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yo kai watch tsukumono

Dianyan is a Yo-kai of the Charming tribe. #156 7: Happierre . [87], Unlike in its native Japan where it experienced a short period of great popularity, Yo-kai Watch had an overall underwhelming performance in the United States. Currently, it's only able to work within Japan, as other locations do not mostly work outside of Japan. In this series I will be playing through the entire game on the 3DS. Ukiukipedia Despite not meeting Level-5's expectations in the United States, the franchise still enjoyed a successful U.S. launch, with the original 3DS game selling 400,000 units, as well as toys and an airing of the TV series on Disney XD in the United States on October 5, 2015. Forgot account? A free expansion for the two Yo-kai Watch Blasters games called Getto-gumi (月兎組, "Moon Rabbit Crew") was released on December 12, 2015, adding characters and settings featured in second anime feature film Yo-kai Watch: Enma Daiō to Itsutsu no Monogatari da Nyan!. Move over, Mikami. [17][18][19] Yo-kai Watch 2 expands the areas to be explored, with nearly 100 new Yo-kai in the present day of the Kemamoto region (called Harrisville outside of Japan) and the past, where the player time travels to meets traditional Yo-kai and sees their grandfather, who made the predecessor to the Yo-kai Watch. Linked Together Pokémon the Movie: Black—Victini and Reshiram and White—Victini and Zekrom, Inazuma Eleven GO: Kyūkyoku no Kizuna Gurifon, Pokémon the Movie: Kyurem vs. the Sword of Justice, Pokémon the Movie: Genesect and the Legend Awakened, Pokémon the Movie: Diancie and the Cocoon of Destruction, Pokémon the Movie: Hoopa and the Clash of Ages, Pokémon the Movie: Volcanion and the Mechanical Marvel, Eiga Kamisama Minarai: Himitsu no Cocotama: Kiseki o Okose ♪ Tepple to Dokidoki Cocotama Kai. Log In. The way [the gathering] is “staged”⁴ should be “shin” [眞]⁵, while it is better … [58], The series is being released on DVD box sets, along with rental DVDs, in Japan by Kadokawa Media Factory. She has a skull for a head with a crack on top. Yo-kai Watch (Japanese: 妖怪ウォッチ, Hepburn: Yōkai Wotchi) is a role-playing video game developed and published by Level-5 for the Nintendo 3DS and the first game in the Yo-kai Watch franchise. Yo-kai Watch is a franchise that revolves around monster-like creatures known as Yo-Kai – a little similar to Pokemon, Digimon, and the Shin Megami Tensei franchises. #292 Search. Yo-kai Listing No. Psychic Specters featured characters and scenarios not initially included in Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls. #YW4-021#YD8-020 Yo-kai are Real / The Spooky Intersection 22m. 5320 The first one, Yo-kai Watch: The Movie, was released in Japan on December 20, 2014,[54] [68][69] The third season premiered on July 2, 2018, on Disney XD US, and ended on December 29, 2018. A comic book series was announced in January 2017, courtesy of IDW Publishing, and was released in May 2017.[43][44]. settings. Yo-Kai Watch. Yo-kai Watch Jam: Yo-kai Academy Y: Encounter with N started airing on December 27, 2019. Debut, Dub Cast Revealed", "Yo-Kai Watch listed for October 3rd premiere on Teletoon", "How Yokai Watch Was Engineered To Be A Massive Hit", "What the heck is Yo-Kai Watch ? [97] Other merchandise had to wait longer because of the long licensing wait times. See also: Food The main video game series is a role-playing video game where the player befriends Yo-kai, and fights the bad ones that seek to rule over the world. Publisher: Nintendo. A third version, Psychic Specters, was released on December 12, 2014[20] to coincide with the first Yo-kai Watch film Yo-kai Watch: Tanjō no Himitsu da Nyan!. Vanguard: High School Arc Cont. Yo-kai Watch Blasters: Befriendable Yo-kai. Rubinyan, along with the other Jewelnyans as they appear in EP161. [88], Even the president of Level-5, Akihiro Hino, was surprised by Yo-kai Watch's popularity. While introducing some new Yo-kai, some elements of Shadowside still retain in the new series, like the Yo-kai Arks, and the Shadowside Tribes that were used, for example. "Topanyan" is a portmanteau of "Topaz" and "nyan", the onomatopoeia for the sound a cat makes. Rate. Yo-kai Watch 2: Befriendable Yo-kai. Blasters It was announced on November 15, 2019, that Yo-kai Watch! 1 Biology 2 Game data 2.1 Stats 2.2 Combat Data 3 Etymology Komagnet is a komainu Yo-kai with Yellow flaming eyebrows, and purple eyes. Yo-kai Watch 4: Befriendable Yo-kai. Tamagotchi: Happiest Story in the Universe! It was announced on November 15, 2019, that Yo-kai Watch! The following is a Yo-Kai Database. If you own the original YO-KAI WATCH game, you can get one of three special Yo-kai in the YO-KAI WATCH 2: Bony Spirits or YO-KAI WATCH 2: Fleshy Souls game by using data from your Nintendo 2DS or Nintendo 3DS system. Jibanyan ist das neue Maskottchen Japans und hat Pikachu mittlerweile seinen Stellenwert bei den Kindern abgenommen. A grade-school boy liberates a mythical being, Whisper, who rewards him with a watch that can detect supernatural creatures called Yo-kai. Enjoy. An anime television series produced by OLM, Inc. began airing in Japan from January 2014 and was a ratings success, boosting the franchise in popularity,[7] and began airing in North America from October 2015. 5. An English dub, produced by Dentsu Entertainment USA, started airing on the Disney XD channel on October 5, 2015, in the United States, Canada's Teletoon on October 10, 2015, and 9Go! 1 Biology 2 Profile 2.1 Yo-kai Watch anime series 3 Gallery 4 Trivia Dianyan is a pure diamondYo-kaiwith big black eyes. S3 E26 22m. all; season 3; season 1; season 3. Yo-Kai Grand Prix! An alternative English dub began airing on Cartoon Network Asia and Toonami Asia in Asian countries from June 27, 2015. Yo-k… A series by Noriyuki Konishi began serialization in CoroCoro Comic from December 15, 2012. It also features new models of the Yo-kai Watch called the "Yo-kai Watch Model U"[47] and the "Yo-kai Watch Dream" model. 7. Topanyan (Japanese: トパニャン, Topanyan) is a Rank A, Lightning-attribute Rare Yo-kai of the Charming tribe. [English Gameplay] - Duration: 36:28. Rate. During the anime's run, other Yo-kai were introduced. [72], The first movie was also brought over, as a special screening one day screening, on October 15, 2016. It has a higher focus on comedy than the games. The basic plot for most of the media is that the main character (either Nate or Katie) obtains a Yo-kai Watch through Whisper, a butler Yo-kai. 187,050 likes. Yo-kai Watch! Yo-kai Watch Der Film: Enma Daio to Itsutsu no Monogatari da Nyan! WibWob "[90][91] They were the second most popular characters in Japan, in a survey by Video Research Ltd.[92] Explanations for its popularity ranged from catchy songs and dances,[93] to being something parents and kids could enjoy together,[87] to "weird adults" not being interested in it. Descripción Valoraciones (0) Información del vendedor Más productos Descripción. The game is played much like Bandai's other Data Carddass games, in which the player uses an interface resembling a slot machine to determine the events of a battle between 3 of the player's Yo-kai against 3 enemy Yo-kai, after the player sought them out on the game interface. Yo-kai Watch is a children's anime series based on the video game of the same name … Despite the franchise's unsatisfactory western response, it maintains a cult following. [83] In January 2018, McDonald's began offering Yo-kai Watch toys in US Happy Meals, alongside the much more popular Shopkins. Watch full episodes of Yo-kai Watch online. Battle all-new bosses, meet over 600 Yo-kai, and use a new 3x3 grid battle system to strategically dish out attacks in YO-KAI WATCH 3 for Nintendo 3DS systems. Search. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A manga series based on Yo-kai Watch Blasters by Atsushi Ohba began serialization in CoroCoro Comic in June 2015[42] and ended in October of that year. [8][9] An animated film was released in December 2014; with three more films being produced. Availability: In-store / Downloadable. [37] A free update for both games, Moon Rabbit Crew, was released on September 27, 2018.[38]. Attribute Page Transparency See More. Yo-kai Watch Trailer. 1) y Suzuri Sumeragi (ep. The other half of the game focuses on a new character, Hailey Anne Thomas, and her partner Yo-kai Usapyon, who run a detective agency together. [104] By the time the third games were released, in 2016, it was on a downward slope with the game launching with about half of what the second games did, with 632,135 units[105] and the third version of the game launched with half of what the first versions sold with 337,979 units. He also jokingly requested Etsuko Kozakura and Tomokazu Seki, who voice Jibanyan and Whisper respectively, to "study English". The second season features a new protagonist named Hailey Anne Thomas and her Yo-kai companion Usapyon. [74], The English version of the anime dub used a cast from Sprite Animation Studios for the first two seasons, but they were replaced in the third season with actors from SDI Media due to budget costs and low ratings on Disney XD.[75]. [71] The first season's second volume was released on September 3, 2019. 1. Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page. Trivia. It works similarly to the Shadowside forms of Yo-kai Watch Shadowside.. Information . Rank It is a sequel of the original Yo-kai Watch series co-produced by OLM and Magic Bus.It premiered on TXN on April 5, 2019. Yo-kai Watch Der Film: Sora Tobu Kujira to Double no Sekai no Daibōken da Nyan! YO-KAI WATCH. Preview . on December 14, 2015. Originally released in Japan on July 11, 2013, the game is based on the Yōkai of Japanese folklore, who are said to be ghosts and apparitions that cause mischief in daily life. from April 2015. Watch full episodes of Yo-kai Watch online. (妖怪ウォッチ!, Yōkai Wotchi!) According to his Yo-kai Keystone, he is classified as the Tsukumono tribe. The Data Carddass game Yo-kai Watch: Tomodachi UkiUkipedia (妖怪ウォッチ ともだちウキウキペディア) was first location tested in late December 2013, and debuted at the Next Generation World Hobby Fair Winter 2014 before being released in early 2014. An enhanced version, Yo-kai Watch 4++, was later released both as paid DLC as well as at retail for both the Switch and PlayStation 4 on December 5, 2019. Scan Topanyan's Yo-kai Medal QR code at Piggleston Bank to obtain a Topaz Coin. Effect This is the only way to get one of these unique Yo-kai in the game! The franchise is also popular in Europe, with the original game's sales out pacing the Japanese release as of October 2016. This was changed to shorts in the English dub. [40] In other countries (like Europe, for example), it is under the Kazé imprint. Topanyan can be battled and befriended in the Ambrosia Pavilion along with other Jewelnyans. 3. shows. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. This is the third series based on Level 5's Yo-kai Watch franchise, and the successor to Yo-kai Watch Shadowside.. Imagine summoning Yo-kai by inserting the medal into the Yo-kai watch toy to hear the character's name, tribe song, and other sounds. Er existiert seit Yo-kai Watch. [6] 3 main sequels and several spinoffs, on both Nintendo and mobile platforms, have been released. Yo-kai Watch's is designed for younger players--but don't that let discourage you from giving it a go. Rate. Thunder (hits faraway enemy. In December 2019, they expanded to PlayStation with the release of Yo-kai Watch 4++. Kids can get started exploring the wacky world of the Yo-kai with the Yo-kai Watch! [88], When the anime first aired, in 2014, the franchise became really popular in Japan. You can take this quiz to find out which Yo-kai you’re most like! It also won 3 other awards: The Best Sales Award, and two Excellence Awards (for the 2nd game and its third version). 3. Get behind-the-scenes and extras all on Disney XD. Robonyan F(Japanese:ロボニャンF型Robonyan Efu-gata) is a robotic Yo-kai of the Tough tribe who made his debut in EP009. #222 Around Topanyan's belly is a pure goldy collar, which has a light green sphere hanging from it. 4. Science-fiction enthusiast Hailey Anne has a supernatural encounter with what she thinks is an alien and a "Space Watch," but turns out to be a Yo-kai named Usapyon, and a Yo-kai Watch. Onechanside (Japanese: ワンチャンサイド Wanchan Saido) is a new form taken by Yo-kai introduced in the Yo-kai Watch! [87] This was largely due to hype building for two games that were coming from Nintendo's Pokémon franchise, the Pokémon Go smartphone app and Pokémon Sun and Moon for the 3DS. [61][62], At the premiere of the Yo-kai Watch film, Level-5's president Akihiro Hino officially announced that the Yo-kai Watch anime would begin broadcast internationally in 2015. Whether born from The YO-KAI WATCH game is about hundreds of sometimes cute, sometimes spooky, and usually mischievous Yo-kai that inhabit our world. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. YO-KAI WATCH. connect; This site uses cookies to give you the best experience possible. [107], In addition to the wake of Pokémon's renewed popularity, analysts had a few other theories on why Yo-kai Watch was falling. 0. The original Yo-kai Watch game received a score of 36/40 from Famitsu,[84] with its sequel Yo-kai Watch 2 also scoring 36/40. In December 2019, they expanded to PlayStation with the release of Yo-kai Watch 4++. 1. Mischievous Yo-kai are everywhere in the YO-KAI WATCH 3 game for the Nintendo 3DS family of systems. YO-KAI are, quite simply, YO-KAI. "While I did believe that it would get its break, honestly, to have it come this far, where the children of Japan would get so hopped-up on Yo-kai, to the point where all the goods would sell out, is something I didn’t expect. Yo-kai Watch 4 was released for the Nintendo Switch in Japan on June 20, 2019. As soon as the button is released, the watch will summon a large ghostly entity with a large mouth that will eat the human and subsequently spit them out as a Yo-kai. If you're a fan of yo kai watch [16] It sets the foundation for the rest of the video game franchise, introducing all of the main mechanics. On June 27, 2018, Level-5 and GungHo Online Entertainment announced the release of Yo-kai Watch World, in a special live stream on that day. In the series, the art style was different from the current designs, like the early design of the Yo-kai Watch, and also has different character personalities. Yo-kai Watch: Forever Friends; Yo-kai Watch Jam Der Film - Yo-kai … Sangokushi Thank you for continuing to localize the Yo-kai Watch manga. Six manga adaptations have also been produced; one, a series that began serialization in Shogakukan's CoroCoro Comic from December 2012, became an award winner. Originally released in Japan on July 11, 2013, the game is based on the Yōkai of Japanese folklore, who are said to be ghosts and apparitions that cause mischief in daily life. They then befriend Jibanyan, a cat Yo-kai who haunts an intersection because he thinks his owner from when he was alive named Amy called him lame for getting hit by a truck. Yo-kai? or. The second main game in the series, was released in Japan on July 10, 2014 as two versions, Bony Spirits and Fleshy Souls. Rate. #4014 Find out about Nate, the hero of the story, and his hometown of Springdale, which is filled with invisible Yo-kai that only Nate can see. Sie schauen Yo-Kai Watch und sind wie du herausgefunden hast absolute Jibanyan Fans. Responde en 7 días. [109], 本日11/15(金)発売の「月刊コロコロコミック」(小学館)にて、『妖怪ウォッチ4++』「映画 妖怪学園Y 猫はHEROになれるか」「妖怪学園Y ~Nとの遭遇~」の紹介記事が掲載されています!ぜひ、ご覧ください!レベルファイブ (@LEVEL5_times), Yo-kai Watch Dance: Just Dance Special Version. In Yo-kai Watch!, he is now a Onechanside Yo-kai of the Tsukumono tribe. Shogakukan Asia also licensed the series in the Philippines. Loosely based on the main Yo-kai Watch series, a manga series by Noriyuki Konishi started serialization before the release of Yo-kai Watch on the 3DS, and the debut of the original Yo-kai Watch anime. About See All. [48] In February 2018, a sequel series titled Yo-kai Watch Shadowside started airing after the original series ended on March 30, 2018. Yo-kai Watch Shadowside: Oniou no fukkatsu; Yo-kai Watch Der Film: Tanjo no Himitsu da nyan! So that's where this translation mod project comes into play! Topanyan (Japanese: トパニャン, Topanyan) is a Rank A, Lightning-attribute Rare Yo-kai of the Charming tribe. Mimikin has a fixation on mimicking people, often doing so poorly in order to make fun of them. In the original anime, all opening themes are performed by King Cream Soda, with lyrics by m.o.v.e vocalist Motsu. It is a sequel of the original Yo-kai Watch series co-produced by OLM and Magic Bus.It premiered on TXN on April 5, 2019. [33] The first two versions of the game, Aka Neko-dan (赤猫団, "Red Cat Troupe") and Shiro Inu-tai (白犬隊, "White Dog Corps"), were released on July 11, 2015.

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