlavi's. "[188] Consequently, the Americans badly needed Iran as an ally, which allowed Mohammad Reza to dictate to them. [319] In his 1961 book Mission for My Country, Mohammad Reza wrote: From the time I was six or seven, I have felt that perhaps there is a supreme being, who is guiding me. [202] As an Iranian, Mohammad Reza greatly enjoyed supporting the Greek branch of the House of Glücksburg, knowing the Greeks still celebrated their victories over the Persians in the 5th and 4th centuries BC. Milani, Abbas The Shah, London: Macmillan, 2011, pp. [152] Mohammad Reza's office was functional whose ceilings and walls were decorated with Qajar art. [79] In his statements at the time and later, Mohammad Reza credited his easy success in Azerbaijan to his "mystical power". [237] In October 1978, after flying over a huge demonstration in Tehran in his helicopter, Mohammad Reza accused the British ambassador Sir Anthony Parsons and the American ambassador William H. Sullivan of organising the demonstrations, screaming that he was being "betrayed" by the United Kingdom and the United States. [55], In the midst of World War II in 1941, Nazi Germany began Operation Barbarossa and invaded the Soviet Union, breaking the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact. [340] Mohammad Reza was also known for his interest in cars and had a personal collection of 140 classic and sports cars including a Mercedes-Benz 500K Autobahn cruiser, one of only six ever made. Abbas Milani, The Persian Sphinx: Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution, Mage Publishers, 1 October 2003; Milani, Abbas The Shah, London: Macmillan, 2011, p. 389. [86][90] The Tudeh were nonetheless blamed and persecuted. Have they been transferred too, as indicated by some sources? One day, he was full of verve and optimism and the next day or hour he fell into a catatonic stupor," bringing the entire government to a halt. [64] Suffering from angina, a frail Foroughi was summoned to the Palace and appointed prime minister when Reza Shah feared the end of the Pahlavi dynasty once the Allies invaded Iran in 1941. [255] Spontaneous attacks by members of the public on statues of the Pahlavis followed, and "within hours, almost every sign of the Pahlavi dynasty" was destroyed. Reza Shah's Mausoleum (Persian: آرامگاه‌ رضا شاه), located in Ray south of Tehran, was the burial ground of Reza Shah Pahlavi (1878–1944), the penultimate Shahanshah (Emperor) of Iran. [177] He justified his move by arguing that almost all river borders all over the world ran along the thalweg (deep channel mark), and by claiming that because most of the ships that used the Shatt al-Arab were Iranian, the 1937 treaty was unfair to Iran. The monarch also actively extends his influence to all phases of social affairs ... there is hardly any activity or vocation in which the Shah or members of his family or his closest friends do not have a direct or at least a symbolic involvement. [121] During this period, Mohammad Reza sought the support of the ulema, and resumed the traditional policy of persecuting those Iranians who belonged to the Baháʼí Faith, allowing the chief Baháʼí temple in Tehran to be razed in 1955 and bringing in a law banning the Baháʼí from gathering together in groups. Kermit Roosevelt returned to Iran on 13 July 1953, and again on 1 August 1953, in his first meeting with the king. [275], It has been argued that the White Revolution was "shoddily planned and haphazardly carried out", upsetting the wealthy while not going far enough to provide for the poor or offer greater political freedom. [132] However, even after the marriage, it is reported that the Shah still had great love for Soraya, and it is reported that they met several times after their divorce and that she lived her post-divorce life comfortably as a wealthy lady, even though she never remarried;[133] being paid a monthly salary of about $7,000 from Iran. The assassin was killed before he reached the royal quarters, but two civilian guards died protecting the Shah. [220] Khomeini's supporters had brought in audio tapes of his sermons, and Mohammad Reza was angry with one sermon, alleging corruption on his part, and decided to hit back with the article, despite the feeling at the court, SAVAK and Ettela'at editors that the article was an unnecessary provocation that was going to cause trouble. While school attendance rose (by 1966 the school attendance of urban seven- to fourteen-year-olds was estimated at 75.8%), Iran's labour market could not absorb a high number of educated youth. The couple remained together for twenty one years, until the Shah's death. The Pahlavi dynasty is an Iranian royal dynasty of Mazandarani ethnicity. [48] Perron lived in Iran until his death in 1961 and as the best friend of Mohammad Reza was a man of considerable behind-the-scenes power. [77] However, the Pishevari regime remained in power in Tabriz, and Mohammad Reza sought to undercut Qavam's attempts to make an agreement with Pishevari as way of getting rid of both. The sudden cut-off of Iranian support in March 1975 left the Kurds very exposed, causing them to be crushed by Iraq. [227] Milani wrote that the Shah was in 1978 "beset with depression, indecision and paralysis, and his indecision led to the immobilisation of the entire system. The Shah's diagnosis of cancer would not be revealed to him until 1978. [72], My dear son, since the time I resigned in your favour and left my country, my only pleasure has been to witness your sincere service to your country. I achieve more than the Swedes ... Huh! The list showed that the Pahlavi dynasty had interests in, amongst other things, 17 banks and insurance companies, including a 90 per cent ownership in the nation's third-largest insurance company, 25 metal enterprises, 8 mining companies, 10 building materials companies, including 25 per cent of the largest cement company, 45 construction companies, 43 food companies, and 26 enterprises in trade or commerce, including a share of ownership in almost every major hotel in Iran; the Pahlavis also had major interests in real estate. [139] On 2 May 1961, a teacher's strike involving 50,000 people began in Iran, which Mohammad Reza believed was the work of the CIA. [113] Supporters of the banned National Front were persecuted, but in his first important decision as leader, Mohammad Reza intervened to ensure most of the members of the National Front brought to trial, such as Mosaddegh himself, were not executed as many had expected.

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