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zeltron hair colors

The subject of this article appeared in the Rise of the Empire era. After becoming a bounty hunter, she tended to keep her hair up. Eye Color. I am looking to get an illustration of a new character concept for an SWSE character that I've made. Under my control." I've heard everything from purple to white to black, and can't seem to find confirmation for any of them. Members. Klasse Members of the species are found throughout the galaxy, for they enjoy … The sleek symmetry of The first was that they all produce potent pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which enhanced their attractiveness and likeability. Table of Contents. Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin and hair, which came in different shades of red ranging from almost white to pink to deep red. Basic Information Aliases: "Gav" Age: 27 Height: 1.8 m Weight: 145 lbs. Though their first inclination was to love, if pushed to do so, Zeltrons could prove to be formidable warriors. See more ideas about beautiful dresses, star wars costumes, gorgeous gowns. The third trait was their empathic ability, allowing them to read and ev… The second is the ability to project emotions onto others, creating a type of control. You can pull off so many hairstyles and colors with this complexion. Zeltron – Star Wars Fanon – The Star Wars wiki of fan invention. It was said that Zeltrons tended to look familiar to other people, even if they had never met them. Pink/red skin, red or blue hair, capable of producing powerful pheromones. Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. Explore. Chantique Loine was a female Zeltron assassin that lived from the early Imperial Period to the Post-Legacy era. The first was that they all produce potent pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which enhanced their attractiveness and likeability. Average Height/Weight: A typical Zeltron male stands at 1.8 meters tall and weighs 70 kilograms, while a typical Zeltron … At some point before Kayla was born, her mother Shasta fell in love with the Zeltron man Jyn Landeskog. They were also known for being extremely gullible. 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Az is a chill Zeltron and doesn't like much social interaction. Zeltrons were often stereotyped as lazy thrill-seekers, owing to their hedonistic pursuits. As a Zeltron, Pinky was considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even humanoid standards. Zeltron. Mixing buttery tones and honey blonde to create an overall golden, sun-kissed hue can add vibrancy to skin tones without washing them out. Galactic Basic Standard That way all of those near human races like Zeltron could be made easily. Average lifespan: Up to 80 standard years Move: 10/12 Description: Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. Zeltrons were known to dress in wildly colorful or revealing attire. Just consult our guide to blonde hair color ideas—then pick up a box of at-home blonde hair dye or book an appointment at the salon for your mane makeover! Unused to military discipline, but trustworthy at all times." Zeltros[1] But a genetic defect was created between the blond Human hair color and red Zeltron hair color giving Kayla pink hair. Zeltron Female Jedi (RPG Character) [Mercy] Maverick Member since: 2008 Forums. Work In Progress The Zeltron Fixer. Her hair was actually a slick black color, which she kept in a ponytail when she was younger. 1 Biography 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Clone Wars 2 Behind the Scenes 3 Appearances At a young age, Aalto was … Light pink to deep crimson[1] See more ideas about Star wars rpg, Star wars, Star wars art. What about Zeltron? Zeltrons were one of the few near-Human races who had differentiated from the baseline stock enough to be considered a new species of the Human genus, rather than simply a subspecies. Zeltron culture was highly influenced by sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure in general. In addition to their inherent physical beauty, Zeltrons also possess skin tones and hair colors that vary from light pink to deep crimson. 1/ Details. Descubre (y guarda) tus propios Pines en Pinterest. January 23, 2021 Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The first was that they all produce potent pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which enhanced their attractiveness and likeability. Chronological and political information. Average height Medium skin tones are very versatile. The first is that all can produce pheromones, similar to the Falleenspecies, which further enhances their attractiveness. Average lifespan The first was that all could produce pheromones, similar to the Falleen species, which further enhanced their attractiveness. Species: Zeltron Homeworld: Coruscant Skin Color: Pale, nearly-human Eye Color: Amethyst Hair Color: Blackish-purple Occupation: Freighter Pilot/Space Pirate Description: Fairly-attractive among the Zeltronian race; youthful appearance, often belying the true extent of his experience. Purple. Vega Soleil is a Star Wars Roleplay Character. And we have spared them that - anxiety, fear, guilt. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Family History 3.2 Early Life 4 Training and Skills 4.1 Battle Skills 4.1.1 Lightsaber 4.1.2 Blaster 5 Timeline Cosgrove had waist-length, very light hair and slate grey eyes. They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical, practice. The subject of this article appeared in the Old Republic era. They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical, practice. Personally I would like a race like Star Trek Online has. Her biological parents were Shasta Moonreaper and Jyn Landeskog. Physical characteristics A humanoid race best known for their skin and hair colour (which can range from bright red to pink) and their aversion to all things labor, the Zeltrons are a humanoid species from the planet Zeltros in the Outer Rim. Zeltrons are one of the few near-Human races who have differentiated from the baseline stock enough to be considered a new species of the Human genus, rather than simply a subspecies. [Source]. 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Beginning of Assassin Career 1.3 Against the Rebellion 1.4 … Much of Zeltron culture is devoted to the pursuit of pleasure, sexual or otherwise (mostly sexual). They were also very gifted with holograms, and were the creators of Hologram Fun World. Zeltron culture was highly influenced by sexuality and the pursuit of pleasure in general. Discover (and save!) Sentient Hair Color. The subject of this article appeared in the Rebellion era. Zeltrons embrace a lifestyle of hedonism, view monogamy as impractical and have produced some of the most risqué art in the history of the galaxy. Zeltron Designation Sentient Classification Near-Human Homeworld Zeltros Language Basic Height of average adult 1.7 to 2.2 meters Skin color Shades of red Hair color Red Blue Black Eye color Standard … I would absolutely pay CC for that. Red, blue, or brown It was common to see Zeltrons wearing shockingly bright shades of neon colors in wildly designed bikinis, or nearly skin tight clothing of other sorts with bizarre color designs, patterns, and symbols. The second was the ability to project emotions onto others, creating a type of control. Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair which could be red or blue. Most of them were considered … Zeltrons were one of the few near-Human races who had differentiated from the baseline stock enough to be considered a new species of the Human genus, rather than simply a subspecies. Homeworld Mar 6, 2016 - Explore Caitlin Reynolds's board "zeltron diplomat" on Pinterest. Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin and hair, which came in different shades of red ranging from almost white to pink to deep red. If you have this skin, you can wear beautiful hues that create contrasting highlights to your hair. Indeed, their homeworld of Zeltros thrived as a luxury world and "party planet," as much for their own good as for others. Hair Color: Red: Eye Color: Emerald Green: Physical Description: Sassy, with long red hair usually braided down to the top of her ass. Niebur Boton was a Force-sensitive female Zeltron who came from the world of … Kayla Moonreaper was a Near-Human hybrid (half Human, half Zeltron). Zeltrons were one of the few near-Human races who had differentiated from the baseline stock enough to be considered a new species of the Human genus, rather than simply a subspecies. Meredith Cosgrove, nicknamed Merry, was a Jedi padawan in the Old Republic era. Zeltron … Skin color Light pink to deep crimson. Another difference between Zeltrons and Humans was the presence of a second liver, which allowed Zeltrons to enjoy a larger number of alcoholic beverages than other humanoids. No products in the cart. Hair color: Red, blue, or brown Distinctions: Pink/red skin, red or blue hair, capable of producing powerful pheromones. She has 3 friends, all of whom she loves to talk to. It was said that Zeltrons tended to look familiar to other people, even if they had never met them. The Droids are the one who are free. Does anyone have suggestions on bodypaint brands that don't stain skin? Average lifespan: Up to 80 standard years Move: 10/12 Description: Zeltrons were a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin which came in different shades of red ranging from light pink to deep red, and hair … Finished Requests. Distinctions … Zeltrons are a near-Human species, made physically distinctive by their skin and hair, which comes in different shades of red ranging from pink to deep red to black. 1.8 meters[1] They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical, practice. Most of them were considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even some non-humanoid standards. She is athletic and has curves in all the right places. Most of them were considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even some non-humanoid standards. If anyone wasn't having a good time on Zeltros, the Zeltrons would certainly know of it, and would do their best to correct it. The subject of this article appeared in the New Jedi Order era. Pheromones, Telepathic Abilities, Two Livers. They looked upon monogamy as a quaint, but impractical state. The second was a limited telepathic ability, used to project emotions onto others, as well as allowing them to read and even feel the emotions of others; some Zeltrons were hired by the Exchange for this ability. They were also known for being extremely gullible. She was of average height and build. They were also very gifted with holograms, and were the creators of Hologram Fun World. The Zeltron … your own Pins on Pinterest Indeed, their homeworld of Zeltros thrived as a luxury world and "party planet," as much for their own good as for others. Though their first inclination was to love, if pushed to do so, Zeltrons could prove to be formidable warriors. 3.1/ Female; 3.2/ Male; 3.3/ Public Custom Images; A humanoid race best known for their skin and hair colour (which can range … Most of their art and literature was devoted to the subject, producing some of the raciest pieces in the galaxy. Best Hair Color for Blue Eyes and Medium and Tan Skin Tone. Most are considered highly attractive by Human, near-Human, and even humanoid standards. Skin color Zeltrons were one of the few near-Human races who had differentiated from the baseline stock enough to be considered a new species of the Human genus, rather than simply a subspecies. The Zeltrons are a near-human race native to the planet Zel III and Zeltros. Zeltron. She actually created a Zeltron in a roleplay (forum one) and loved roleplaying her in the … Aalto was a Force-sensitive male Zeltron who lived during the waning years of the Galactic Republic. Distinctions. Most Zeltrons were in excellent physical shape, and their incredible metabolisms allowed them to eat even the richest of foods. See more ideas about beautiful dresses, star wars costumes, gorgeous gowns. Star Wars Species Hair Color Bodycon Dress Female Stars Dresses Fashion Moda Gowns. Meredith Cosgrove, nicknamed Merry, was a Jedi padawan in the Old Republic era. Silis Luxon was a female Zeltron who was kidnapped/rescued from the Red Darkness by Kelen Daierhun, who later became her husband. Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 8: Flashpoint, Part 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 10: Flashpoint, Part 3, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 14: Days of Fear, Part 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Nights of Anger, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Daze of Hate, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 22: Knights of Suffering, Part 1, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 23: Knights of Suffering, Part 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 28: Vector, Part 4, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 30: Exalted, Part 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 31: Turnabout, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Prophet Motive, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 38: Faithful Execution, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Dueling Ambitions, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 42: Masks, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: The Reaping, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic: Destroyer, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 47: Demon, Part 1, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 48: Demon, Part 2, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 49: Demon, Part 3, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, Star Wars 87: Still Active After All These Years, Star Wars Miniatures: Legacy of the Force advertisement, Whenever a Zeltron became angry, his or her skin turned a deeper red.3 A Zeltron boy served as a youngling in the Jedi Order during the last decades of the Galactic Republic's reign and often sparred with the human youngling Caleb Dume.1 Lorica Demaris, who joined the Resistance, was a female Zeltron… They are red skinned and haired and are empathic. 1 Biography 1.1 Early life 1.2 Order 66 1.3 Artus Prime 1.4 Battle of Artus … Zeltron Homeworld: Zeltros: Language: Zeltron Average Height: 1.7m Hair Color: Any shade of red Skin Color: Anywhere from pink to deep red Distinctive Features: Red skin tone and hair, beauty Zeltrons are a species of near humans that push the definition of that term nearly to the edge. Because of their telepathic ability, positive emotions such as happiness, love and pleasure became very important to them, while negative ones such as anger, fear, or depression were shunned. Hair color Red, blue, or brown Distinctions Pink/red skin, red or blue hair… Kage has Grey hair Haven't found the way to change the youngling version hair color yet if anyone knows and would like to share To Install Just place Pak In Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order\SwGame\Content\Paks To Uninstall Remove The Pak From Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order… "Can only be part of a coherent strategy when supervised closely. Height: 5.4ft Homeworld: Zeltros. 1 Appearance 2 Personality 3 Biography 3.1 Family History 3.2 Early Life 4 Training and Skills 4.1 Battle Skills 4.1.1 Lightsaber 4.1.2 Blaster 5 Timeline Cosgrove had waist-length, very light hair … Zeltrons were known to dress in wildly colorful or revealing attire. Luxa Goss was a Zeltron Padawan who was the twin brother of Marruc Goss. Gender: Female Hair color: Blue Eye color: Blue Born: 32 BBY Died: 0 BBY Era(s): Rise of the Empire Era Affiliation: Jedi Order, Order of the Sith, Rebellion It was common to see Zeltrons wearing shockingly bright shades of neon colors in wildly designed bikinis, or nearly skin tight clothing of other sorts with bizarre color … The second was a limited telepathic ability, used to projec… Zeltrons were a humanoid sentient species whose skin varied in shades of red. Sociocultural Characteristics. Sociocultural characteristics . The subject of this article appeared in the New Republic era. Skin color. Despite Leia's dislike of Zeltrons, Admiral Gial Ackbar felt it … In addition to their inherent physical beauty, Zeltrons also possess skin tones and hair colors that vary from light pink to deep crimson. They possessed two biological traits of note.

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