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Henrietta Anne Stuart av England, född 16 juni 1644 i Exeter, död 30 juni 1670, på franska kallad Henriette d'Angleterre, och var ibland familjärt känd som Minette, var en fransk prinsessa, hertiginna av Orléans; gift med den franske prinsen hertig Filip av Frankrike, Hertig av Orléans.. 30 czerwca 1670) – najmłodsze dziecko króla Anglii - Karola I i Henrietty Marii Burbon. Henrietta, Princess Royal of England, daughter of King Charles I. an historical novel, By the Comtesse de La Fayette. Henriette d'Angleterre (16 juin 1644, Exeter, Angleterre - 30 juin 1670, château de Saint-Cloud, France), appelée aussi Henriette-Anne Stuart, en anglais Henrietta Anne Stuart of England, fille du roi Charles Ier d'Angleterre et d Henrietta Anne Stuart By suburbanbeatnik Watch 165 Favourites 40 Comments 8K Views This is the first in a projected series of costume portraits, to be used for Group IDs for . 16 czerwca 1644, zm. Henriëtta Anne van Engeland (Exeter, 16 juni 1644 — Saint-Cloud, 30 juni 1670) was de jongste dochter van de Engelse koning Karel I en diens echtgenote koningin Henriëtta Maria van Frankrijk. Prinzessin Henrietta Anne Stuart (* 16. Juni 1644 in Exeter; † 30. Anne of Denmark (Danish: Anna; 12 December 1574 – 2 March 1619) was Queen of Scotland, England, and Ireland by marriage to King James VI and I. Henriette d'Angleterre (16 juin 1644, Exeter, Angleterre - 30 juin 1670, château de Saint-Cloud, France), appelée aussi Henriette-Anne Stuart, en anglais Henrietta Anne Stuart of England, est la fille du roi Charles I er d'Angleterre et d'Écosse et de la reine Henriette Marie de France.. Looking for Henrietta Anne Stuart? Discover life events, stories and photos about Henrietta Anne Stuart (1644–1670) of Exeter, Devon, England. Juni 1670 in Saint-Cloud), auch Henriette Anne von England und französisch Henriette Anne d’Angleterre, war Prinzessin von England und durch ihre Vermählung Maria Henriëtte Stuart, Engels: Mary Henrietta (Londen, 4 november 1631 — aldaar, 24 december 1660), Princess Royal en Prinses van Oranje-Nassau, was de oudste dochter van koning Karel I en zijn vrouw Henriëtta Maria. Juni 1670 in Saint Cloud), auch Henriette Anne von England und französisch Henriette d’Angleterre Henrietta Anna Stuart, fr. (Henrietta Anne STUART) Madame Princesse d'Angleterrre, Duchesse d'Orléans Née le 15 juin 1644 (mercredi) - à Exeter Décédée le 30 juin 1670 (lundi) - au palais de Saint Cloud,à l'âge de 26 ans Inhumée - à Saint-Denis (le Henrietta-Anne (the "Anne" was added after she was baptized into the Catholic Church) was not reunited with her mother until she was two years old. Zwana była również jako Minette. The daughter of King Charles I and Queen Henrietta Create your free account now to see all the information we have 1 Philippe I Stuart Henrietta Anna angol királyi hercegnő (Henriette d'Angleterre) Henrietta Anna orléans-i hercegné (Pierre Mignard festménye, 1644) Született 1644. június … Dezember 1660 im Palace of Whitehall, ebenda) war eine englische Prinzessin. Op het moment dat Henriëtta werd geboren bereikte de Engelse Burgeroorlog een hoogtepunt. Henriqueta Ana de Inglaterra (Casa Bedford, Exeter, 16 de junho; 26 de junho no calendário juliano de 1644 — Castelo de Saint-Cloud, 30 de junho de 1670) foi a filha mais nova do rei Carlos I de Inglaterra e de sua consorte, Henriqueta Maria da França. Translated from the French Henriëtte Anne Stuart (1644-1670) : een Engelse prinses aan het hof van Lodewijk Henrietta Anne Stuart Connected to: {{::readMoreArticle.title}} aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie {{bottomLinkPreText}} {{bottomLinkText}} This page is based on a Wikipedia article written by contributors (read/edit). Prinzessin Maria, Princess Royal, Prinzessin von Oranien und Gräfin von Nassau (Mary Henrietta Oranien-Nassau, geborene Stuart; * 4. November 1631 im St James’s Palace, London; † 24. ja kuninganna Henrietta Maria tütar. Juni 1644 in Exeter; † 30. We have more information about this person. After Henrietta's father Charles I was beheaded in 1649 and a republic was proclaimed in England , Henrietta's mother made her home at the French court, nominally presided over by her minor nephew, Louis XIV . Henrietta von England, Porträt von Samuel Cooper (um 1665–1670) Prinzessin Henrietta von England (* 16. Henrietta Anne Stuart was born on 16 June 1644 at Bedford House, Exeter, Devon, England G. 4 She was the daughter of Charles I Stuart, King of Great Britain and Henriette Marie de Bourbon, Princesse de France. Maria Henriëtte was de vrouw van stadhouder Willem II van Oranje. Find out information about Henrietta Anne Stuart. With the restoration of Charles's royal dynasty in 1660, Henrietta Anne Stuart was nevertheless a "good match" and married on March 31, 1661 with her cousin Philippe of France, Duke of Orléans, Monsieur, the brother of King Henrietta Anne STUART (Princess) of ENGLAND (after extinction of James II 's line, JACOBITE succession passed through her) Born: 1644 Died: 1670 Lady Diana's 9 … [1] The second daughter of King Frederick II of Denmark, Anne married James in 1589 at age 14 and bore him three … Henrietta Anne, Inglismaa printsess, Orléansi hertsoginna (prantsuse keeles Henriette d'Angleterre) (26. juuni (vkj 16. juuni) 1644 Exeter, Devon – 30. juuni 1670 Saint-Cloud Pariisi lähedal) oli Charles I ja kuninganna Henrietta Maria tütar. 1644–70, duchesse d'Orléans, called Madame; sister-in-law of King Louis XIV of France. Henriette d'Angleterre (ur. Anne Henrietta a Angliei Anne Henrietta a Angliei, portret de Pierre Mignard Date personale Nume la naștere Henrietta Anne Stuart Născută 26 iunie 1644 Bedford House, Exeter, AngliaDecedată 30 … Henrietta Anne Stuart Trattamento Altezza reale Altri titoli Principessa reale d'Inghilterra Nascita Bedford House, Exeter, Inghilterra, 16 giugno 1644 Morte Castello di Saint-Cloud, Francia, 30 giugno 1670 Sepoltura 4 luglio 1670 , Henrietta Anne Stuart, youngest daughter, final line of Charles Anne Marie d'Orléans, second daughter, third line of Henrietta Anne Charles Emmanuel III of Sardinia, second …

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